Mystery Message Word Processing
The process of learning to type may seem hard at first. With practice, it will get easier. Take my word for it.
Once the above has been typed, follow the step-by-step directions below to word process and reveal the “Mystery Message.”
- Select “The p”
- Type capital “P” and it will replace the selected text.
Document will now look like this:
Process of learning to type may seem hard at first. With practice, it will get easier. Take my word for it.
- Place cursor behind the “n” in learn and backspace to erase “of learn” Include the space before the word “of”.
Document should now look like this:
Processing to type may seem hard at first. With practice, it will get easier. Take my word for it.
- Select “to type may seem”
- Type “is” to replace selected text
Document should now look like this:
Processing is hard at first. With practice, it will get easier. Take my word for it.
- Select “hard”
- Type “easy” to replace selected text.
Document should now look like this:
Processing is easy at first. With practice, it will get easier. Take my word for it.
- Select “at first. With practice it will get easier. Take my” Include the space after “my”
- Press delete.
Document should now look like this:
Processing is easy word for it.
- Select “for it”
- Press delete
Document should now look like this:
Processing is easy word
- Select “word”
- Right click on it and cut
- Right click at the beginning of the sentence and past to the beginning of sentence. You may need to add a space after “word”
Document should now look like this:
word Processing is easy
- Select “w”
- Type capital “w”
Document should now look like this:
Word Processing is easy
- Type an exclamation point at the end of the sentence.
Document should now look like this:
Word Processing is easy!
- Select “Word Processing is easy!”
- Right click on it and copy
- Click after the exclamation point and space twice.
- Right click and paste
Document should now look like this:
Word Processing is easy! Word Processing is easy!
- Select “easy” in the second sentence
- Type cool to replace the selected text.