Federal Agency on Science and Innovations of Russian Federation
Federal Agency on Culture and Cinematography of Russian Federation
St. PetersburgState Polytechnical University
Association of Regional Library Consortia (ARLICON)
The 5th International Conference and Exhibition
“Library consortia: technologies and innovations”
St. Petersburg (Russia), Lappeenranta (Finland)
1st July 2007 – 7th July, 2007
Dear Colleagues,
It’s our great pleasure to invite you to the 5th International Conference and Exhibition “Library Consortia: Technologies and Innovations”, where specialists in library and information sciences, experienced in development and use of library networking and interconnection technologies, the representatives of bookseller and databases supplier companies are fairly welcomed.
The objectives
The first results of the ARLICON transfer to new forms of cooperation will be discusses. The representatives of the Project’s Boards will focus on the particular project services and the prospects of their improving. Library specialists will share their experience in using new services, in transforming the library processes while cooperating with their partners. All these will help the libraries to find the optimal ways for innovations and raising effectiveness of their work.
Establishing of partner mutually beneficial relations between librarians, between libraries, between regions, between consortia is one of real tasks of the conference. Participation at the conference of the representatives of publishing houses, booksellers, computer companies will form a whole view of modern information supply industry, will help to understand the ways of use these offering opportunities within a library.
The foreign specialists are mostly welcomed, since it widens the area in information exchange. The add-in program will take place in Finland, where the participants with study experience of the National Library of Finland, academic and public libraries in information exchange and cooperation.
The themes
Special attention will be paid to perfection of information services – creation of union catalogue of periodicals, development of electronic ordering and document supply system, use of copy cataloguing, development of common linguistics, creation of distributed electronic library, creation of articles’ database with descriptions.
We expect to see reports covering the wide range of issues in the areas of common library information environment development, including:
-models and standards for the library consortium;
-models of library and partner organization interaction;
-reorganization of library processes by use of consortia services;
-the library performance evaluation;
-linguistics for the library and for the consortium;
-library system as a part of the university management information system;
-electronic libraries and electronic collections for the needs of education, science and culture.
Submission and selection of reports
We expect to see the original reports, not published before, devoted to the conference themes. The Program Committee will make a selection and define a form of the materials presentation. The requirements for the reports are on the conference pages.
The Program Committee will carry out a competition on the best report. The authors of 5 selected reports will participate at the conference free of charge.
The Place
The While Hall and the lecture halls of St. PetersburgStatePolytechnicalUniversity will place the participants during the main program (2ndJuly 2007 – 4thJuly, 2007).
The libraries of Finland – during the add-in program (4thJuly 2007 – 7thJuly, 2007).
The conference arrangements
The main program, including the plenary sessions, seminars and master classes will take place in the PolytechnicalUniversity. The themes will cover the different aspects of library cooperation. Master classes will allow the participants to study the specific features of the services of:
-information and reference supply using the articles’ bibliographic database with abstracts and indexes for about 1500 Russian journals;
-copy cataloguing from ARLICON members catalogues, from bibliographic databases;
-electronic document delivery service for the journals’ articles;
-information retrieve in full text databases.
The add-in program will allow participants to visit the National Library of Finland, Lappeenranta University of Technology Library, LappeenrantaPublic Library, to take part in seminars and discussions with leading Finnish library specialists.
The Exhibition
The exhibition of information services and products will be run in the PolytechnicalUniversity. Additional information for the exhibition participants could be found on the conference pages.
Booking and Registration
The registration form is available of the conference pages. The invoice will be delivered after filling the on-line forms. The room booking is assured after receiving the conference fee payment.
The value of the conference fee depends on the conditions of stay and forms of participation. The conference fee covers conference arrangements, hotel, opening dinner, conference materials.
The ARLICON members have discount of 10%.
After 3rd of June the conference fee will raise on 20%.
Materials of previous ARLICON conferences are available at
The conference web site
Contact information
The Organizing Committee members are available by phone or via e-mail.
Phone.fax:+7 (812) 552-76-54, 552-72-39, 552-54-97, 552-37-59
Contact persons:
-Natalia Vasilieva
-Natalia Sokolova
The Organising Committee