Vernon Garden Club Minutes, January 15, 2018
Kay Varga, co-president, called the meeting to order at 8:23 pm. She acknowledged our guests and thanked Sandy Justin for her wonderful slide presentation “The Flaura and Fauna of Botswana.”
Kay thanked Viviane for her floral artistry and hostesses: Mary, Anne and Betty for the delicious treats.
Kay asked if anyone wanted to talk about gardening activities in their yards or gardens. People offered that they had too many leaves; Sandy had a beautiful red fox; Kay mentioned that the bobcat had a baby, but she hadn’t seen it; she also mentioned that we should stop feeding the birds and plant berry bushes or flowers whose seed heads provide natural food. Someone mentioned that we should leave one dead tree/acre for wildlife activities as well.
Sandy made a motion that we accept Secretary, Eva’s minutes of the November 20,2017, meeting. Mary Cross seconded her motion which passed unanimously.
Treasurer, Elly Swan, reported that there was no new activity in December, fund totals are the same. Sandy made a motion to accept her report. Mary Cross again seconded the motion which also passed unanimously.
Lucille Wisnieowski, Corresponding Secretary, reported that we should let her know if someone is ill or needing a card. She sent a thank-you card to Paul Colburn for his presentation on Coyotes in October.
George Carroll, Conservation chairman, reported that the tick-borne disease “Blue Tongue” was still a topic of conversation at the Fish and Game Club, though it appears not to be a significant threat to humans.
Ginny Gingras, Civic Improvement co-chair mentioned that the mayor said DEP is doing something at the Northeast Garden—so maybe this is not the time to repair the Welcome to Vernon sign. She also offered to purchase discount Flower Show Tickets ($13) for us at CT Hort. on Thursday. Please contact Ginny before Thursday if you want to purchase a ticket.
Lynne Yampanis, Horticulture Chairman, talked about sprinkling a teaspoon of Hydrogen Phosphate per foot around your hydrangeas in order to encourage blooms this spring. Betty said that Bill was the “Grinch” who stole Christmas trees in her neighborhood this Christmas—he brought them home and cut them up to mulch her hydrangeas!
Kay Varga, Scholarship chairman, mentioned that scholarship applications for our annual $500scholarship are available at Rockville High School. One change this year is that the scholarship is available to a RHS graduating senior orVernon Resident. Application period begins January 29. Gaye has done publicity for the scholarship.
Betty Wardrop, Plant Sale co-chair, mentioned that we are in sort of a bind this year because Sacred Heart Parish has closed. Our regular venue might be in jeopardy! What other locations are available—Master Gardeners have reserved the TAC for their sale on the same date! Since this is our only major fund-raiser, we should look for an alternate locale and do a really good job on our offerings this year. More info to come, contact Betty or MaryAnn with ideas.
Sandy Justin, Program Chairreported that our next meeting, March 19,2108, will be a panel discussionon “Container Gardening.” After viewing a CD on the topic,a panel of our members will conduct a discussion on the topic. Members are asked to share successes and challenges they’ve encountered with those spillers, fillers and thrillers
The meeting was adjourned at 8:54, motion by Ginny, seconded by Sandy.