wMDS Guidance for providers

Document Purpose
This document defines the specification for the workforce minimum data set which is a subset of version 2.7of the National Workforce Data Set (NWD)
The full NWD is available at:
Document Version History
Version / Date Issued / Brief Summary of Change / Owner’s Name
1.0 / 31/05/2013 / Initial publication / Nick Armitage
2.0 / 21/05/2014 / Revisions since initial publication including update to NWD2.7 / Nick Armitage
3.0 / 26/09/2014 / Revisions since initial publication including removal of 3 equalities fields from the data set specification / Nick Armitage
For more information on the status of this document, please see the covering letter or contact: / Nick Armitage
The Health and Social Care Information Centre
1 Trevelyan Square
Boar Lane
Tel: 0300 303 5678
Date of Issue / September 2014
Reference / wMDS-spec-overview-V3.doc
Copyright ©2014 The Health and Social Care Information Centre
This document has been developed in by the Workforce Information Architecture Project lead by the Department of Health and including Health Education England, HSCIC and National Workforce Planner Representatives.
This document will continue to be developed with input from service providers as the wMDS is tested and implemented and in line with uplifts to the National Workforce Data Set.
The collection of the wMDS has gained approval from the Review of Central Returns (RoCR) and has the following identification ROCR/OR/2225/001MAND for organisations in the Hospital and Community Health Services sector and ROCR/OR/2237/001MAND for GPs and Practice Staff; it is therefore mandated for collection.

Workforce Minimum Data Set (wMDS) Guidance

for providers of NHS-funded services

This section sets out:


2)Points to note

3)Why the information is required

4)Workforce Minimum Data Set items

5)Frequency of wMDS Collection


The Health and Social Care Act 2012 places a duty, on all organisations that deliver care funded by the NHS to provide data on their current workforce and to share their anticipated future workforce needs. It does this through the duty placed on:

•The Secretary of State to put in place an effective education and training system;

•Providers of NHS-funded care to co-operate within the new education and training system; and

•Service commissioners, via NHS England and clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), to ensure service providers with whom they contract have regard to education and training when carrying out their functions.

All providers of NHS-funded services have a duty to co-operate with Health Education England and its Local Education and Training Boards to support them to:

•Understand the current workforce

•Plan the future workforce and understand education and training needs, and

•Manage the provision of education and training to the workforce.

As stated onpage 8, paragraph 5.14 of the General Conditions of the 2013/14 NHS Standard Contract:

As stated onpage 5, paragraph 5.6 of the General Conditions of the 2014/15 NHS Standard Contract: addition the Service Conditions of the NHS Standard Contract, SC28 Information Requirements states a provider must “comply with all relevant published NHS information and data standards, including mandatory returns assessed and published by HSCIC;”.

During 2014, the detailed guidance on the workforce information that providers need to supply and the collection timetable for 2014/15and onwards will be signposted from the following web page:

2) Points to note

The following points should be noted in reading the guidance currently provided regarding the workforce Minimum Data Set (wMDS) as we are giving prior warning of the data items to be included in the new wMDS, based on existing National Workforce Data Set (NWD) documentation with more detailed guidance to follow.

•ThewMDS will undergo a phased implementation subject to Review of Central Returns (RoCR) approval and further testing and development;

•The collection of the wMDS has gained approval from the Review of Central Returns (RoCR) and has the following identification ROCR/OR/2225/001MAND for organisations in the Hospital and Community Health Services sector and ROCR/OR/2237/001MAND for GPs and Practice Staff; it is therefore mandated for collection.

•More information on the RoCR process and their part in reducing the burden of central data collections on the healthcare system are available at:

•This document and the list of data items within the wMDS are subject to further amendment as a result of further testing and development prior to implementation;

•It is acknowledged that there is historically a bias towards the NHS Hospital and Community Health Services within the workforce data standards, and that work is on-going to make the standards better fit for use in other sectors and especially within Primary Care;

•The HSCIC welcome feedback from all sectors on the currently available lists of values contained in the wMDS-Spec-LoV-V3.xlsxdocument which will help to inform future updates to the underlying NWD standard;

•It is intended that the wMDS will undergo a two-way process throughout further testing and development of the data collection mechanism(s) and data items / format to ensure that the finished result is as useful and usable as possible. Pilot collections are proceeding over late 2013 / early 2014 and data items may be amended as a result;

•The order of the items does not necessarily reflect the final order that they will be expected to be returned in the wMDS submission, but that this further clarification will be provided in the form of a File Structure Specification and Template;

•Further information relating to the specific engagement and communications plan for the wMDS will be made available as will a glossary which may aid a fuller understanding of this work.

