Prize Juan Antonio Rubio – Paul Govaerts
for the Best Doctoral Dissertation
1. Background
During its meeting of 18th March 2010, the General Council of the IP EUROTRANS (hereunder called the “Project”) decided to reward the best doctoral dissertations prepared in the framework of the Project, and gave the ENEN Association the mission to organize the selection of these dissertations.
An amount of € 10.000 has been dedicated to awarding up to five theses, the administrative costs and fees being supported additionally by the Project.
The awards will be called “Prize Juan Antonio Rubio – Paul Govaerts EUROTRANS – ENEN of the Best Doctoral Dissertation” in memory of Juan Antonio Rubio, former Director General of CIEMAT and 1st Chairman of the GC, and of Paul Govaerts former Director General of SCK•CEN and co-initiator of the project. Unfortunately, both of them passed away during the course of the Project.
2. Procedure
With the agreement of the Project Co-ordinator, the ENEN Association has set up the following procedure:
2.1 Relevant applications:
There are three criteria: contents, date, and affiliation of the author.
a) The submitted dissertations have to include a substantial part dealing with research carried out in the framework of the Project. The evidence of this link to the Project can result from different considerations like the following: doctoral degree awarded by an academic institution affiliated to ENEN for the purpose of the Project, supervisor / mentor of the thesis actively involved in some of the work packages of the Project, results of the thesis mentioned and used in some of the deliverables of the Project, etc.
b) Only dissertations submitted between1st May 2005 and 30th April 2010to the university jury awarding the doctoral degree can be taken into consideration.
c) Only dissertations submitted to a university jury of the European Union can be taken into consideration (whatever the nationality of the PhD student).
The relevance of the applications will be checked and ascertained by the corresponding Domain Coordinator of the Project, i.e. for
Domain 1DESIGNDidier De Bruyn (SCK•CEN)
Domain 2ECATSGilbert Granget (CEA)
Domain 3AFTRAFabienne Delage (CEA)
Domain 4DEMETRA Concetta Fazio (KIT)
Domain 5 NUDATRAEnrique Gonzalez (CIEMAT)
2.2 Jury of the Prize
The Jury of the Prize consists of academics individually nominated by the President of the ENEN Association. Their names will be kept undisclosed until the end of the procedure. They will work independently of each other and report to Prof. em. Michel Giot, acting as Co-ordinator.
The work of the Members of the Jury consists in ranking the doctoral dissertations submitted through the Co-ordinator, with a short report supporting this ranking.
There will be no formal list of criteria for this ranking: the theses are to be assessed according to usual academic criteria regarding contents and presentation.
After receiving the rankings, the Co-ordinator will establish the arithmetic global ranking, and communicate the result to all Members of the Jury. At that time, the Members of the Jury will be informed of the names of their Colleagues. In case of equally placed candidates, the jury will be called for a telephone conference deliberation.
2.3 Submission
The candidates submit 1) Application form (Annex I) and 2) an electronic pdf version of their dissertation by 17th May 2010 to:
Ms. Ryoko Kusumi, ENEN Association
All submitted theses will be sent for screening to the corresponding Domain Co-ordinators, and in case of a positive advice, dispatched to the Members of the Jury.
2.4 Calendar
Limit date for applications: 17th May 2010
Limit date for collecting the advices of the Domain Co-ordinators: 1st June 2010
Limit date for examination by the Members of the Jury: 2nd August 2010
Publication of the results of the examination: 16th August 2010
Award Ceremony: September 2010. Place and exact date communicated later.