The name of this organization is the National Society of Collegiate Scholars (Purdue Chapter).



Section 1. This corporation is organized exclusively for one or more of the purposes as specified in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Section 2. The specific objectives and purposes of the Society shall be:

-1.To recognize and celebrate high achievement among first- and second-year college students in all academic disciplines

-1.To encourage and promote leadership and high standards throughout the collegiate experience

-1.To provide opportunities for personal growth and leadership development for members

-1.To financially support high achievers through a merit award program

-1.To organize and encourage learning opportunities through community service

-1.To contribute to retention efforts of institutions of higher education

-1.To foster an overall appreciation for the value of the higher education experience and

To provide educational programs and services to society members and their local communities


Definition of Membership

Section 1. Membership into the Society for undergraduate students is by invitation only and is open to students in all academic disciplines who meet the following criteria:

-1.Successfully completed credits equivalent to a minimum of one term of full time study but no more than half the number required for completion of the bachelor's degree requirements of the institution where currently enrolled

-1.First- or second-year student at the time of application

-1.Attain at least a 3.4 grade point average on a 4.0 scale and be in the top 20 percent of the class

-1.Complete and return the confirmation of Society membership and

-1.Pay the Society induction and lifetime membership fee

Section 2. Membership into the Society for Distinguished Members may be offered for up to five (5) people per year by the individual Society chapter including faculty, administrators or community leaders. Distinguished Memberships may also be granted and provided by the Society Board of Directors and/or the Society National Leadership Council.

Section 3. The Society shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, financial status, social status or sexual orientation.

Section 4. A Society member wishing to resign from the Society is permitted to do so provided that this Society member sends a written letter of intent to resign to the Society National Office and includes all insignia of the Society that has been provided to recognize Society membership. No refund of the Society lifetime membership fee will be provided.



Section 1. The symbol of the Society is a torch emerging from an open book and three stars all surrounded by a laurel. The torch symbolizes guidance and leadership, the open book represents learning and scholarship, the laurel means honor and distinction. The three stars represent the pillars upon which the society is built; scholarship, leadership and service. They serve as symbols of the Society's founding principle that with scholarship comes the responsibility to provide leadership and service to the community.

Section 2. The Society shall be known for "Scholarship, Leadership and Service".

Section 3. The colors shall be crimson and gold.


Induction Fees

Section 1. The Society induction and lifetime membership fee shall be determined by the Society Board of Directors.

Section 2. The Society induction and lifetime membership fee should be paid in full directly to The National Society of Collegiate Scholars at the time that the confirmation of Society membership is submitted to the Society National Office

Section 3. The Society induction and lifetime membership fee is waived for initial chartering officers and all distinguished members. The Executive Director may also determine legitimate reasons for waiving Society membership fees.



Section 1. The Purdue Chapter will have a leadership group comprised of a President, Executive Vice President, Vice President for Community Service, a Secretary, a Vice President of Public Relations, a Vice President for Planning for College Success (PFCS), a Vice President for Planning for College Success (March to College Day), a Vice President for Social Affairs, a Treasurer, and a Webmaster.

Section 2. The Society officers that comprise this leadership group shall be elected by a fair and democratic process.

Section 3.Elections will take place each spring semester. The newly elected officer board will lead the last All-Member meeting of the spring semester, under the supervision of the previous officer board. The officer’s terms will last one full academic year (the fall and spring semester).


Officers and Duties

  1. President
  2. Lead meetings
  3. Develop agendas
  4. Set goals for meetings and keep everyone on task
  5. Guide and help other officers where it is needed
  6. Assist in planning
  7. Answer questions and help out at programs if necessary
  8. Set goals for Purdue NSCS chapter
  9. Ensure entire society’s actions advance toward the goals
  10. Develop accountability programs for officers and involved members
  11. Fill out form at end of spring (from Schleman 250) to have meeting dates written in Mortar Board
  12. Fill out Election Report and Officer List after elections (can be obtained from Schleman 250).
  13. Set dates for a callout each spring, fill out Event Planning Form, and reserve the rooms.
  14. Fill out sheet for Officer ID cards to get into the Stewart Center office. The sheet can be obtained (and, when completed, turned in) at PSUB on the second floor of the Union.
  15. Compile a list of contact information (phone numbers, e-mail addresses) and make copies for all officers at beginning of the academic year.
  16. Develop a schedule for the entire year (officer meetings and all-member meetings) and make copies for all officers.
  17. Keep calendar updated on NSCS website. Information for gmail account:
  18. Username:
  19. Password: nscspurdue09
  20. Set calendar for meetings, fill out Event Planning Form for meetings, and reserve rooms.
  21. To reserve a room in Pfendler, contact Marty Brown.
  22. To reserve a room:
  23. Space Management, ENAD 402 (765-494-3900)

To reserve the malls, Armory, classrooms, or Krannert “G” rooms

  1. Purdue Memorial Union, PMU 8 (765-494-8911)

To reserve space in the Union or Stewart Center (also, to obtain display case or hang banner between the two buildings)

