1.) Title Page
Example of a typical laboratory report. RS232 soft UART
Statement of Problem
Design a RS232 Universal Asynchronous Receive Transmit in software using the Motorola 68HC11E micro-controller. The hardware consists of two HC11 devices, both capable of receiving and transmitting characters. One deviation in the design has been incorporated in order to ease the implementation. Instead of using the –3 to –12 volts to implement the mark state only the TTL logic high (2.4 to 5.0) is used. Likewise, +3 to +12 the space, is represented by the TTL logic low (0.0 0.5).
One of the two controllers uses the built-in Port A for the serial data input and output. Serial data in is implemented with data bit 0. Serial output data is implemented with data bit 4 of Port A. The other HC11 controller uses hardware ports at memory location $5b84 bit 0 for serial input data and memory location $5b86 bit 0 for serial output data.
The student is to design the external ports for the HC11, and commit the design to hardware. Software is written to implement the serial transmission and receiving of the data for both controllers.
Both controllers are interfaced to a PC that generates and downloads object code using the BUFFALO monitor. These same controllers can use the existing RS232 hardware interface to provide both the source of data to be transmitted over the TTL link, and provide a terminal to display data received over the TTL link. To this end, the BUFFALO monitor provides two subprograms. The first, outadisplays the character in accumulator a. The second, inchar acquires the ASCII value of the key pressed for transmission over the soft UART link.
Hardware Design
Part A
Basic Controller is the AXIDE HC11. Port A is a dedicated output port at memory location $1024. The 68HC11E specify the following attributes for that port. Bits 0,1 and 2 are dedicated input. Bits 4,5 and 6 are dedicated output. Bits 3 and 7 are bi-directional and will not be used in this application. The pins from this port are attached to a standard 5 pin DIN plug. A crossover is provided such that the output from port A is connected to the input of the second controller. Likewise, the output from the second controller is connected to the input. Bit 0 of Port A is used for input, and bit 4 of Port A is used for output.
Diagram 1 shows the connection of the port to the DIN plug.
Pin 1 Not used
Pin 2 Serial in/Serial out (crossover)
Pin 3 Serial out/Serial in (crossover
Pin 4 Ground
Pin 5 Not used
Part B
The design of the second controller is not as straight forward. The AXIDE has partial decoding provided by Chip Select C0 through C7. The manual provided by AXIDE shows the breakdown of these chip selects. Each chip select provides for 16 possible ports, determined by addresses A0 through A3. The chip selects start at $b580 and end at $b5FF. CS0 is used in this design and it is already conditioned with the E signal so that it will not need to be incorporated in the decoder. All chip selects are active low.
The input Port uses a 74LS244 tri-state buffer. Bit 0 is aligned with D0, and only one of the eight is used. A pull-up resistor is used so that a mark is present if there is no connection between the two units. The decoding logic uses the CS0 and addresses A0, A1, A2, and A3. CS0 address $b580 through $b58f. A3, A1 and A0 are low and address A2 is high. A 5 or 6 (depend if read or write) input AND gate is required, so the 8 input AND gate could be used tying the remaining three inputs high. The diagram using the 8 input AND is shown but was not used in the application.
However, I choose to use the 74ls138 (1 of 8 decoder) because only single TTL device provides both input and output decoding.
The output or write must be conditioned with the /WR signal. It is the E that actually latches the data, but the /WR must be used to enable the write process. The 74ls374 is used to latch the data from the controller; only bit 0 (D0) is used. The other seven are available for other applications. The completed design is shown in circuit diagram.
Software Design
Flow Charts
Flow Charts for both transmit and receive are shown. These are the basic subroutines used in this application. To provide full duplex operation, data source is the PC keyboard and the received data is displayed on the PC monitor. Data from the keyboard is in ASCII format with 7 bits for the code, and one bit that could be used for parity, but in this example it is always 0, indicating no parity. The ASCII data from keyboard is available in the A accumulator must be converted into serial format. The protocol for the serialization of this data is in asynchronous format. The communication link is established by raising the output serial bit high. This is the mark state. When a byte of ASCII data is to be transmitted in serial format, the mark is lowered to the space or logic low. The rate at which the data is to be sent (baud rate) determines how long this space condition holds. Data is transmitted starting with the least significant bit progressing to the most significant bit. This followed by the parity, which in this case is always a space. The sequence is terminated with two stop bits or marks
Indicating the end of a byte transmission. The sequence is repeated each time that a key is depressed. This is the asynchronous behavior of the transmission. Once the start bit commences the following bits follow in a synchronous sequence of marks and spaces that form the eight bits of the transmitted character. The sequence terminates with the transmission of two marks forming the stop bits.
Software Design
Code Transmit and Receive
* Program to software emulate RS232C communication
* Transmit program
* PortA $1000 bit 4 is serial data out.
*Use DIN plug that connects to keyboard
outa EQU $ffb8
outcrlf EQU $ffc4
outstring EQU $ffca
inchar EQU $ffcd
eot EQU $04 end of text/table
RS232C equ $ 1000
rsout equ $1000 Port A bit 4 for output - must convert to RS232
tin equ $1000 Bit 0 for input RS232 data_in
clk equ $80
data equ $01 data bit 0 has mark or space data
msb equ $80
buf_length equ %11011111 wrap around total 32 bytes
* data pin 1, clock from keyboard pin 8
*clk equ $80
*data equ $01
* Program starts here *
* ORG $8000 if RAM installed in U6
ORG $1040 RAM starts in U5 $1040 and ends at $7FFF
lds #$200 start of Stack Pointer
ldaa #$10 00010000 bits 0,1,2 are input, bit 3,7 bi-directional bits 4,5,6 out
staa rsout place line in MARK state
ldx #rsout another way, if we reserve x it could save some code
bclr 0,x,$10 TEST PURPOSE clear then rset, can not use indirect,
;only direct and register
bset 0,x,$10 this should also do it
ldx #MSG get message string
JSR outstring send it out PC Monitor
jsr outcrlf
jsr inchar Get character from PC, loop until character is received
staa character store the character received
jsr outa echo on PC
ldaa character get it back
bsr TTout echo on RS232 terminal
bra wait1 wait for next character
*Subroutine to output character
tab save copy in B
ldx #rsout disp has latch on bit 4
bclr 0,X,$10 only bit 4
;Note AS11 does not want comma, where ASM11
; bclr 0,X,01. AS11 will encode for the mask in all
;cases a $00, and NO! error warning
bsr delay send start bit
ldaa #8 start plus 8 data bits
staa count
tba get data
rora if carry high send mark
bcc space
bset 0,X,$10 send mark
bra done
space bclr 0,X,$10 send space
done bsr delay wait
dec count all eight sent?
bne next
bset 0,X,$10 send stop frame
bsr delay
* time delay subroutine for 1200 bits/second
ldaa #38
bne delay1
* Half delay for Receive program
ldaa #38/2
bne delay2
* time delay subroutine for 1200 bits/second
ldx #0
ldaa #$10
bne delayd
bne delayd
MSG FCC 'A RS232C Example.'
FCB $0a
FCC 'Program sends character from PC to dumb terminal'
FCB $0a Line feed had automatic cr.
count RMB 1
character RMB 1
* org $fffe reset vector
* fdb START
* Program to software emulate RS232C communication
* Receive
*Use DIN plug that connects to keyboard
outa EQU $ffb8
outcrlf EQU $ffc4
outstring EQU $ffca
inchar EQU $ffcd
eot EQU $04 end of text/table
rsout equ $b586 16v8 bit 0 pin 14 (Q0) for output - must convert to RS232
tin equ $b584 RS232 data_in 74244 bit 0
clk equ $80
data equ $01 data bit 0 has mark or space data
msb equ $80
* Program starts here *
* ORG $8000 if RAM installed in U6
ORG $1040 RAM startsin U5 $1040 and ends at $7FFF
lds #$200 start of Stack Pointer
ldaa #01
staa rsout place line in MARK state
ldx #rsout another way, if we reserve x it could save some code
bclr 0,x,01 TEST PURPOSE clear then rset, can not use indirect,
;only direct and register
bset 0,x,01 this should also do it
ldx #MSG get message string
JSR outstring send it out PC Monitor
jsr outcrlf
bsr TTin get character from RS232
jsr outa display on PC Monitor
bra wait1 wait for next character
* Subroutine TTYIN
pshx save x pointer to stack
ldx #tin
check ;Note difference between ASM11 and AS11
;in the instruction that follows
;ASM11 brset 0,X,data,check
;AS 11 gives no warning of syntx error
;just message branch out of range
;however it is OK - Not so with bset and bclear
;here the mask byte always codes as $00
;major error if your eyes don't pick it up!
;see below
brset 0,X,data,check ;if high, in mark state, wait for low
bsr half_del wait to mid period
bsr delay middle of first bit
*get character
ldaa #8 number bits required
staa count memory location to count bits received
ldy #character pointer to mapped location of the to be stored scan character
ldaa 0,x get data in lsb
rora shift to carry
ror 0,y shift carry into character
bsr delay
dec count
bne rec_data
* All 8 bits receieve
**** ldaa 0,y !to see it on breakpoint
bsr half_del end of first stop bit
bsr delay
ldaa character get character from memory
pulx restore stack
rts return with scan code
*Subroutine to output character NOT USED IN THIS EXAMPLE!
tab save copy in B
ldx #rsout disp has latch on bit 4
bclr 0,X,$10 only bit 4
;Note AS11 does not want comma, where ASM11
; bclr 0,X,01. AS11 will encode for the mask in all
;cases a $00, and NO! error warning
bsr delay send start bit
ldaa #8 start plus 8 data bits
staa count
tba get data
rora if carry high send mark
bcc space
bset 0,X,$10 send mark
bra done
space bclr 0,X,$10 send space
done bsr delay wait
dec count all eight sent?
bne next
bset 0,X,$10 send stop frame
bsr delay
* time delay subroutine for 1200 bits/second
ldaa #38
bne delay1
* Half delay for Receive program
ldaa #38/2
bne delay2
MSG FCC 'A RS232C Example.'
FCB $0a
FCC 'Program sends character from PC to dumb terminal'
FCB $0a Line feed had automatic cr.
count RMB 1
character RMB 1
* org $fffe reset vector
* fdb START
Software Design
Flow Chart Full Duplex
Software Design
Code Full Duplex
* Filename RS_rec3.asm Appears to work!
* Duplex Model
* Program to software emulate transmit and receive data using RS232C protocal communication
* This board used additional hardware to receive the serial data in memory location $b584
* It also has hardware at $b586 bit 0 for serial output
* The received data is sent to PC monitor using HC11 internal RS232, but it also displays
* the data on a display added to board last semester
*Use DIN plug that connects to keyboard. A crossover is incorporated after DIN Plug
*so that a crossover cable did not have to be constructed.
outa EQU $ffb8
outcrlf EQU $ffc4
outstring EQU $ffca
inchar EQU $ffcd
eot EQU $04 end of text/table
* Input and Output memory Maps, with constants used for masking
rsout equ $b586 16v8 bit 0 pin 14 (Q0) for output - must convert to RS232
tin equ $b584 RS232 data_in 74244 bit 0
display equ $b580 Litronx LED display on HC11 board
scsr equ $102e ;serial com status register
; bit 5 receive data register full if 1
rdrf equ $20 ;test to see if key data is availaible
data equ $01 data bit 0 has mark or space data
msb equ $80
* Program starts here *
* ORG $8000 if RAM installed in U6
ORG $1040 RAM startsin U5 $1040 and ends at $7FFF
lds #$200 start of Stack Pointer
ldaa #01
staa rsout place line in MARK state
ldx #rsout another way
bset 0,x,01 this should also do it
ldx #MSG get message string
jsr outstring send it out PC Monitor
jsr outcrlf
* This section of code alternates between to possible inputs. One from the PC requesting that
* a character be transmitted. The other checks the status of the software UART to see if a character
* is waitng to be received. If so, it collects character, displays on led and sends to PC Monitor.
;scan for request to send from PC using HC11 RS232
ldx #scsr ;on the fly test to see if character awaits from PC
brset 0,x,rdrf,getit ;if high a character availible
bra check_receive ;is one is availible on soft rs232
jsr inchar ;if so get it from keyboard
bsr TTout ;and send it
ldx #tin check status of mark input, if high no data to input
brset 0,x,data,check_PC ;if high (mark) no character, low get character
bsr TTin get character from software RS232
jsr outa send via RS232 to on PC Monitor
staa display display on led on HC11 board
bra wait1 wait for next character
* Subroutine TTYIN
pshx save x pointer to stack
ldx #tin
check ;Note difference between ASM11 and AS11
;in the instruction that follows
;ASM11 brset 0,X,data,check
;AS 11 gives no warning of syntx error
;just message branch out of range
;however it is OK - Not so with bset and bclear
;here the mask byte always codes as $00
;major error if your eyes don't pick it up!
;see below
* No need to check brset 0,X,data,check ;if high, in mark state, wait for low
bsr half_del wait to mid period
bsr delay middle of first bit
*get character
ldaa #8 number bits required
staa count memory location to count bits received
ldy #character pointer to mapped location of the to be stored scan character
ldaa 0,x get data in lsb
rora shift to carry
ror 0,y shift carry into character
bsr delay
dec count
bne rec_data
* All 8 bits receieve
**** ldaa 0,y !to see it on breakpoint
bsr half_del end of first stop bit
bsr delay
ldaa character get character from memory
pulx restore stack
rts return with scan code
*Subroutine to output character. Once entered, character in a register is sent
tab save copy of character in B register
ldx #rsout memory addres to latche bit 0
bclr 0,x,data only bit 0 used for datat transmission
;Note AS11 does not want comma, where ASM11
; bclr 0,X,01. AS11 will encode for the mask in all
;cases a $00, and NO! error warning
bsr delay send start bit
ldaa #8 start plus 8 data bits
staa count
tba get data
rora if carry high send mark
bcc space
bset 0,x,data send mark
bra done
space bclr 0,x,data send space
done bsr delay wait
dec count all eight sent?
bne next
bset 0,x,data send stop frame
bsr delay
* time delay subroutine for 1200 bits/second
ldaa #38
bne delay1
* Half delay for Receive program
ldaa #38/2
bne delay2
* Sign on message.
MSG FCC 'A RS232C Example.'
FCB $0a Line feed has automatic return.
FCC 'Program receives character from HC11 and dispalys on board and PC Monitor'
FCB $0a
count RMB 1
character RMB 1
* org $fffe reset vector
* fdb START
* Filename RS-send1.asm Should have corrections and work duplex
* Program to software emulate RS232C communication
* Transmit and Receive program Uses built-in Port A on HC11E9 3inputs,3outputs,2 bidirectional
* PortA $1000 bit 4 is serial data out.
* PortA $1000 bit 0 is serial data in.
*Use DIN plug that connects to keyboard This board has crossover wired.
outa EQU $ffb8
outcrlf EQU $ffc4
outstring EQU $ffca
inchar EQU $ffcd
eot EQU $04 end of text/table
RS232C equ $ 1000
rsout equ $1000 Port A bit 4 for output - must convert to RS232
tin equ $1000 Bit 0 for input RS232 data_in
display equ $b580
clk equ $80
data equ $01 data bit 0 has mark or space data
outbit equ $10
scsr equ $102e ;serial com status register
; bit 5 receive data register full if 1
rdrf equ $20 ;test to see if key data is availaible
* Program starts here *
* ORG $8000 if RAM installed in U6
ORG $1040 RAM startsin U5 $1040 and ends at $7FFF