Guidance notes for completing the SQIP and

Improvement in Performance Report

Section / Explanation
Section 1 - School / centre in context
FTE teaching / Full time teaching equivalent
Total number of 3 – 5 children / Indicate how many anti-pre school and preschool children are on the register
Significant factors / Issues experienced in the centre for the relevant period that may have affected positively or negatively on children’s achievements
Section 2 - School/centre self evaluation
1.1 Improvements in performance
2.1 Children’s experiences
5.3 Meeting learning needs
5.1 Curriculum
5.9Improvements through
self evaluation
“What are we going to do next” / Use evaluative statements to report on these 5 Quality Indicators from Child at the Centre 2.
The themes have been typed at the top of each page as prompts.
If you have had a recent HMIe inspection – you can use statements from the report as evidence.
Remember to include your next steps in the box at the bottom “What are we going to do next”
These may then appear as tasks in the Improvement Plan action pages
Section 3 Improvement Plan - Key areas for school/centre improvement
Task pages / Complete a page per priority
State who has overall responsibility for this priority
Indicate the most significant QI’s the priority is related to
Outcome and impact on learners / Please indicate what impact this priority will have on children’s learning.
Future tense
Aspirational and focused
The priority grid
By whom
Progress/Evaluation of task / Keep tasks SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timed
They usually start with a verb – plan, visit, purchase, meet,
The named person who is responsible for carrying out the task. Please note – this is not always a senior staff member - all staff should have a role to play
People, materials, estimated cost, CPD
Please indicate a rough time when the task will be completed by
On-going - without a start or completion date is not
Brief evaluative comments reporting on the progress of tasks
Section 4
Cluster Improvement Plan / This page is included for schools / centres who are working collaboratively with other neighbouring centres to take forward additional curricular areas
Appendix 1 - Summary of evaluations against key indicators
Evaluation of 5 QIs in the standards and quality report / Taking into account your evaluative statements in
Section 2 of the S&Q report, nowaward yourselves a levelfor each QI
We expect an honest and objective evaluation. Use the Child at the Centre and self evaluation materials to inform your conclusion.
Again, if you have had a HMIe inspection within the past session – you can use these evaluations
Appendix 2 - Improvement in performance report
This information is required for children aged 3-5 only (at this stage)
Overview of Achievement / Indicate how many children transferred to P1 with a level of developing, consolidating or secure in these three curricular areas.
This information will have been recorded on children’s transition record.
Please note – under HWB – you are reporting on physical coordination and movement only
Staff should refer to BC5 and the CEC significant aspects for reporting proformas to support decisions
Number of children supported by ASP, IEP and CSP’s / Please indicate the number of children who had an additional plan in place during session 2011-2012.
Specify how additional money was used to support children who were identified through the audit process
Tracking children’s achievements / These are categories of children whose achievements could be compromised by their circumstances and therefore require particular tracking. They may require more individualised plans to address learning needs
Developmental delay / This could include children with:
  • Speech and language delay
  • Challenging behaviour
  • Motor skills delay
  • Issues in their emotional development

Gender / It is important to ensure that staff are aware of the negative effects of stereotypical behaviour. All children are encouraged to access the range of curricular opportunities.
Disability / These are children who have been formally identified as having a disability through a health assessment.
Looked after children / Refers to children who are subject to formal Looked After procedures. Their achievements and plans for learning need to be addressed in formal meetings and any plan that is formulated.
Ethnicity / This refers to children who are from a family who are not Scottish white and for whom it will be necessary to take additional account of their background and culture.
EAL children / Children with English as an additional language
Other / This could include those factors that can exist within families that impact on a child’s learning, for example:
  • Siblings or parents disability
  • Housing
  • Child protection
  • Poor attendance

4.4 Standardised assessment / These are assessments undertaken by either nursery staff or other professionals involved withy the child / family. We need a clear indication of how you use these assessments to inform your work with children.

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