Pré Programme pour Nanjing Réunion scientifique

Scientific Meeting of the FFCSA Club

Nanjing October 26th-28th, 2012.

Friday October 26th, 2012.

Arrivals of the members at the hotel


Yishiyuan Hotel
Add.: 81 North Zhongshan Rd, Nanjing, China
Tel: (86-25)83108663
Fax: (86-25)86633944

Saturday October 27th 2012.

9h- 9h30 Welcome and Introduction

Professor Laurent Degos

Madame Yang Xinyu, Secretary Deputy General , China Scholarship Council

9h30-10h WANG Qilong (Promotion 2009)

Calculation of optical properties of carbon nanotubes in the laser-assisted ultra-fast field emission

School of Electronic Science and Engineering,Southeast University, Nanjing

10h-10h30 ZHANG Xiaomin ( 2005)

Potential Applications of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Ocular Diseases.

Tianjin Medical College Eye Center

10h30-11h -ZHAO Qian (Promotion 2010)

Investigation of the metal oxide-based materials as supercapacitor electrodes.

Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

11h -11h30 Break

11h30-12h XU Jijin (Promotion 2009)

Welding numerical simulation development and application in nuclear power plant.

School of Material Sciences and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

12h-13h35 Lunch

14h-14h30 YANG Shu Hua (promotion 2010)

Institute of Vegetables and Flowers , CAAS Beijing

14h30-15hPAN Wei ( promotion 2010)

Physics Department –Shanghai Jiaotong University

15h-15h30 Pause

15h30-16h30 Discussions

Discussion Gaogang

Discussion Yves Quéré «Science: langage universel»

Discussion Bernard Belloc

16h45-17h45 Prix Gilles Kahn –Total 2012

Presentation of the prizewinner by Professor Laurent Degos

Presentation of Total by Monsieur Bernard de la Noue

Presentation by the laureate of his or her research

~ 18h-18h30 Diner


WANG Qilong (Promotion 2009)

School of Electronic Science and Engineering,Southeast University, Nanjing

Calculation of optical properties of carbon nanotubes in the laser-assisted ultra-fast field emission

Qilong Wang, Yusheng Zhai

With strong electric fields, carbon nanotubes can emit electrons into the vacuum because of electron

tunneling. Illuminated by a pulsed laser, carbon nanotubes biased by electric fields can generate pulsemodulated

electron beam [1-3]. This kind of electron source will play an important role in the high timespatial

definition applications, eg, electron diffraction, micro Gamma-ray source etc.

In order to get the high-brightness and high-coherence pulse modulated electron beam, we try to find

the optimized scheme of the laser illumination on the carbon nanotubes. Therefore, optical control in the

laser-assisted field emission is obviously necessary. Using FDTD method, we have calculated the optical

properties of carbon nanotubes, including the effects of the wavelength, the polarization, azimuthal angle,

etc. Also, surface plamonic polaritons excitated have been studied.

1. P. Hommelhoff et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 077401 (2006).

2. P. Hommelhoff et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 247402 (2006).

3. C. Ropers et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 043907 (2007).





器件中,如场致发射显示器、冷阴极微波电子管等。2006 年以来,随着超快电子学和飞秒








1. P. Hommelhoff et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 077401 (2006).

2. P. Hommelhoff et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 247402 (2006).

3. C. Ropers et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 043907 (2007).

ZHANG Xiaomin (Promotion 2005)

Tianjin Medical College Eye Center

Potential Applications of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Ocular Diseases

Abstract: Except for the characteristics of stem cells, Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) have other distinct functions such as prompting wound healing, anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory ability, which has made them one of the most promising candidates for cell therapy. By taking advantage of their different characteristics and functions, MSCs have been exploited in the treatment of many ocular diseases, such as corneal diseases, uveitis and retinal diseases. This paper will review the progress of the applications of MSCs in ocular diseases in recent years.


摘要:间充质干细胞(Mesenchymal Stem Cells, MSCs)


ZHAO Qian ( Promotion 2010)

Investigation of the metal oxide-based materials as supercapacitor electrodes.

Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University


An ideal electrical energy storage device provides both high energy and power density. Supercapacitors exhibit significantly higher power densities compared to batteries and would be excellent candidates for numerous electronic devices and industrial applications if their energy density could be improved. Carbon materials are the most promising candidates because of their stable physicochemical properties, good conductivity, low cost, availability in different forms, and the flexibility of tuning their porous network. However, as a consequence of the electrostatic surface charging mechanism, these carbon materials suffer from limited energy density. By comparison, transition-metal oxides possess significantly higher specific capacitance via pseudocapacitance. For example, RuO2, MnO2, and NiO have demonstrated very high specific capacitances due to fast, reversible electrosorption or redox processes occurring at or near the solid electrode surface. Thus, an asymmetric supercapacitor consisting of a carbon cathode and an oxide anode may provide a significantly higher energy density than symmetric capacitors based on carbon; Nevertheless, building such high energy density asymmetric devices has been highly challenging, mainly due to the differences methods of the making electrode including current collector, binders and electrolytes. As a result, it is still a hard task for judging the superiority of one electrode only based on the different electrochemical system. In our work, a reproducible way to get a standard method of preparing the electrodes was successfully built, and the kinetics of the pseudocapacitive electrode were clarified by comparing with the different metal oxide materials.


随着微电子工业发展的需要,具有更高的比容量和比功率的理想储能电池已经成为目前研发的重点。由于超级电容器兼有普通物理电容器和二次电池的技术特性,并且能提供比二次电池更高的比功率,使其在移动通讯、便携式计算机、电动汽车等领域得到广泛应用。目前用作超级电容器电极的材料主要有三类:碳材料、金属氧化物材料和导电聚合物。由于碳具有稳定的物理化学性质,高导电性以及低成本等特点,现在已有许多不同类型的碳材料可用于制作超级电容器的极化电极。但是由于碳电极是靠表面吸附电子所形成的双电层电容器,因此其比容量值受到了较大的限制。与之相比,赝电容器电容量远大于活性炭材料的双电层电容,其主要是通过在电极表面发生高度可逆的氧化还原反应产生的法拉第准电容来实现能量存储的,因此有着潜在的研究前景。目前,赝电容电极材料主要为一些过渡金属氧化物,如 RuO2、NiO、MnO2等。据报道,以活性碳作为阴极,金属氧化物为阳极的非对称性超级电容器具有更高的电容值,但是此类超级电容器的研发目前还处于初级阶段,电极材料仍然存在着很多技术问题。比如在电极的制备方法,氧化物比例,电解液浓度的选择上,各个研究小组均采用不同的操作标准,因此使得各种氧化物的电容性比较成为了难题。基于上述难点,本实验通过制备金属氧化物纳米颗粒对电极的制备参数进行了优化,最终成功比较了不同氧化物在水溶性电解液中的电化学特征,为今后电容器的制备及电极材料的选择指明了方向。

XU Jijin (Promotion 2009)

XU Jijin, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Direction de la Recherche et de l’Innovation, AREVA NP en simulation numérique de soudage avec Monsieur Philippe GILLES

Welding numerical simulation development and application in nuclear power plant

Numerical simulation approach has become an important tool for scientific research and production of welding to optimize the welding process and assure the safety and reliability of welded structure. However, The numerical simulation faces three major challenges. First, an accurate simulation and estimation of the temperature field. Second, the natural evolution of thermo-mechanical strains as the weld pool solidifies and cools down to the room temperature. Third, the constitutive models that can accurately describe the thermo-elastic-plastic stress–strain response of materials.

In order to improve the accuracy of welding numerical simulation, two round robin cases were carried out by NeT. The first case issued by Task Group 1, addresses the estimation of residual stress fields around a single weld bead deposited on an austenitic stainless steel plate. The second case issued by Task Group 4, deals with the estimation of residual stress fields in a three-pass slot weld in an austenitic stainless steel plate. In this report, an uncoupled 3D thermal and mechanical analysis was carried out using the software code SYSWELD to simulate welding process. In the thermal simulation, a two-offset-double-ellipsoid heat source model was developed and the parameters were fitted using the Heat Source Fitting tool. In the mechanical analysis, a new material constitutive model, non-linear mixed hardening model, was developed. The predicted welding temperature field and residual stresses are in agreement with the measured. At the same time, this report presents the welding numerical simulation of the nuclear safe end, and the welding deformation prediction of outlet nozzle in reactor pressure vessel closure head.


