1, Keys to the Success of Teen Challenge By Dave Batty

Keys to the Success of

Teen Challenge

By Dave Batty

Student Notesheet
  1. Teen Challenge Training Resource

Track: 5The Teen Challenge Program

Topic:505Personal Studies Teacher Training

Course Number:505.11Keys to Success of Teen Challenge

Author:Dave Batty

Level: 1

  1. Course Description:

This course is the introductory session to both the Personal Studies Teacher Training and the Group Studies Teacher Training. It can also be useful for the basic training of all staff working in the Teen Challenge ministry no matter what their responsibilities.

  1. Suggested teaching schedule: 1hour
  1. Materials available:

Teachers Notes/Answer key

Student Notesheet

PowerPoint Presentation

Audio mp3


(For more information on the latest resources available for this course, check the website: iTeenChallenge.org)

  1. How this course can be used:

This course is for training current and potential leaders for Teen Challenge ministry. It can be used in a variety of settings:

  1. As an individual self study course: You can read through the materials available and listen to the audio or watch the video. We encourage you to take notes on how you can relate this to your own situation.
  2. Play the audio/video tape of this session for your training. Provide each one attending a copy of the Participant Notesheet. We encourage you to use the PowerPoint presentation as you listen to the tape. If you use this option, it would be best to follow with a discussion of how you can begin applying these principles in your own setting.
  3. Use these resources to plan your own teaching of this course in your local ministry setting. We encourage you to provide each one with a copy of the Participant Notesheet or create your own notesheet.
  1. Background reading: For additional study on this topic: List books, etc.
  2. Translation of this course: Please check the website iTeenChallenge.org to see if this course is already available in your language. We are very interested in offering this course in other languages. If you translate this course, please send a copy to Global Teen Challenge at
  1. Video or audio of this course: Please check the website iTeenChallenge.org to see if a video or audio version of this course is already available in your language. We are very interested in offering this course in other languages. If you teach this course, please make a video or audio recording of the training and send a copy to Global Teen Challenge at or mail it to the address listed below.
  1. Request for evaluations and feedback: Global Teen Challenge is seeking to improve the training resources it provides. Your evaluation and feedback would be most helpful to the on-going development of this course and other training resources. You can email your comments directly to or go to the website: iTeenChallenge.org and click on the Contact Us button.

Global Teen Challenge is also looking to expand the training resources for equipping leaders in Teen Challenge centers around the world. If there are other topics you would like to study, please send your ideas to the address below. If you have training materials that you would like to recommend, please send those ideas as well.

  1. Contact information

Global Teen Challenge

PO Box 511

Columbus, GA 31902 USA

Physical address:

Global Teen Challenge

15 West 10th Street

Columbus, GA 31901 USA

Phone: 706-576-6555


Websites: Teen Challenge Training resources: iTeenChallenge.org

Global Teen Challenge: Globaltc.org

Track 5: The Teen Challenge Program Topic: 505Personal Studies Teacher Training

Course 505.11Teen Challenge Training ResourceLast Revised 6-2009

Student NotesheetiTeenChallenge.org

1, Keys to the Success of Teen Challenge, by Dave BattyStudent Notesheet

Keys to the Success of Teen Challenge

By Dave Batty

1.A brief history of Teen Challenge

Started in NYC in 1958 by Rev. David Wilkerson

The Cross and the Switchblade book tells how Teen Challenge started

Now over 1,000 centers in over 82 countries

Research has shown that Teen Challenge graduates have a 70-86% success rate of living drug free. Studies looked at those who had been out of Teen Challenge 2-15 years.

2.Questions for consideration

A.Why does it take a person 12 months to graduate from TC?

B.Why don’t we allow our students to smoke?

C.Why don’t we require our staff to be state licensed chemical dependency counselors?

D.Why do 70% of TC graduates live a drug and alcohol free life while only
5-15% of secular drug program graduates live a drug free life?

E.Why do TC centers require the student to want to be in the program before they will let that person come in to the TC program?

F.What are the key issues and steps of change which must be addressed in order for an addict to find freedom from his/her addiction(s)?

G.What are the major differences between the Teen Challenge treatment model and the treatment model used in secular drug treatment programs?

H.What does Teen Challenge believe is the root problem in the life of an addict?

I.What best motivates an addict to change?

To accurately answer each of these questions requires a clear understanding of the Teen Challenge therapeutic model of treating addictions.

3.Models of treating drug addiction




D. model

I tell the students, you’re not here to become drug free.

You’re here to become a man of God who is holy and righteous, set apart to serve your Creator.

The incredible by-product of a life in Christ is that you find healing, joy, hope, and peace. You don’t use drugs, or have sex outside of marriage, or get drunk because you love God.

--Sallie Culbreth, Teen Challenge, Hot Springs, Ark

4.A closer look at the Christian discipleship model used in TC

Discipleship is not a miracle, like salvation or healing.

God needs experts at discipleship today.

At Teen Challenge, Christian discipleship training is the primary tool for assisting those with addictions. Counseling is used as a secondary treatment method to assist these individuals.

Students spend at least 3 hours a day 5 days a week in Christian discipleship classes, learning how to apply the teachings of the Bible to their daily living.
Ten keys to discipleship











Effective discipleship produces disciplers. 2 Tim. 2:2

5.Our view of addictions

A.Definition of an addiction

Chemical dependency (addiction) is the state that results from the process of turning to chemical use to meet life’s needs.

(Jeff VanVonderen)

B.How addictions are overcome

TC Statement of purpose

The mission of Teen Challenge is to evangelize persons with life-controlling problems and initiate the discipleship process to the point where the student can function as a Christian in society, applying spiritually motivated biblical principles in relationships in the family, church, chosen vocation, and community.

C.Three-stage view of addiction


6.The critical element of renewing the mind Romans 12:1-2

Contact Information:
Dave Batty
Global Teen Challenge
PO Box 511
Columbus, GA 31902
Phone: 706-576-6555
Web: / More Information on Drug Abuse

(brain scan info on damage done by different drugs)

Track 5: The Teen Challenge Program Topic: 505Personal Studies Teacher Training

Course 505.11Teen Challenge Training ResourceLast Revised 6-2009

Student NotesheetiTeenChallenge.org