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Guess Paper – 2012
Class – X
Subject – Chemistry


Very short answers

1. What is molecular formula of bleaching powder?

2. What effects does the concentration of H+ (aq) have on the acidic nature of the solution?

3. Why should curd and sour substances should not be kept in brass or copper vessel?

4. Name the substance which on treatment with chlorine yields bleaching powder?

5. Write equation between plaster of Paris and water.

6. A solution reacts with crushed egg shell to give a gas that turns lime water milky. The solution contains,

a. NaCl b. HCl c.LiCl .c. KCl

7. A solution turns red litmus blue, its PH is likely to be,

a. 1 b. 4 c. 5 d. 10

8. What are indicators?

9. Which acid is present in curd?

10. What is aqua –regia?

11. What is colour of phenolphthalein in dil HCl?

12. Which gas is evolved when zinc granules react with dil. H2SO4?

13. Why does not react with Dil. H2SO4?

14. Which acid is present in vinegar?

15. Name one natural indicator.

Short answers (2 or 3 marks)

1.  Write formula of ,

a. nitric acid b. carbonic acid c. acetic acid . d. formic acid

2. What role does water play in litmus test?

3. Write PH of acid rain and blood?

4. What happen when copper oxides react with HCl? Give chemical reaction.

5. What is milk of magnesia? Give its use.

6. What happen when copper metal is added to silver nitrate solution?

7. Which gas is usually liberated when an acid react with metals?

8. Why does distilled water doesn’t conduct electric current where as rain water does?

9. Why plaster of Paris should be stored in moisture proof container?

10. Equal length of magnesium ribbon are taken in test tube ‘A’ and ‘B’. HCl is added to A and CH3COOH is added to B. In which test tube will the fizzing occur more vigorously and why?

11. Why baking soda is used in making cakes?

12. Give three uses of bleaching powder.

13. Give two role of acid in every day life.

14. What is neutralization reaction? Illustrate with one example.

15. What will be products if acids react with?

a. Metals

b. Metal hydrogen carbonates

Illustrate with equations.

Contributed By : Arun