Fr. Mike May, S.J.

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Saint Louis University


Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics - University of California, Berkeley, 1988

Dissertation title:

“Localization with respect to Sylvester map rank functions and epimorphisms to semisimpleArtinian rings.”

Research/Teaching Experience

U.C. Berkeley, Teaching Assistant, Math Department, 1982-87,

Received teaching awards, 1985 and 1987

Saint Louis University,

Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1988-1989,1993-1998, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1998-present,

Received teaching awards 1997, 2001, 2002.

Co-Principal Investigator for NSF grant DUE-9851405,

“Using Computers to Extend Reform Beyond Calculus.”

Sabbaticals as a visiting scholar at University of California, Berkeley, and Brown University.

Courses Taught at Saint Louis University: College Algebra, Survey of Calculus, Pre-calculus, Calculus I for Engineers, Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus III, Principals of Mathematics, Financial Mathematics, Intro to Linear Algebra, Linear Algebra, Intro to Abstract Algebra, Graduate Algebra I, Graduate Algebra II, Homological Algebra, Cryptography, Coding Theory, Number Theory.


  1. Chair, Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Computer Science, 2000-2002, 2004-2011.
  2. Interim Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, 2002-2004.
  3. Fulbright Specialist Roster Candidate, Mathematics Education with a specialty in using technology in teaching, 2011-present.

Selected Publications

  1. “Teaching Business Calculus in an Era of Spreadsheets and the Internet, a Progress Report”,Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, (San Antonio, TX, March 2014).
  2. “An Introduction to WeBWorK”,Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, (Boston, MA, March 2013).
  3. “Rethinking Business Calculus in the Era of Spreadsheets”, Appeared, Proceedings for Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, XVI. (2013).
  4. “New Features in GeoGebra 4.0”, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Orlando FL, 2012. <
  5. “Evangelizing beyond early adopters: Developing materials to train teachers in the use of GeoGebra”, (This is the paper corresponding to the talk given at the Hagensburg Conference in August), North American GeoGebra Journal. 2013 <
  6. "Integrating Excel into Business Calculus", Appeared in the proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics,
  7. A Plan for Producing a Comprehensive Suite of Applets for a Course, with Single Variable Calculus as a Case Study. Proceedings of the First North American GeoGebra Conference, July 2010, p 100-105
  8. Cryptography: The Math and Science of Secrecy, PALE: Timely Teaching, October 2009
  9. MyMathLab Applets for Visualization and Exploration in Multivariable Calculus, 2009, Electronic Proceedings of the ICTCM <
  10. Using Maple Worksheets to Enable Student Explorations of Cryptography, 2009,Cryptologia, Volume 33 Issue 2, 151
  11. Getting Started with Maple, a joint work with C-K. Cheung and G.G. Keogh, second edition, Wiley press, 206 p. 2003; third edition (Doug Meade added as co-author), Wiley press, 210 p. 2009
  12. (with Drs. Russell Blyth and Julianne Rainbolt) “Effective Live Online Faculty Development Workshops” One Model.” Educause Quarterly 29 (Number 4), 2006, 33-40.

Selected Pedagogical Projects

  1. Currently working on an electronic textbook for business calculus that integrates laptop and spreadsheet usage.
  2. Have developed collections of CAS worksheets (Maple) for Calculus II, Calculus III, Linear Algebra, and Cryptography.
  3. Have run a series of 6 online workshops for the Mathematical Association of America on using technology in teaching collegiate mathematics.
  4. I am a trainer for WeBWorK for the MAA.
  5. I have given more than 30 workshops or talks on using GeoGebra in teaching mathematics.
  6. I have created collections of applets (more than 200 applets) for teaching mathematics at a variety of levels.

More than 100 talks given at professional meetings, or at other educational institutions on either mathematics or techniques of mathematics education.

Selected Service – University

  1. I am on the advisory committee for the University’s English as a Second Language program.
  2. I oversaw the implementation of a math placement program for students coming to SLU from China.
  3. I am chair of the curriculum committee.

Selected Service – Professional

  1. Mathematical Association of America – I am currently the chair of the editorial committee for the Notes book series of the MAA and am on the Committee on Books. I served on the committee on minicourses for national meetings, the editorial board of the MAA Notes book series, the professional development committee
  2. National Science Foundation reviewer – I have served as a reviewer for two different programs.