  1. Krannert Building, KRAN 483 (765-494-4340)

To reserve the Krannert Auditorium and Drawing Room

  1. Elliott Hall of Music, Room 133 (765-494-3935)

To reserve Elliott, Loeb Playhouse, Fowler Hall, or Slayter Center

  1. Purdue Village Community Center, 1231 Gates Rd. (765-496-3579)

To reserve Squirrel Park

  1. University Residences- to reserve lounges or dining areas in a residence hall, call or visit the appropriate hall manager. Event Planning Form
  1. To find an Event Planning Form:
  2. Each activity requires an Event Planning Form. This form can be obtained from Schleman 250, or online at (search “SAO- Campus Life,” click on “Documents” on the right side of the screen, and click on “General Documents”). If you obtain the form online, you still must submit it in person at Schleman 250.
  1. If you must find a new advisor, a binder of interested faculty members can be found in Schleman room 250.
  2. Respond to emails and phone messages within 72 hours
  3. Motivate and inspire members to get involved
  4. Create and maintain a binder of materials and information for the year to transition to the next officer elect.
  1. Vice President
  2. Find a guest speaker for each All-Member meeting.
  3. Faculty and Staff Speaker List- the SAO office supplies a list of speakers for conferences and meetings.
  4. Send the guest speaker a thank you card after the meeting.
  5. Plan the induction ceremony
  6. Lead All-Member meetings when President cannot attend

Send all plans to the webmaster

  1. Respond to emails and phone messages within 72 hours
  2. Create and maintain a binder of materials and information for the year to transition to the next officer elect.
  1. Treasurer
  2. The treasurer keeps accounts, deposits the organization’s funds, and makes expenditures in a manner approved by BOSO.
  3. Reimburse (and give scholarships) as needed
  4. Check request forms can be obtained from BOSO in Schleman
  5. Respond to emails and phone messages within 72 hours
  6. Create and maintain a binder of materials and information for the year to transition to the next officer elect.
  7. Update members at meetings on where the budget is going
  8. This should be a fairly formal treasures report indicating current balance, expenditures and incomes. Break out the expenditures by activity. This will give the members and idea of the magnitude of things done and what CAN be done.
  9. Secretary
  10. Take notes and attendance at officer meetings and all member meetings
  11. Send Webmaster Meeting Minutes within 48 hours of the meeting
  12. Run Member Rewards—send updates to Webmaster every month to be placed online
  13. Take photographs at events
  14. Maintain scrapbook
  15. Vice President of Community Service
  16. Have at least one community service activity each month that members can participate in (for information on Room Reservations and Event Planning forms, see “President”)
  17. Send all plans to the webmaster
  18. Respond to emails and phone messages within 72 hours
  19. Create and maintain a binder of materials and information for the year to transition to the next officer elect.
  20. Vice President of Planning for College Success (tutoring)
  21. Lead and improve tutoring program at middle school(s)
  22. Find substitute tutors if one cannot attend
  23. Make sure snacks are provided for students.
  24. Send all plans to the webmaster
  25. Respond to emails and phone messages within 72 hours
  26. Create and maintain a binder of materials and information for the year to transition to the next officer elect.
  27. Vice President of Planning for College Success (MTCD)
  28. Plan and lead one successful March to College Day in the spring for Tecumseh Junior High School
  29. For information in Room Reservations and Event Planning forms, see “President”
  30. Student organizations who are planning any large event on campus must apply for a special event liability coverage from Risk Management. Application forms are available in Schleman Hall, Room 250. Risk Management must review the application at least 5 working days prior to event.
  31. Send all plans to the webmaster
  32. Respond to emails and phone messages within 72 hours
  33. Create and maintain a binder of materials and information for the year to transition to the next officer elect.
  34. Vice President of Public Relations
  35. Advertise NSCS callouts and events in dormitories and on campus
  36. To advertise in dormitories, simply give the front desk a stack of fliers.
  37. To obtain a display case in STEW, go to the Union Scheduling Office in PMU Room 8. Try to reserve space at least one semester in advance.
  38. To advertise on Boiler TV for three days, a program broadcasted throughout residence halls, go to the Smalley Center to request a form. Allow three business days prior to the day of broadcast.
  39. To advertise on cable television (on the Purdue Channel), go to Schelman Hall room 250 to request a form.
  40. To advertise on the electronic message board at the northwest corner of STEW, fill out a reservation form from the visitor Information Center and Schleman Hall room 250. Four weeks advance notice is required.
  41. To have a “table talk” at a residence hall, submit a request to the RHA in the Smalley Center.
  42. Ensure that NSCS is listed in all appropriate PSG and Dean of Student publications/web lists
  43. Advertise Callouts in The Exponent
  44. Provide food and beverages for meetings (pizza, cookies, soda).
  45. Send all plans to the webmaster
  46. Respond to emails and phone messages within 72 hours
  47. Create and maintain a binder of materials and information for the year to transition to the next officer elect.
  48. Vice President of Social Affairs
  49. Have at least 2 social events each semester f
  50. For information on Room Reservations and Event Planning forms, see “President.”
  51. Have one ice breaker or group activity each meeting
  52. Come to the SAO office for a book filled with hundreds of group energizers for various occasions, which will help your members get to know each other.
  53. Respond to emails and phone messages within 72 hours
  54. Create and maintain a binder of materials and information for the year to transition to the next officer elect.
  55. Webmaster
  56. Put Meeting Minutes online as soon as possible, no later than four days after the meeting.
  57. Keep website updated (especially calendar and Member Reward’s points).
  58. Help other officers when needed
  59. Respond to emails and phone messages within 72 hours
  60. Create and maintain a binder of materials and information for the year to transition to the next officer elect.
  61. If an officer is failing to meet their requirements, the officer will go under “review,” and meet with the President and Vice President to discuss the situation. If the officer does not improve after the review, new elections will be held for their position.



Section 1. Amendments may be proposed by any member, officer, or the chapter advisor.

Section 2. All amendments to the constitution and bylaws are subject to the approval of the Office of the Dean of Students.