St. John Ev. Lutheran Church, Maribel Wisconsin - Week of September 19, 2010

This week at St. John
Today / 8am – Worship with Lord’s Supper
9:15am – Sunday school, youth and adult Bible classes
10:30am – Worship with Lord’s Supper
Monday / 9am – Pastors’ conference at Maribel
10:30am – Women’s Bible study
6pm – Tiny Tots story time
Wednesday / 9am – Lutheran Ladies League Rally at Trinity, Brillion
Maribel Food Pantry
5:30pm – Catechism Class
Next Sunday / 8am – Worship with Lord’s Supper
9:15am – Sunday school, youth and adult Bible classes
10:30am – Worship with Lord’s Supper
3pm – Teen Group

An updated calendar can be found on – click “calendar” on the left toolbar

Friendship register

Welcome to worship today and welcome especially to our guests. Everyoneis asked to sign the register for yourself and your family during the offering. Please pass the register down the pew and then return it to the aisle end of the pew. Thanks!


Our handchime choir will again be practicing on Monday evenings at eight o’clock. Our first practice will be on September 20. We need a few more ringers to cover all of our bells. Playing handchimes provides an opportunity to praise the Lord and beautify our worship services through music and also to enjoy Christian fellowship. You don’t need to have experience or read music to learn how to play, we will teach you how to get started. Please consider joining us. If you’d like to know more you can contact Marlene Bruss at 860-6333 or talk to one of the other ringers.

Pastors’ Conference

A pastors’ conference will be held at St. John – Maribel on Monday September 27th. We are looking for help in providing and serving the noon meal. If you are interested in helping out on that day or if you would like to donate for the meal, a sign up sheet and a list of what is needed is in the basement of church. Thanks for your help.

Choral Fest

Manitowoc Lutheran High School is very pleased to be hosting the 2010 WELS Regional Choral Festival, November 12th-14th. 250 Lutheran high school choir members will join together to present two concerts during the weekend.

Friday, November 12th at 7pm: WELS Regional Choral Festival “Pops” Concert will feature all of the individual choirs presenting vocal jazz, broadway, and pop tunes set to choreography.

Sunday, November 14th at 2pm: WELS Regional Choral Festival Sacred Concert will be a concert in which all 250 choir members will join the voices together to praise our gracious God. Guest conductors for this concert will be former MLHS directors Jon Pasbrig and Paul Kassulke. We hope you can join us for this outstanding event!

St. John, Maribel has volunteered to be a host congregation, which means we are looking volunteers to house the students who will be visiting, and we will have a choir joining us for worship on November 14th. We are hosting Shoreland Lutheran High School and will be hosting 20 students. There is a sign-up sheet for hosts in the basement of church. Host will be asked to pick up the students on Friday night (after a pops concert) and provide housing throughout the weekend, as well as a few meals. More details are available by the sign up sheet in the basement of church. Students will be divided into pairs. Thanks for your help!

MLHS Delegates

MLHS delegates from St. John will meet briefly at 9:15am on October 17th to discuss organizing St. John recruitment committee (for St. John School and MLHS) Delegates are: Rick Rabenhorst,Michael Luebke, Richard Liermann, Matt Kutz-alternate, Todd Poehlman-alternate

Bible moms

The Monday morning ladies Bible study group will be studying Bible Moms: Life lessons from Mothers in the Bible. This book was recently reviewed and is recommended by the WELS Women’s Ministry and Pastor Armin Panning. The book contains 12 lessons. This book offers mothers the chance to see and apply the principles for motherhood that God has given in His Word and provides material for discussions on practical ways to apply these truths to our own lives. God intended for your children to know Him and His true and unconditional love. He longs for us to live a life of purpose and meaning. He asks us to travel a road that often isn’t easy but comes with rewards that don’t fade or rust.

Grandmothers, mothers of older children, and new mothers are invited to come and study God’s Word and share in the discussion and experiences. The group meets on Monday mornings from 10:30-11:30 in the church basement. Feel free to bring your babies and toddlers with you.

