July 20, 2016 - Planning Board Meeting Minutes


27 School Street


July20, 2016

DATE APPROVED: August 3, 2016

TIME:7:01 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.

CHAIRMAN: Herman Wiegelman



MEMBERS: Gary Sparks,Terry Cutter




EXCUSED: John Penny, Mike Reopel, James C. Bailey

MEMBERS of the PUBLIC: John Segedy, Iris Campbell, Frank Pearsall, Sonia Pearsall,


Vice Chairman Donald Solomon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Herm Wiegelman entered the meeting at 7:02 and Vice Chairman Solomon relinquished the Chair.

Alternate Larry Baker was appointed in place of John Penny.


Chairman Wiegelman entertained a motion to approve the minutes forJune 15, 2016.

Mrs. DeForest made a motion to accept the minutes of July 06, 2016. Mr. Solomon seconded the motion. Mr. Cutter asked why the non public meeting minutes from May 18th needed to be unsealed. He also asked that the reason be recorded in the minutes. Mrs. Payson stated that the motion to enter in to non public session was incomplete as it did not cite the provision of RSA 91:A3 necessary to enter in to non public session. The lack of a roll call vote to enter into non public session was not an issue because the vote was unanimous.

Upon there being no further discussion on the minutes; Chairman Wiegelman called for the vote. The minutes of July 6, 2016 were approved unanimously.


Site Plan Amendment –Design Review

Map 11D Lot 298, Map 11H Lots 305 & 306 and Map 11L Lots 311 & 327-Antrim Road

Large Retail

Mrs. Payson reported to the Board that the applicant was not ready to make a presentation to the Planning Board and has therefore asked to have this matter continued to the meeting of August 3. Gary Sparks made a motion to continue the Public Hearing until the meeting of August 3. Denise Deforest seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Hillsborough/Deering School District

New Sign Discussion

Mrs. Payson reported that a Sign Permit had been submitted by the Hillsborough/Deering School District to replace the existing school sign with a larger sign with an animated panel. Mrs. Payson said that should this sign have been proposed by any business or individual they would have been sent to the ZBA because the sign violated the Sign Ordinance. Governmental uses on Government properties are not bound by local regulations or ordinances. Mrs. Payson was bringing this to the Board for informational purposes so if there was any reaction to this type of sign in a residential neighborhood, they would be prepared. She went on to say that RSA 674:54 contained a provision allowing for the Planning Board or the Board of Selectmen to hold a public hearing to address “substantial changes” This sign would qualify as “substantial change” but the hearing would be advisory. Chairman Wiegelman said he did not believe a Public Hearing would serve any purpose in this matter.

Mr. Segedy was recognized and stated that he had concerns about the animated sign distracting children walking to school and asked if it could be turned off during the time children were walking to school.

Mrs. Payson said that it had been made clear to her that any comments, questions or concerns were to be directed to Superintendent Robert Hassett.

Mr. Segedy said that he thought it would be helpful for the Planning Board to send a “polite letter” addressing those concerns. Again, Mrs. Payson said that she had been told that the Superintendent of Schools was the sole contact in this matter.

Mr. Baker said it would have been helpful for a representative from the School District to come to the board informally to tell them what they were going to do.

Mrs. Payson said it had been her experience that government entities would share their plans with the Planning Board as a courtesy.

Chairman Wiegelman said he would make an informal phone call to Superintendent Hassett to discuss any concerns.


Mr. Sparks made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Cutterseconded the motion.

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Robyn Payson

Planning Director

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