Watford Grammar School for Boys Philosophy, Religion and Ethics Scheme of Work

Title: Significant ideas

Year group: 12

Term:Summer 1

Weeks 8


  • Aquinas, Summa Theologica I-I 79
  • Freud, S. (1927) The Ego and the Id, London: Createspace
  • Fromm, E. (1947) Man for Himself: An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics London: Routledge
  • Bowie books
  • Sheets from internet/ power point from San Diego uni
  • Bowie essay in dialogue
  • Exemplar essays
  • Phil and ethics through diagrams 138 -141

Learning objectives / Lesson content / Possible activities / Homework / ICT / SMRC / Literacy / Resources
Conscience FREUD /
  • psychosexual development (early childhood awareness of libido)
  • id (instinctive impulses that seek satisfaction in pleasure)
  • Starter – recapping Freud activity. What do they know - hot seating.
  • Write their own definition of Id
/ Wider reading / Development / Psychological development, libido, Freud, impulses / Oliphant
Conscience FREUD /
  • ego (mediates between the id and the demands of social interaction)
  • super-ego (contradicts the id and working on internalised ideals from parents and society tries to make the ego behave morally)
  • Use Oliphant textbook to explain id-ego-superego, and immature conscience relating to superego.
  • Use churchgoer example..
/ Essay: explain the ideas of the conscience according to Freud (40) / Development / Ego, super ego, social interaction, id, Freud, moral, immature conscience / Oliphant
Conscience AQUINAS /
  • ratio (reason placed in every person as a result of being created in the image of God)
  • synderesis (inner principle directing a person towards good and away from evil)
  • conscientia (a person’s reason making moral judgements).
/ Hot Seat Aquinas.
What role does reason play in NL?
Role play apparent good scenarios.
Read Oliphant on Conscience and Aquinas- discuss.
‘Title Reason making right decision’
Define Synderesis, apparent good, role of reason and conscientia.
Should we follow our conscience / Do you think Aquinas is right? / Conscience / Hot seating
Role play
Ratio, Aquinas, Syderesis, conscentia, conscience / Bowie
Conscience AQUINAS / vincible ignorance (lack of knowledge for which a person is responsible)
invincible ignorance (lack of knowledge for which a person is not responsible)
  • Define vincible and invincible ignorance – which one are you?
  • Research other scholars views.
  • Role plays – how can we apply these types of ignorance?
/ Essay: evaluate the claim that Aquinas was wrong (40) / Research / Conscience / Role plays
Conscience, vincible, invincible ignorance / San Diego University
Analysis /
  • comparison between Aquinas and Freud:
  • on the concept of guilt
  • on the presence or absence of God within the workings of the conscience and super-ego
  • on the process of moral decision-making
  • whether conscience is linked to, or separate from, reason and the unconscious mind
  • whether conscience exists at all or is instead an umbrella term covering various factors involved in moral decision-making, such as culture, environment, genetic predisposition and education
  • Comparison table.
  • Debate – is conscience linked to reason
/ Conscience
Morals / Debate
Aquinas, Freud, God, ego, conscience, reason, unconscious mind