Land lease

The lease for the church property which is rented out for farming will be coming due at the end of this growing season. Anyone who would like to place a per-acre bid is welcome to place it in an envelope and give it to Tim Lukasek (secretary). If you have any questions or would like more information on the land, please speak with Tim Lukasek.

Help needed

The altar guild is looking for volunteers to help out for October, November and December 2010. I you are interested, there is a sign-up sheet in the basement of church. If you have any questions about what this would entail, etc. please speak with Kathy Fidler.

Lutheran Ladies League rally

The ladies of Trinity, Brillion and St. John/St. James, Reedsville will co-host the 47th annual rally of the Lutheran Ladies league on Wednesday, September 29, 2010. The rally will be hled a Trinity, 601 East National Ave. Brillion. The theme is “In the footsteps of Jesus: Far and Near.” The morning speaker is Pastor Jonathan Bourman, presenting “Jesus’ Galilean Ministry. Pastor John Dorn will present “Mission Work Within the Northern Wisconsin District” in the afternoon. Everyone is welcome.

Israel Trip

Pastor Cole will be hosting a trip to Israel in January 2011. There are a number of other WELS members and WELS pastors who will be making this trip. This is an opportunity to see some of the places where Jesus walked and talked during his ministry, and this can also help us visualize some of the Bible stories we know so well. There is a brochure in the church basement. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Cole. If you are interested, please sign up soon.


Thank you to all who contributed to the August Food Pantry outreach. Lots of green beans, cucumbers, zucchini squash, corn, beets, etc. were donated.

You may give money toward the purchase of items by putting it in your weekly contribution envelope and indicate the amount under “Food Pantry”. If you would rather give non-perishable foods, personal items, or paper products, these are still always appreciated. Just put them in the box on the refrigerator in the church basement.

For the month of September (September 29), Macintosh apples will be purchased from Kobes Apple Orchard in Eaton. Again this month, if you have an abundance of anything in your garden, your donation will be appreciated. Please contact Joan Pahl in advance so that we don’t receive more than can be distributed.

The Food Pantry distribution is always the last Wednesday of the month (September 29) from 3:00 -4:30 p.m. We are still in need of volunteers to help put up tables and lift and help unpack cases of canned goods from approximately 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on that day. Please talk to Joan Pahl (863-6666).

September 19, 2010
Attendance –78/41 / Operating Fund – $3141.95 / Needed per week - $5500.00
Church Cleaning Volunteers / Sunday Morning Greeters
October 3rd– needed
October 10th–needed
October 17th–needed / October 3rd–needed
October 10th–needed
October 17th - needed

MLHS announcements:

MLHS Survey

Manitowoc Lutheran High School has formed a committee to look at the possibility of moving forward with a “phase 3” project. They are looking for input from federation congregation members. Over the next couple weeks a survey will be available in the basement of church. You are welcome to give your input. There will be a box on the table in the basement of church to collect the surveys. Please return the surveys by October 3rd.

  • NEW MLHS Website! MLHS’ website has been entirely redesigned to be easier to use, with an interactive calendar, pictures & videos, and forms aplenty to answer all-things-Lancer. Visit regularly to see what’s up with YOUR students!
  • MLHS Tuition Support. In the current economy several MLHS families are finding that the cost of a Christian high school education for their children has become a financial burden. Unemployment and underemployment have forced several families to question if they can provide this blessing for their children. In order to provide a Christian education for all who seek this blessing, MLHS is requesting donations to assist struggling families. If you are able to support this effort please send your gifts to Supplemental Tuition Support in care of Dennis Steinbrenner at Manitowoc Lutheran High School. Thank You!
  • MLHS Flag Football Tournament. Come one come all and relive some gridiron glory! The MLHS Flagg Football Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, 10/2, starting at 8am on Lancer Field. Proceeds from this friend- & fund-raiser event will go toward new football uniform pants. $12 entry fee per person. Call Paul Kluenker at 682-1119 to register by Sept 28th.
  • Please take a moment to complete surveys from MLHS regarding a potential capital appeal and/or building project. Surveys were distributed last week; extra copies are also available in the basement of church. Please return your completed survey in the box in the basement no later than Sunday 10/3

If you have any announcements for the bulletin, you can email Pastor Cole at: