Digestion and Urinary II Review

1.  List the function of the digestive system.

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2. Match the following with the best description

___ pyloric sphincter a. double serous membrane sheet

___ liver cells b. moves materials along digestive tract

___ intrinsic factor c. regulates flow of chime into duodenum

___ mesentery d. increases muscular activity of digestive tract

___ chief cells e. starch digestion

___ palate f. inhibits muscular activity of digestive tract

___ parietal cells g. aids vitamin B12 absorption

___ parasympathetic stimulation h. roof of oral cavity

___ sympathetic stimulation i. pepsinogen

___ peristalsis j. produce hydrochloric acid

___ bile salts k. hepatocytes

___ salivary amylase L. emulsification of fats.

2.  Achlorhydria is a condition in which the stomach stops producing hydrochloric acid and other secretions. What effect would achlorhydria have on the digestive process?

  1. There would not be an effect since the stomach is only responsible for mechanical digestion.
  2. This would effect starch digestion since hydrochloric acid is essential for activating amylase.
  3. This would effect protein digestion since hydrochloric acid is essential for activating pepsinogen to pepsin.
  4. There would not be an effect since hydrochloric acid is also supplied in the duodenum.

3.  A lack of vitamin B12 impairs RBC production and the person becomes anemic. How would the partial removal of the stomach possibly result in anemia?

4.  Which of these is not a function of the kidneys?

  1. Regulation of blood volume
  2. Regulation of solute concentration in the blood
  3. Regulation of the pH of the extracellular fluid
  4. Regulation of vitamin A synthesis
  5. Regulation of red blood cell synthesis

5.  Kidney function is accomplished by which of these means?

  1. Filtration
  2. Secretion
  3. Reabsorption
  4. Both a and b
  5. All of the above

6.  Prednisone is a steroid that reduces inflammation and is prescribed to treat conditions such as autoimmune diseases. It has some aldosterone-like effect on the kidney. Predict the effect of this treatment on blood volume.

7.  Addison’s disease is a consequence of degeneration of the adrenal cortex. Predict the effect of this condition on urine production.

8.  Harry Macho is doing yard work one hot summer day and refuses to drink anything. How will this affect the volume and concentration of his urine?

9.  A kidney stone blocking a ureter produces pain that comes in waves. Explain why.

10.  What type of chemical reaction is the basis of enzymatic food breakdown?