3) Why the information is required


Workforce planning requires an understanding of the external environment, internal environment, business vision and strategy and plans, current workforce and forecasted impact of turnover, retirements, recruitment and continuing professional development on workforce demand and supply. All areas of the workforce Minimum Data Set will assist planners in understanding workforce demographics and in developing strategies and plans to ensure the appropriate education commissioning, education and learning strategies and whole system changes to provide the future workforce.

This section provides some indication on what the particular areas of the agreed minimum data set would be used for in respect of workforce planning, strategic and operational. This is not meant to be fully inclusive nor prescriptive, but a general guide.

In essence workforce planning requires an understanding of the;

External Environment both at a local and national level, for example the labour market and education outputs;

Internal Environment, for example structures;

Business Strategy and plans as this will provide the workforce demand and financial constraints;

Current workforce and the forecasted impact of turnover, retirements, recruitment and continued professional development.

This paper will show that all areas of the recommended minimum data set will assist the planners in understanding the workforce demographics and assist in developing the plans and strategies to provide the future workforce.


Absence data helps the planners understand one of the elements of the internal environment. There are many reasons for absence and by understanding and positively managing the areas that can be managed, managers are able to ensure a more effective and productive workforce. For example persistent absence can hide;

the lack of skills and competencies;

bullying, harassment and/or discrimination within the workplace;

weaknesses in mandatory training including Health and Safety and Manual Handling;

personal and family support problems.

Management of absence will allow for better planning at both operational and strategic levels.

Absence data can also be studied against temporary staff costs to understand the impact of any increases/decreases and whether there are any correlations and can also provide supporting data to analyse QIPP, effective e-rostering and Health and Well Being Board targets.


The essential elements of this group of data include the underpinning structural components of the employee. Understanding the employee(s) through;

what they are used for (includes occupation, job role, and clinical specialty);

where they are used (includes area of work);

how much they cost;

This will allow the planners to ascertain if there are any gaps in workforce provision against their organisational structure (current and future), how much they are currently costing the organisation and understand the potential costs of future requirements.

3.4Education, Training and Development

Education, Training and Development are key elements in workforce planning. Analysis of the current workforce professional registrations, skills and competencies can be matched to the current and future requirements providing an indication of any gaps that may need filling. It can also link to;

The 5 year Workforce Skills and Education Strategy;

Continual Professional Development;

Mandatory Training;

Qualified Registration maintenance;

Succession Planning and “enhancing the workforce”.


Indicates the organisation(s) relevant to the employee, both as their employer and place of work.


This section will ensure that organisations understand the employee in terms of their personal status and needs and meet any basic statutory requirements on reporting the shape of their workforce – for example BME.

Certain aspects of this data will also help the planners by building and understanding the;

Age profile of the workforce which can then be related to understanding turnover, retention (stability) and retirement data;

Effect of gender on working patterns – for example the increasing numbers of GP’s who are female and the impact that this may have on training numbers

3.7Staff movements

Understanding the workforce data within this area provides essential information on how the shape of the historical and current workforce has ebbed and flowed providing;

current vacancies – allowing the planners to see a fuller perspective of the workforce;

where they have come from and where they go to;


churn and natural wastage;

the ratio between those employed and the hours they work against the role they play;

whether they hold a substantive contract;

All this helps to provide, alongside organisational Strategic Business and Workforce Plans, indicators on what the workforce will look like in the future. The better the information and its quality the more sound the judgements will be on commissioning the workforce for the future.

4) Workforce Minimum Data Set items

Broadly based on the National Workforce Data Set v2.7, here are some general definitions related to the table below;

Automatically Extracted:

for organisations using the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) system the data will be directly extracted by the HSCIC. NHS Organisations not using ESR will provide data via a manual return as their systems do not facilitate an automated extract of the type available for ESR users;
for Primary Care Providers where data is available from a national administrative source (e.g. NHAIS / ‘Exeter’) the HSCIC will extract it centrally, otherwise the information will be collected manually;

Essential – data items that must be provided as part of the wMDS collection as they are essential for future workforce planning needs;

Desirable –while these items are not essential to provide at this stage it would be helpful to provide this data if you have it available and that they may become essential in future as the wMDS matures;

Derived – aspects of the wMDS which can be derived by the HSCIC provided their component parts are provided in an organisation’s wMDS submission;

Collected –either extracted centrally where available or via a manual collection where no central extraction mechanism exists.

