DATE; 10TH JULY 2012


Under the instruction and guidelines set by ASHA officials the following schools have been visited to assess the functioning of these schools.

  1. JSVN, 2 No. Robingaon, Dimoriah vDe. Block
  2. JSVN, Uloni (Dharban), Dimoriah Dev. Block
  3. JSVN, Dikchak, Dimoriah Dev. Block
  4. JSVN, Basistha, Guwahati

After visiting these schools and making a close analysis of the schooling activities and procedures, we have arrived at the following findings.

A. JSVN, 2 No. Robingaon, Dimoriah Dev. Block:

This school is playing a vital role in entire area surrounding village Robingaon apparently because of two specific reasons. Firstly, there is not a single primary school within a radius of 2.5 kilometers.Nearest primary school is Arunodoi L.P. school situated 2.5 km. away. Secondly, the area in which it is located is inhabited by mostly tribal people. They are economically too backward. The bulk of the population of the village constitute of daily wage labourers.

The school (JSVN, 2 No. Robingaon, Dimoriah vDe. Block) has the following teaching staff and all are found to be very dutiful.

  1. Purnananda Deka
  2. Babita Baishya
  3. Sumi Baishya
  4. Saptadipa Bharali Baishya

These teachers draw salaries in the following pattern:

  • Purnananda Deka------2100/ per month
  • Babita Baishya------800/-per month
  • Sumi Baishya------800/- per month
  • Saptadipa Bharali Baishya- she has joined the service on 1st February, 2012 and has not been paid so far.

The number of students as per records maintained by the teaching faculties and present in the class on the day of visiting the school is found in the following way:

Class / No. of Students / No. of Students present on the visiting day
Nursery / 20 / 15
I / 08 / 06
II / 08 / 06
III / 10 / 07
IV / 06 / 06
V / 06 / 05

The school (JSVN, 2 No. Robingaon, Dimoriah vDe. Block) is managed by a Management Committee which is consisting of the following members :

President: Trailakya Prasad Talukdar

V. President: Sabin Daimary

Secretary: Purnanada Deka

Members: Daisy Bordoloi, Prabhat Rabha, Santosh Das, Gautam Baishya

According to some of the some individuals namely, Anil Das, Prabhat Rabha, the school is running and functioning well. They believe that if proper care is given the school will become much better. They are proud of the fact that earlier people felt no need for education, but after the school was set up people’s interest grew day by day and the result was such that this year people have experienced of having the first successful candidate in the matriculation examination who was a product of JSVN, 2 No. Robingaon school.

Just like the villagers the teachers are also waiting for more care from the concerned authorities. The teachers appeal for regularization and enhancement of their salaries since the current salary pattern hardly sufficient amidst soaring market price of all the essential commodities. They have not received salary since December, 2011. However, one encouraging thing is that two teachers from the school have attended a teacher’s training program and other two are likely to attend such program during July, 2012. Parent Teachers meeting are regularly held in the school.

However, the school is facing some problems like lack or shortage of desk bench for the students. Problem of books is also affecting the schooling procedures. Books are not supplied by the Ashram. Neither can the parents afford the expenses for books. But the teachers are managing books for the students from Sarba Sikshya Mission somehow. Books are supplied to the JSVN schools depending upon the availability of books on second preference basis.

The main problems that has been affecting quality teaching learning situation and need urgent attention are ----

  • Poor salary of the teachers
  • Need for desk benches
  • Need for repairing of the school building
  • Text books for students
  • Teaching aids.


B. JSVN, Paschim Killing, Dimoria Dev. Block:

This school is playing a vital role in entire area surrounding village Paschim Killing apparently because of two specific reasons. Firstly, there is not a single primary school within a radius of 2.00 kilometers. Paschim Killing is a village bordering Meghalaya. The location is hilly. There is no bus or other transport connectivity. Nearest primary school is Bhogpur L.P. school situated 2.00 km. away. Secondly, the area in which it is located is inhabited by mostly tribal people. They are economically too backward. The bulk of the population of the village constitute of daily wage labourers.

The school (JSVN, Paschim Killing) has the following teaching staff and all are found to be very dutiful.

  • Dharma Rahang
  • Pratima Lahkar
  • Momita Bora

These teachers draw salaries in the following pattern:

  • Dharma Rahang ------1750/-/ per month
  • Pratima Lahkar ------1200/-per month
  • Momita Bora ------800/- per month

The number of students as per records maintained by the teaching faculties and present in the class on the day of visiting the school is found in the following way:

Class / No. of Students / No. of Students present on the visiting day
Nursery / 11 / 07
I / 10 / 07
II / 03 / 03
III / 06 / 05
IV / 06 / 06
V / 07 / 05

The school (JSVN, Paschim Killing) is managed by a Management Committee which is consisting of the following members :

President:Panbar Injal

Secretary: Dharma Rahang

Members: Jogeswar Tumung, Balali Kathar, Gobardhan Teror, Joykanta Tumung

According to some of the some individuals namely, Kalwa Teron, Rameswar Rahang, Jiten Tumung the school is running and functioning well. They believe that if proper care is given the school will become much better. They are proud of the fact that earlier people felt no need for education, but after the school was set up people’s interest grew day by day.

Just like the villagers, the teachers are also waiting for more care from the concerned authorities. The teachers appeal for regularization and enhancement of their salaries since the current salary pattern hardly sufficient amidst soaring market price of all the essential commodities. They have not received salary since December, 2011. However, one encouraging thing is that one teacher from the school have attended a teacher’s training program and other two are likely to attend such program during July, 2012. Parent Teachers meeting are regularly held in the school.

However, the school is facing some problems like lack or shortage of desk bench for the students. Problem of books is also affecting the schooling procedures. Books are not supplied by the Ashram. Neither can the parents afford the expenses for books. But the teachers are managing books for the students from Sarba Sikshya Mission somehow.

The main problems that has been affecting quality teaching learning situation and need urgent attention are ----

  • Poor salary of the teachers
  • Need for desk benches
  • Text books for students
  • Teaching aids.


C. JSVN, Uloni (Dharban), Dimoriah Dev. Block:

This school is playing a vital role in entire area surrounding village Uloni (Dharban), apparently because of two specific reasons. Firstly, there is not a single primary school within a radius of 1.5 kilometers. Uloni (Dharban), is a village bordering Meghalaya. The location is hilly. There is no bus or other transport connectivity. Nearest primary school is Dharban L.P. school situated 2.00 km. away and DhopguriBalikaL.P.School in equal distance. Secondly, the area in which it is located is inhabited by mostly tribal people. They are economically too backward. The bulk of the population of the village constitute of daily wage labourers and small cultivators.

The school located at Uloni (Dharban), has the following teaching staff and all are found to be very dutiful.

  • Miss Sasiprabha Bharali
  • Miss Lalita Rahang

These teachers draw salaries in the following pattern:

  • Miss Sasiprabha Bharali------800/- per month
  • Miss Lalita Rahang ------joined the job on 1st March, 2012. She is yet to draw salary.

According to the teachers, Jayanta Baruah and Labhita Baruah reigned from their job in Sept. 2011 and Feb, 2012 respectively.

The number of students as per records maintained by the teaching faculties and present in the class on the day of visiting the school is found in the following way:

Class / No. of Students / No. of Students present on the visiting day
Nursery / 26 / 15
I / 20 / 16
II / 14 / 07
III / 18 / 12
IV / 12 / 09

The school located at Uloni (Dharban) is managed by a Management Committee which is consisting of the following members:

President:Sadhon Boro

Secretary: Bhuban Boro

Members: Akhash Boro, Dharmeswar Boro, Sabin Boro, Pakhi Boro, Prasanta Boro

According to some of the some individuals namely, Haren Basumatary (nearest resident) who is actively involved in the development of the school regretted the lack of sufficient space in the school building. Vilegers, Promod Swargiary and Bhuban Boro is hopeful of opening Class V from the next year. They are also planning to acquire another plot of land adjacent to the school. They believe that if proper care is given the school will serve the community better. They are proud of the fact that earlier people felt no need for education, but after the school was set up people’s interest have increased day by day.

Just like the villagers, the teachers are also waiting for more care from the concerned authorities. The teachers appeal for regularization and enhancement of their salaries since the current salary pattern hardly sufficient amidst soaring market price of all the essential commodities. They have not received salary since December, 2011. However, one encouraging thing is that one teacher from the school have attended a teacher’s training program and other two are likely to attend such program during July, 2012. Parent Teachers meeting are regularly held in the school.

However, the school is facing some problems like lack or shortage of desk bench for the students. Problem of books is also affecting the schooling procedures. Books are not supplied by SSA. Neither can the parents afford the expenses for books. But the teachers are managing text books for the students from Sarba Sikshya Mission somehow.

The main problems that has been affecting quality teaching learning situation and need urgent attention are ----

  • Poor salary of the teachers
  • Need for desk benches
  • Text books for students
  • Teaching aids.


C. JSVN, Santiban, Basistha, Guwahati:

This school is playing a vital role in some part of Basistha area surrounding the school, apparently because of two specific reasons. Firstly, there is not a single govt. primary school within a radius of 1.5 kilometers. The location is hilly. Sishu Vidyalaya L.P. school is situated 2.00 km. away and BongaonHigh School in equal distance. Secondly, the area in which it is located is inhabited by mostly tribal people. They are economically too backward. The bulk of the population of the village constitute of daily wage labourers.

The school located at Santiban, Basistha, has the following teaching staff and all are found to be very dutiful.

  • Sri Jeuti Sarma
  • Junu Borgohain
  • Rina Barman
  • Debina Kumari
  • Rasewari Nath
  • Himjyoti Saloi
  • Jishu Chetia
  • Mitali Chutia

These teachers draw salaries in the following pattern:

  • Sri Jeuti Sarma------1500/-
  • Junu Borgohain------1200/-
  • Rina Barman------1100/-
  • Debina Kumari------1000/-
  • Rasewari Nath------800/-
  • Himjyoti Saloi------900/-
  • Jishu Chetia------1000/-
  • Mitali Chutia ------Pay not drawn yet. Joined the job 1st March, 2012.

The number of students as per records maintained by the teaching faculties and present in the class on the day of visiting the school is found in the following way:

Class / No. of Students
Nursery / 08
I / 18
II / 14
III / 08
IV / 06
V / 11
VI / 15
VII / 08
VII / 05

The school located at Santiban, Basistha is managed basically by the Ashram itself since it is situated within the campus of the Ashram.

According to some of the some individuals namely, Nagen Basumatary , Lahon Bodo and Puspa Barua opine that the school is fulfilling the need of the underprivileged people of the locality. They feel that earlier people felt no need for education, but after the school was set up people’s interest have increased day by day.

Just like the villagers, the teachers are also waiting for more care from the concerned authorities. The teachers appeal for regularization and enhancement of their salaries since the current salary pattern hardly sufficient amidst soaring market price of all the essential commodities. They have not received salary since December, 2011. However, one encouraging thing is that the teachers from the school have attended a teacher’s training program and some are likely to attend such program during July, 2012. Parent Teachers meeting are regularly held in the school. Earlier the school building had only one hall. But last year some partitions have been built to divide the hall into different classrooms.

However, the school is facing some problems like lack or shortage of desk bench for the students. Problem of books is also affecting the schooling procedures. Neither can the parents afford the expenses for books. But the teachers are managing text books for the students from Sarba Sikshya Mission somehow. Teachers are also required to purchase Chalk Pencil and Duster from their own purse. T

The main problems that has been affecting quality teaching learning situation and need urgent attention are ----

  • Poor salary of the teachers
  • Need for desk benches
  • Need for at least 8 number of blackboard since the old ones are worn out
  • Text books for students
  • Teaching aids.

Coordinator’ View:

A good number of issues concerning the school were discussed with the acting coordinator Dr. Tarun Sarma. According to him, SSA has made a series of discussion with an NGO entitled, Assam Development Initiative (ADI) regarding the development of these schools and it is informed that the NGO has come forward for that purpose. He has also let us know that he has already submitted a budget estimate to ASHA for development and repairing of the school buildings. To him a Teachers’ Training Program is going on and most of the teachers’ have participated in the program.To him, salary of the teachers can be increased if sufficient fund is sanctioned by ASHA.


  1. Increase teachers’ salary by at least 50%.
  2. Ensure supply of text books
  3. Make urgent provision for repairing and developing the school building
  4. An amount of Rs. 2000/ as contingency fund should be given to each of the schools for purchasing necessary teaching materials.

*****The End****