Highly Ranked[1] Philosophy Graduate Programs

By Program Specialty (U.S.)

Philosophy of Mind Ethics Metaphysics Epistemology Philosophy of Science Political Philosophy

New York University / Harvard University / New York University / Rutgers University / University of Pittsburgh / University of Arizona
Rutgers University / New York University / Cornell University / New York University / Carnegie-Mellon U / Brown University
City U of New York / UM, Ann Arbor / Princeton University / Princeton University / Columbia University / Harvard University
UC, Los Angeles / Yale University / Rutgers University / University of Arizona / UC, Irvine / New York University
UT, Austin / Princeton University / MIT / UM, Ann Arbor / UM, Ann Arbor / Princeton University
Columbia University / Rutgers University / U of Southern California / U of Southern California / UW, Madison / UM, Ann Arbor
Harvard University / University of Arizona / Syracuse University / Yale University / New York University / University of Virginia
University of Arizona / UNC, Chapel Hill / UM, Ann Arbor / Brown University / Ohio State University / Columbia University
Princeton University / UC, Los Angeles / UNC, Chapel Hill / Harvard University / Stanford University / Georgetown University
MIT / Stanford University / University of Notre Dame / MIT / UC, San Diego / Rutgers University
UC, Berkeley / UC, Berkeley / University of Virginia / Northwestern University / UNC, Chapel Hill / Stanford University
U of Mass., Amherst / UC, San Diego / City U of New York / UC, Berkeley / University of Notre Dame / UC, Los Angeles
University of Pittsburgh / University of Chicago / Columbia University / U of Mass., Amherst / City U of New York / UC, San Diego
Wash. University, St. Louis / U of Colorado, Boulder / Harvard University / UNC, Chapel Hill / Duke University / University of Chicago
Brown University / U of Southern California / Ohio State University / University of Notre Dame / Indiana U, Bloomington / UNC, Chapel Hill
Duke University / Arizona State University / University of Arizona / University of Pittsburgh / Johns Hopkins University / U of Pennsylvania
Ohio State University / Columbia University / UC, Los Angeles / University of Rochester / Princeton University / Yale University
Indiana U, Bloomington / Cornell University / UC, Berkeley / Columbia University / Rutgers University / Arizona State University
Syracuse University / Florida State University / UC, Santa Barbara / Indiana U, Bloomington / University of Arizona / Duke University
UC, Riverside / Georgetown University / U of Mass., Amherst / Johns Hopkins University / UM, College Park / Rice University
UC San Diego / Indiana U, Bloomington / U of Colorado, Boulder / Purdue University / UM, Minneapolis-St. Paul / UC, Berkeley
University of Cincinnati / MIT / University of Miami / Saint Louis University / U of Pennsylvania / U of Colorado, Boulder
University of Miami / Ohio State University / University of Pittsburgh / Stanford University / UT, Austin / UM, College Park
UW, Madison / Syracuse University / UT, Austin / UC, Los Angeles / University of Utah / U of Missouri, Columbia
U of Southern California / UM, St. Paul-Minneapolis / UW, Madison / U of Connecticut, Storrs / Wash. University, St. Louis / U of Southern California
UM, College Park / University of Miami / Yale University / University of Miami / Wash. University, St. Louis
U of Connecticut, Storrs / University of Virginia / UT, Austin
UT, Austin / University of Wisconsin
U of Missouri, Columbia
Wash. University, St. Louis


Philosophy Graduate Programs

By State (Alphabetical)

Arizona: / Florida: / Massachusetts: / New York: / Pennsylvania: / Virginia:
Arizona State University / University of Miami / Boston College / New York University / U of Pittsburgh / University of Virginia
University of Arizona / Florida State University / Harvard University / City U of New York / Pennsylvania State U / George Mason University
Arkansas: / The University of Florida / Boston University / Binghamton University / Temple University / Liberty University
University of Arkansas / University of South Florida / MIT / Syracuse University / Duquesne University / Virginia Polytechnic/State
California: / University of North Florida / Brandeis University / Columbia University / West Chester U / Hampton University
Stanford University / Georgia: / Tufts University / Fordham University / U of Pennsylvania / Washington:
Cali. State U, Los Angeles / Emory University / Michigan: / University of Rochester / Vilanova University / University of Washington
U of California - Riverside / University of Georgia / Wayne State University / University at Buffalo / Rhode Island: / Columbia Evang. Seminary
U of California - Santa Cruz / Hawaii: / Western Michigan U / Stony Brook University / Brown University / Gonzaga University
San Jose State University / U of Hawaii at Manoa / Michigan State U / Teachers College / U of Rhode Island / Wisconsin:
U of California - San Diego / Illinois: / Minnesota: / The New School / Puerto Rico: / Marquette University
U of California - Davis / U of Illinois at Chicago / U of Minnesota / University at Albany / U of PC- Rio Piedras / U Wisconsin - Milwaukee
San Francisco State U / U of IL - Urbana-Champaign / Missouri: / North Carolina: / South Carolina: / Wyoming:
International East West U / DePaul University / U of Missouri - Columbia / Duke University / U of South Carolina / University of Wyoming
Cali. State U, Long Beach / University of Chicago / Washington U in St. Louis / UNC at Chapel Hill / Tennessee:
U of Southern California / Loyola University Chicago / Saint Louis University / Ohio: / U of Tennessee
San Diego State University / S. Illinois U - Carbondale / U of Missouri - St. Louis / Miami University / University of Memphis
Claremont Graduate U / Northern Illinois University / U of MO - Kansas City / Franciscan U - Steubenville / Vanderbilt University
Institute of Integral Studies / Indiana: / Mississippi: / Cleveland State U / Texas:
U of California - Berkeley / Indiana University / U of Southern Mississippi / Ohio University / Texas A&M University
U of California, Irvine / Purdue University / University of Mississippi / Kent State University / Houston Baptist U
U of Cali. - Santa Barbara / Huntington University / Nebraska: / Bowling Green U / Baylor University
Colorado: / University of Notre Dame / U of Nebraska - Lincoln / University of Cincinnati / Texas Tech University
U of Colorado - Boulder / Iowa: / Nevada: / Oklahoma: / U of North Texas
Colorado State University / University of Iowa / U of Nevada, Reno / Oklahoma State University / University of Houston
Connecticut: / Kansas: / New Jersey: / Oklahoma City University / U of Texas at Austin
University of Connecticut / University of Kansas / Rutgers University / University of Oklahoma / Rice University
Yale University / Kentucky: / Drew University / Oregon: / University of Dallas
District of Columbia: / University of Kentucky / Princeton University / University of Oregon / Utah:
Georgetown University / Louisiana: / New Mexico: / University of Utah
The Catholic U of America / Tulane University / University of New Mexico
Howard University / Maryland:
American University / Johns Hopkins University
U of Maryland - College Park