Further detail on the list of values applicable to the different elements of the wMDS are included in the wMDS-Spec-LoV-V3.xlsxdocument also published on the HSCIC website here:


wMDS Guidance for providers

Request From:
Hospital and Community Health Services (HCHS) / Primary Care Providers5
NWD Category / NWD ID / NWD Data Item Name / wMDS Data Item Name / Source / NHS Organisations and those using ESR1 / Other Providers not using ESR
ORGANISATIONAL / OCSC / Organisation Code (of Employer) / EMPLOYING_ORG_CODE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Essential
PERSONAL/OPERATIONAL / PNIN / National Insurance Number / NI_NUMBER / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Essential
ORGANISATIONAL / PLNO / Local Unique Employee Number / EMPLOYEE_NUMBER / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Not required
DEPLOYMENT / GRAS / Assignment Number / ROLE_NUMBER / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Not required
ORGANISATIONAL / N/A / Assignment Hosted Organisation / ROLE_HOSTED / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
ORGANISATIONAL / ORPN / Position Number (within organisation) / POST_NUMBER / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
DEPLOYMENT / GSGR / Staff Group - a grouping of related Job Roles / STAFF_GROUP / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Essential
DEPLOYMENT / GRJB / (Generic Description of) Job Role (for a Position) / JOB_ROLE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Essential
DEPLOYMENT / GCSA / (Primary/main) Clinical Specialty (see Occupation Code) / OCCUPATION_CODE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Essential
DEPLOYMENT / GROC / Occupation Code (full/long form of standard NHS OC for position) / OCCUPATION_CODE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Derived
DEPLOYMENT / N/A / Occupation Code (short/aggregated form of above) / OCCUPATION_GROUP / COLLECTED / Not required / Essential4 / Not required
DEPLOYMENT / GCSS / Clinical Sub-Specialty (see Area of Work) - subdivision of above / SUB_SPECIALTY / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential6 / Essential6
DEPLOYMENT / GRWA / (Primary) Area of Work - area, function or specialty of work activity / PRIMARY_AREA_OF_WORK / DERIVED / Automatically Extracted / Derived / Not required
DEPLOYMENT / GRWA / (Secondary) Area of Work - area, function or specialty of work activity / SECONDARY_AREA_OF_WORK / DERIVED / Automatically Extracted / Derived / Not required
DEPLOYMENT / GRWA / (Tertiary) Area of Work - area, function or specialty of work activity / TERTIARY_AREA_OF_WORK / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
PERSONAL/OPERATIONAL / PEBD / Date of Birth / DATE_OF_BIRTH / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Essential
PERSONAL/OPERATIONAL / PSEX / Gender (as currently assigned) / GENDER / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Essential
PERSONAL/OPERATIONAL / PETH / Ethnic Category/Origin as determined by employee / ETHNIC_ORIGIN / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Essential
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SSTA / Appointment Status (ESR: Assignment Status) / ROLE_STATUS / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Not required
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / STYP / Type of Appointment (Employee Category) i.e. full or part-time / ROLE_TYPE_OF_APPOINTMENT / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / STCO / Type of Contract (Assignment Category) / ROLE_TYPE_OF_CONTRACT / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Essential
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SCEN / Nature of Assignment / Contract / ROLE_CENSUS_NATURE_OF_CONTRACT / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Not required
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SGHR / Standard Hours for whole time appointment to this Assignment / Grade / Position / STANDARD_HOURS / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Derived
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SCHR / Contracted/Working Hours (as per contract of employment /appointment/Assignment) / CONTRACTED_HOURS / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Essential
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / N/A / Average weekly hours / AVG_WEEKLY_HOURS_WORKED / COLLECTED / Not required / Not required / Desirable
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SCSE / Contracted Sessions / CONTRACTED_SESSION / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SCON / Contracted Whole Time Equivalent (WTE) for given Assignment / CONTRACTED_FTE / DERIVED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Derived
DEPLOYMENT / GRCD / Grade/payscale Code / GRADE_CODE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Not required
DEPLOYMENT / GRDS / Grade/payscale Description / GRADE_DESCRIPTION / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Not required
DEPLOYMENT / GRTP / Grade/payscale Type / GRADE_TYPE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Not required
DEPLOYMENT / GRSP / Payscale Spine Point (Incremental Point or grade/placement step) / GRADE_INCREMENT / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Not required
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SLHD / Joining Organisation Date (or latest start date) / START_DATE_ORG / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Not required
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SCSB / Continuous NHS Service Date i.e. date first joined NHS (Type 2) / START_DATE_NHS / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SSOU / Source of Recruitment (immediately prior to joining organisation) / SOURCE_OF_RECRUITMENT / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Essential
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / STRD / Actual Termination Date / END_DATE_ORG / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Essential
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SCXP / Fixed Term or Temporary Contract Expiry Date / END_DATE_CONTRACT / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SAED / Post Effective End Date (Assignment Effective End Date) / END_DATE_LAST_WORKING_DAY / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SLGO / Reason for Leaving / REASON_FOR_LEAVING / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Essential
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SDOL / Destination on Leaving (i.e. at termination of employment with this organisation) / DESTINATION_ON_LEAVING / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Essential
ORGANISATIONAL / N/A / Position Workplace Organisation / WORKPLACE_ORG_CODE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
ORGANISATIONAL / ORST / Site Code (Location) / SITE_CODE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
ORGANISATIONAL / N/A / Site Name / SITE_NAME / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
PERSONAL/OPERATIONAL / PDSS / Disability Status (substantial and long-term declared physical or mental impairment) / Dropped from wMDS / Not required / Not required / Not required / Not required
PERSONAL/OPERATIONAL / N/A / Religious Belief3 / Dropped from wMDS / Not required / Not required / Not required / Not required
PERSONAL/OPERATIONAL / N/A / Sexual Orientation3 / Dropped from wMDS / Not required / Not required / Not required / Not required
PERSONAL/OPERATIONAL / PNAT / Nationality (as declared on appointment but may be changed later) / NATIONALITY / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
PERSONAL/OPERATIONAL / PWPE / Work Permit/ Sponsorship Expiry Date / END_DATE_WORK_PERMIT / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SPOC / Home Post Code / HOME_POSTCODE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SDGO / Date of Leaving NHS / END_DATE_NHS / DERIVED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable (If Applicable) / Not required
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / STER / Time in Post / TIME_IN_POSITION / DERIVED / Automatically Extracted / Derived / Derived
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SLEN / Length of Service with an Employing Organisation / TIME_IN_ORG / DERIVED / Automatically Extracted / Derived / Derived
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT / EPDE / PDP (Personal Development Plan) Review Date / PDP_REVIEW_DATE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT / EPDR / Performance and Development Review Date / APPRAISAL_DATE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT / EPED / Job Plan End Date - Next Review Date (Consultant Job Plan) / NEXT_APPRAISAL_DATE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
PERSONAL/OPERATIONAL / PNMA / First/fore Name (For Medical and Dental Staff Only) / FORENAME / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Desirable
PERSONAL/OPERATIONAL / PSUR / Surname (For Medical and Dental Staff Only) / SURNAME / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Desirable
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT / EPRB / Professional Registration / Membership Body for (healthcare) professions / REGISTRATION_BODY / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Derived
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT / EPRN / Professional Registration Number with above / REGISTRATION_NUMBER / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Essential
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT / ERGT / Registration Type with (above professional body) / REGISTRATION_TYPE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Derived
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT / EPRS / Professional Registration Status (i.e. indicating whether valid or expired) / REGISTRATION_STATUS / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Derived
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT / EPRE / Professional Registration Expiry Date with above / END_DATE_REGISTRATION / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Derived
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT / ESRN / Medical and Dental National Training Number (NTN/VTN/FTN Number) / TRAINING_NUMBER / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential2 / Essential2
ABSENCE / ASTD / Absence Start Date / START_DATE_ABSENCE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Essential
ABSENCE / AEND / Absence End Date / END_DATE_ABSENCE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Essential
ABSENCE / ACAT / Absence Category / ABSENCE_CATEGORY / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Essential
ABSENCE / ATYP / Absence Type / ABSENCE_TYPE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
ABSENCE / AREA / Reason for episode of Sickness Absence / ABSENCE_REASON / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
ABSENCE / ADCD / Absence Duration in Calendar Days / ABSENCE_FTE_DAYS_LOST / DERIVED / Automatically Extracted / Derived / Derived
ABSENCE / N/A / WTE Days Available SUM / ABSENCE_FTE_DAYS_AVAILABLE / DERIVED / Derived / Derived / Derived
ABSENCE / ARTE / Absence Rate / ABSENCE_RATE / DERIVED / Automatically Extracted / Derived / Derived
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SVAC / Vacant Position/Post i.e. with no staff currently assigned to it / POST_NUMBER / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Not required
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SVSD / Vacancy Start Date / VACANCY_START_DATE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Essential
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SVED / Vacancy End Date / VACANCY_END_DATE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Essential
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SVAS / Vacancy Status / VACANCY_STATUS / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Essential
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SDIF / Vacancy Whole Time Equivalent (WTE) / VACANCY_FTE / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Essential / Essential
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SVLN / Length of Time Vacancy Unfilled (during which organisation has been recruiting) / VACANCY_DAYS_UNFILLED / COLLECTED / Automatically Extracted / Desirable / Not required
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / STUR / Turnover Rate – Head Count / (blank) / DERIVED / Automatically Extracted / Derived / Derived
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / STOR / Turnover Rate – WTE / (blank) / DERIVED / Automatically Extracted / Derived / Derived
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SSHC / Stability Rate - Head Count / (blank) / DERIVED / Automatically Extracted / Derived / Derived
STAFF MOVEMENTS AND NUMBERS / SSWE / Stability Rate - WTE / (blank) / DERIVED / Automatically Extracted / Derived / Derived
