MCHAR Board Meeting Minutes

Conference Call

March 7, 2017

Present: Kathy Mitchell, Tyrus Gamble, Starr Stelivan, Diane Ballard, Bill Langley, Lance Anderson and Tracy Speyer

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m.

Minutes Approval

Kathy requested I edit the minutes to reflect the correct spelling of Tracie Mayberry’s name. Heather made a motion to approve the minutes. Tyrus seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion approved.

Budget and Financial Review

Heather reported MCHRA currently has the following balances: Checking acct $23,839.09, Savings acct $16,612.52, PayPal acct $3,266.77. A total for all accts is $43,718.38. Heather will provide a budget over income report during MCHRA April meeting.

Heather report MCHRA had one issue with an individual that disputed charges for fee charged for cost of the law symposium. The dispute was a mistake by someone working at Jackson Lewis. PayPal is resolving.

Heather inquired on how MCHRA sends donations to SHRM Foundation. MCHRA has the option of send donations at one time at the end of the year or as we receive donations.

Insurance Quotes

Kathy e-mailed insurance quotes to the Board. Board confirmed e-mails were received. Kathy indicated he reached out to Chamber of Commerce for referrals, but many of the companies provided did not provide business insurance. One company provided information and many different coverages. Kathy believes the coverages offered was more than the Board needs. Hartford provides insurance for the Fort Worth Chapter. The quote provides coverage for Directors and Officers in case of a lawsuit brought against board members or the organization. The cost of the coverage is @ $600. Bill indicated he believes we should move forward with the coverage. Diane agreed. Tyrus questioned the number of quotes we received. Kathy indicated she received two quotes. Board felt the quotes are so close together that additional quotes are not necessary.

Heather made a motion they we move forward with 1st TX insurance services. Starr seconded. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Chapter Meeting Updates

Kathy indicated MCHRA has received mixed reviews on the different locations for our monthly luncheons. Ruthe Jackson has great reviews, but some complaints on the distance. Members enjoyed the Rolling Hills-liked location, but we received complaints on the food. April meeting will be hosted at TX Star. Kathy inquired if we need to try more locations and make a decision on a final home.

El Paso Chapter tried a HR Coffee talk (based on feedback from SHRM survey about chapter offering different meeting times). Kathy asked if the Board should consider doing some other meeting times. Tyrus indicated we talked about an evening social and he would like to see us explore that option.

Kathy indicated she did not want the Board to over commit. If Board would like to consider doing additional meeting(s) let her know.

Below is a list of upcoming MCHRA Luncheons:

April 5, 2017-What Employers Need to Know: Accommodating Bipolar Disorder and Other Psychiatric Disabilities-Michael Green

May 3, 2017-Aging Workforce Issues (hopeful)

June 7, 2017-Diane Sanchez-Influence Leadership When Values Clash

July 2017-John Hagan Legal Roundtable

Aug 2, 2017-Diversity Program

Sept 6, 2017-Courtney Perez-Legal topic

Committee Updates


Stevie Dawn contacted Kathy about a program around cultural awareness. Diane requested she send a copy of her PPT to see if it will fit our program. Diane will asked her to e-mail the PPT and she will send it out to the Board. Board can then provide our feedback within one week.

Aging Workforce

No discussion

Workforce Readiness

Lance is working on getting schedule together for TCC. Looking for 6 people to assist on April 3rd. Resume reviews, mock interviews. Starr indicated she would ask her recruiter if she is available to assist. Tyrus and Tracy Speyer are available.


MCHRA currently has 73 Active members. Kathy will reach out to Clarissa about contacting members that left and guest at luncheons.


Tracie Mayberry will start working on next newsletter on March 22nd. If you have items send by March 15th. Heather asked if Facebook credentials worked. Tyrus indicated he received a notice that it did not recognize the e-mail address. Tyrus will try again. Group pic sent to Kathy will be placed online.

College Relations

No Discussion


Tracy Speyer took certification class put on by Sherry Johnson. Tracy would like to get a study group together. Tracy inquired about the Board purchasing a SHRM learning system to provide for the study group. Bill asked if we purchased is when John was doing the training. Tyrus believes it may have expired. Kathy is indicated we should look into what we already have. In addition, Kathy recommended MCHRA see how much interest we have in the study group. Kathy indicated we could put something in the newsletter about the study group to drum up interest. Tracy would like a list of members that are not certified.

SHRM Foundation

No new information. Next month we may do some book sales to raise money to donate to foundation.


April sponsor is RightStep. Working to get logo for the site.

Bylaw Changes

Board decided to table this discussion for our in person Board meeting in April.

Code of Ethics

Kathy sent a copy of the code of ethics used the Austin Chapter. Wanted to know our thoughts on having a code of ethics for our chapter. Board believes it would be a good idea. We can look the sample and come up with our own wording. We can also discuss if we should put it on Board of Director Page of the MCHRA website. Will discuss in more depth during April meeting.

Arlington Convention and Visitors Bureau Workforce Readiness Survey

Kathy reported the Arlington Convention and Visitors Bureau is conducting a workforce readiness survey. They are working with school district and colleges. Looking at gaps. Kathy asked if the board had any other ideas of sources they can reach out to for recruiters. Kathy told them they could put the survey online and we can let our members know it is out there.

Syracuse University Dallas Residency - June 2017

Kathy was contacted by Mathew Burke. Mathew is a part time MBA student. Mathew is doing a weekend residency in Dallas. Mathew is looking for volunteer speakers to sit on a panel held onJune 23-25. Wanted to alert our members about this volunteer opportunity. Tracy indicated she would volunteer. Kathy indicated she will provide Tracy with Mathew’s contact information.

April Board Meeting

MCHRA April Board Meeting will be held in person on April 12th. Kathy asked the board to e-mail location recommendations.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m.