Highly Ranked[2] Philosophy Graduate Programs

By Program Specialty (International)

Philosophy of Mind Ethics Metaphysics Epistemology Philosophy of Science Political Philosophy

Cambridge University / Oxford University / Oxford University / Oxford University / Cambridge University / London School of Econ.
University of Toronto / University of Toronto / University of Toronto / University of Edinburgh / London School of Econ. / Oxford University
King’s College, London / University of Reading / University of Birmingham / Australian National U / Oxford University / University of Toronto
U College London / Cambridge University / University of Edinburgh / King’s College, London / University of Bristol / Australian National U
University of Birmingham / Queen’s U, Ontario / University of Glasgow / University of Birmingham / University of Sydney / Queen’s U, Ontario
University of Edinburgh / University of Edinburgh / University of Leeds / U of British Columbia / University of Toronto / Cambridge University
University of Warwick / St. Andrews/Stirling (SASP) / University of Manchester / University of Toronto / Australian National U / King’s College, London
U of British Columbia / Peking University / University of Nottingham / University of Waterloo / U of British Columbia / McGill University
Simon Fraser University / Autonomous U of Mexico / Australian National U / St. Andrews/Stirling (SASP) / University of Durham / U College London
Cambridge University / Seoul National University / University of Leeds / University of Warwick
St. Andrews/Stirling (SASP) / Autonomous U of Mexico / U of Western Ontario / Peking University
Seoul National University
Autonomous U of Mexico
  • Note about the difference between “Taught degrees” and “Research degrees:” Taught degrees are generally shorter and more class-based, whereas Research degrees are longer, more independent, and research-based. More information here.


Highly Ranked[3] Philosophy Graduate Programs

By Program Specialty (Sub-fields – North America)

Africana Philosophy American Philosophy Latin American Phil. Continental Phil. Critical Phil. Of Race Feminist Philosophy

University of Connecticut / Emory University / SUNY Buffalo University / Boston College / Dalhousie University / SUNY – Binghamton U.
University of Memphis / Fordham University / Texas A&M University / DePaul University / Northwestern University / CUNY Graduate Center
Northwestern University / Pennsylvania State U. / SUNY Stony Brook U. / Duquesne University / Pennsylvania State U. / Dalhousie University
Pennsylvania State U. / S. Illinois U. - Carbondale / DePaul University / Emory University / Purdue University / Emory University
Harvard University / SUNY Stony Brook U. / SUNY Binghamton U. / Fordham University / Rutgers University / Georgetown University
UNC Chapel Hill / Texas A&M University / University of Oregon / Loyola University - Chicago / Stanford University / Marquette University
Michigan State / University of Oregon / CUNY Graduate Center / Marquette University / SUNY – Stony Brook U. / MIT
Rutgers University / Vanderbilt University / Vanderbilt University / McGill University / University of Memphis / Michigan State University
Vanderbilt University / Columbia University / Marquette University / New School / UNC – Chapel Hill / New School
Boston College / University of Toronto / Northwestern University / Northwestern University / University of Oregon / Pennsylvania State U.
Brown University / University of Guelph / Temple University / Notre Dame University / Vanderbilt University / SUNY – Stony Brook U.
Columbia University / U. of Hawaii - Manoa / Rutgers University / Pennsylvania State U. / Boston College / University of Georgia
City U. of New York / New School / Purdue University / CUNY Graduate Center / U. of Kentucky - Lexington
Duquesne University / Rice University / DePaul University / U. of Mass. - Amherst
University of Oregon / Southern Illinois University / Duquesne University / University of Memphis
Texas A&M University / SUNY – Binghamton U. / Emory university / University of Minnesota
Dalhousie University / SUNY – Stony Brook U. / Harvard University / University of Oregon
Texas A&M University / Loyola University / University of Washington
University of Guelph / Marquette University / Vanderbilt University
University of Memphis / McGill University / York University
University of Montreal / MIT / Arizona State U.
University of New Mexico / New School / DePaul University
University of Oregon / Princeton University / Columbia University
University of South Florida / SUNY - Binghamton / Fordham University
University of Toronto / SUNY - Buffalo / Loyola University
Vanderbilt University / University of Minnesota / McGill University
Villanova University / Washington University / Northwestern University
Boston University / U. of Hawaii - Manoa / Purdue University
Catholic U. of America / Queen’s University
CUNY Graduate Center / S. Illinois U. - Carbondale
Dalhousie University / Stanford University
Florida State University / Texas A&M University
Georgetown University / University of Alberta

Source: https://sites.psu.edu/pluralistsguide/

[1] For a skeptical view of rankings see:

[2] For a skeptical view of rankings see:

[3] For a skeptical view of rankings see: