OFTC Trips Index17-Jul-13


TripIDTitlep 1

W 10Camp Saddle

PH 47Capt Thomas Track to Taylors Mistake

PH 55Capt Thomas Track, Crater Rim, Richmond Hill

PH 75Capt Thomas, Rapanui, ScarboroughPeak

C 24Captain Thomas Track

N 23(Mt) Dumblane (Hanmer area) 1303MPH 15Captain Thomas Track and Beyond

BP 72Ahuriri Farm past Tai TapuNW 16Carlyle Hut

C 36Aidanfield - Oaklands CircuitC 12Cashmere Hills Ramble

PH 80Allandale, SandyBay with DiversionC 10Cashmere River and Environs Ramble

PH 21Allandale/Governors Bay/O’Farrells Track/Living PH 16Cass Bay to Tors and beyond circuit

W 77Around Rabbit HillW 87Cass Hill and Sugar Loaf

C 33Around the RiversW 20Cass Saddle (1326 m)

W102Arthurs Pass - Mt Bealey - AvalanchePeakW 49Castle Hill Peak from Foggy Stream

N 68AshleyRiver WalkW 93CastleHillPeak via Ghost Stream

W 60AvalanchePeakW109Cave Stream & Castle Hill Limestone

SW 05Awa Awa (McLennans) ReserveNW 13ChestPeak (Puketeraki Ra) Overnighter

BP 50Balancing RockN 01Cheviot – GoreBay

W 99Baldy Hill 1834 mBP 33Church Bay to Purau

BP xBanks Pen somewhereC 20City Riverbanks Ramble

PH 82Barnett Park, Gun Emplacements, Taylors MistakeC SocCity Social

W103Bealey Hut Spur - Power StreamC xCity somewhere

W 08Bealey SpurPH 33Clifton Hill, Taylors Mistake

W 09Bell Hill – Selwyn RiverW 27Coleridge Pass from PortersPass area

PH 40Bellbird to Ahuriri BushPH 01Coopers Knob from Sign of the Kiwi

PH 39Bellbird, Living Springs, Crater RimW 25Craigieburn – CampSaddle

W106Ben More from EastW 57Craigieburn Valley

W 02Ben More, LakeLyndonPH 36Crater Rim from Victoria Park

C 32Bexley Wetlands, Avon R & Pleasant PointPH 31Crater Rim with some new variations

W 83Big BenW 74Dome

W108Big Ben - Benmore TraverseW 46Dracophyllum Flat

NW 10Big Ben & Ashley Saddles, east of Mt OxfordW 62East hawdon Bivvy

BP 57Birdlings Flat - PoranuiBp 67Eastern Bays, BanksPeninsula

N 31Birdseye StreamC 09Estuary and Beach Walk

NW 17Black HillPH 83Evans Pass to Ahuriri Bush & Vice Versa

W 92BlackHillRangeC 29Ferrymead - Brookhaven

W 64BlackRangeC 01Ferrymead Riverwalk & Charlesworth Reserve

N 07Black RockW 29Flagpole (897m), LadyBarkerRange, nr

SW 04Blackford – Rakaia Gorge areaW 07Foggy Peak

W107Blackley Stream, Torlesse RaBP 24French Peak/Saddle Hill

N 64Blowhard track to Mt Thomas trackBP 01Gebbies Pass - Mt Bradley - Orton Bradley

W 16Bob's Knob (1261m) nr Porter’s PassPH 52Gebbies Pass to Omahu Bush

C 05Bottle lake Forest & Beach walkBP 48Gebbies Pass to Packhorse

PH 57Bowenvale to Old QuarryPH 17Gerkins Road to upper OtahunaValley

PH 49Bowenvale to Trig VN 16Glenafric – East of Waipara

PH 42Bowenvale, Hunstbury & Crater RimW 58Goat Hill (ArthursPass)

PH 25Bridle Path - QuailIslandPH 02Godley Head from Sumner

PH 14Bridle Path and BeyondPH 67Governors Bay - Bush Tracks, Crater Rim

PH 61Bridle Path to CorsairBayPH 65Governors Bay - Coopers Knob

W 72Broken HillPH 03GovernorsBay to Gibraltar Rock

W 45Broken River SkifieldPH 44Governors Bay to Living Springs

W 90Broken River/OtaramaPH 53Governors Bay to Tops

N 43Brooklands Lagoon Wildlife ReservePH 38GovernorsBay Tracks

BP 03Brookshaw, PigeonBayN 02Gowan Hill- Weka Pass

C 38Broomfield & new DelamaineN 58Greta Valley

N 27Broxton, PyramidValley (west of Waikari)C 06Groynes, Waimairi & Clearwater Walkways

PH 90Burke's Bush & CassPeakW 89Hallelujah Flat/Andrews Stream

C 25Burwood lakes and River RamblePH 87Halswell - Westmorland

BP 68Bush RoadPH 24Halswell Quarry

BP 02CampBay – Adderley HeadPH 46Halswell Quarry to Bellbird

BP 31Camp Bay to Little Port Cooper and Adderley HeadW 26Hamilton Peak– Craigieburn Range

TripIDTitlep 2

PH 73Harbour WalkC 30McLeans Island Forest

W 59Hawdon ValleyW 79Mid Hill

BP 04Hawkes Crag – OkutiValleyw 65Middle Hill

PH 59Heathcote - Morgans TrackW 81Middle Rock Rakaia Valley

PH 04Heathcote Quarry – Bridle PathW 81Middle Rock, Rakaia Gorge

PH 05Heathcote Quarry to LytteltonBP 32Montgomery Park to Mt Sinclair & Mt Fitzgerald

PH 56Heathcote to CassBayW 47Mother Millers Spring on Double Hill Stn

PH 68Heathcote to Horotane Ridge & BeyondBP 79Motukarara Area

BP 05High Bare Peak – Little River areaN 52Motunau Beach Walk

BP 07Hills west LakeForsythe areaN 42Mount Mason

BP 28Hinewai Conservation Reserve nr AkaroaBP 52Mount Pearce Reserve

BP 35Hinewai Reserve, AkaroaW 44Mt Aicken

W110Hogs Back TrackN 05Mt Alexander from ‘Foxdown’ nr Scargill

PH 74Hoon Hay Reserve – Bellbird & BeyondSW 14Mt Alford

PH 41Hoon Hay Reserve to BellbirdW 96Mt Barron

PH 64Hoon Hay Reserve to Coopers KnobW 97Mt Barrosa in Clent Hills, Hakatere C P

PH 30HoonHayValley — Trig VW 71Mt Bealey

PH 58Hoon Hay Valley to BellbirdW 75Mt Binser

C 31HorseshoeLakeBP 09Mt Bradley from Orton Bradley or Gebbies Pass

BP 75Horsetrek Hills/Longspur - use BP 69N 54Mt Brown - Randolph Downs

N 66Hurunui Peak (937 m)W 51Mt Bruce

W 39Inverary Station, Mt Somers AreaW 63Mt Bruce via Broad Stream

N 28Island Hills,(west of Culverden)N 55Mt Cass, KateValley

PH 45Jollies Bush to Mt PleasantN 32Mt Cass, Mt.Totara & beyond (highest point 557m)

N 45KaiapoiLakes WalkPH 81Mt Cavendish Bluffs & CRW

N 47Kaiapoi to Pines BeachN 20Mt Charon (Hanmer area) 1540M from 600M

N 50Kaiapoi to WoodendN 19Mt Charon (Hanmer area) 1540M from 600M

N 59Kaiapoi WanderW 68Mt Cheeseman

BP 06Kaituna - Packhorse - Mt.HerbertW101Mt Cheeseman (below)

BP 54Kaituna - Port Levy SpurW 21Mt Cloudsley

bp 70Kaituna SpurW 85Mt Cockayne

BP 30Kaituna Valley (head) and beyondN 33Mt Donald (491m) near Waipara

PH 18Kennedys Bush /GovernorsBayW 53Mt Enys

PH 28Kennedys Bush Track & beyondBP 46Mt Evans from Port Levy

NW 11Knowles Top (835m) Ashley GorgeBP 49Mt Evans from Purau

W 12Kowai Foothills – Rubicon areaBP 29Mt Fitzgerald (826m) from PuahaValley

N 41Kowai River to LeithfieldBeachBP 77Mt Fitzgerald from Monument

W 55KowhaiValleyBP 15Mt Fitzgerald from Port Levy Saddle

NW 07Ladbrooks Hill – LeesValley areaW 95Mt Georgina

W 31LadyBarkerRange from SteventonN 37Mt Grey from LakeJanet

W 32LadyBarkerRange, Glendore Stream CatchmentN 35Mt Grey from Picnic area at GreyRiver

W 06Lake Lyndon shoreline (alternative tramp)SW 13Mt Guy near LakeClearwater

W 15LakeRubicon to Bob's KnobSW 08Mt Harper

PH 34Landsdowne Spur to BellbirdBP 71Mt Herbert from Diamond Harbour

PH 19Landsdowne Spur to Summit RoadBP 10Mt Herbert from Orton Bradley Park

PH 06Latters Spur Track from Hollis AvenueW 84Mt Horrible from Cass

N 29Lesley Hills”/WaiauBridge (bus trip)W 86Mt Hutt

N 30Limestone Glens, nr Culverden (Bus trip)W 69Mt Ida

C 37Lincoln VillageN 21Mt Isobel (Hanmer area) 1319M

N 49Linden Lea Farm - Gore Bay RoadW104Mt Izard via Waterfall Creek

SW 07Little Mt PeelN 08Mt Karetu (972m) west of Mt.Grey

PH 37Living Springs Farm Tracks to Summit RdW 70Mt Manson

N 04Lone Pine & Limestone, WekaPass areaW 80Mt Manson (New route)

BP 69Long Spur, KaitunaN 22Mt Maukuratawhai

N 17Lost - RotheramW 36Mt Oakden (1633m)

C 11Lower Avon River WalkW 78Mt Olympus

W 05Lyndon Hill, LakeLyndonNW 12Mt Oxford and Oxford Hill

W 43Lyndon Saddle & CampSaddleNW 05Mt Oxford from CoopersCreek

BP 08MagnetBay from Birdlings FlatNW 02Mt Oxford from View Hill

W 11Malvern HillsN 24Mt Percival - Hanmer area (1629 m from 870m)

BP 42ManderleyW 41Mt Philistine

BP 25Manson’s PointPH 51Mt Pleasant from Horotane Ridge

PH 20MaoriGardens-LytteltonHarbourPH 63Mt Pleasant Ramble

TripIDTitlep 3

N 09Mt Richardson – round trip/with TwistN 34Polo Hills Station, Waiau

N 62Mt Richardson RidgesBP 14Poranui (above LakeForsythe)

SW 12Mt Somers - East RidgePH EastPort Hills East somewhere

SW 11Mt Somers South FacePH MidPort Hills Mid somewhere

SW 09Mt Somers via Hookey KnobPH xPort Hills somewhere

SW 10Mt Somers via Pinnacles HutPH WestPort Hills West somewhere

N 25Mt St Patrick (Hanmer area) 1774M from 900MPH 27Port Hills, Horseshoe Track to Bellbird

NW 08Mt Storm – LeesValleyBP 26Port Levy – Monument

W 94Mt Stuart/HillsPeakBP 81Port Levy Saddle to Mongomery Reserve

W 88Mt Taylor (overnight)BP 78Port Levy tyo Baleine Point

N 63Mt Te Kooti and Mt TekoaN 40Poynters Track, Kaiapoi

BP 58Mt Te Oka to Devils Gap, Southern Bays, BPC 34Prebbleton

W 48Mt TemplePH 10Prendergast Bush

N 61Mt Thomas - BlowhardBP 80PricesValley Farm Track

N 10Mt Thomas (1023m) nr OxfordN 18Princess Bath and Mt Princess (Hanmer area) 1720M

N 57Mt Thomas to Pinchgut HutPH 43Princess Margaret to Kiwi & Beyond

W 24Mt TorlesseSW 03Pudding Hill Stream nr Mt Hutt

PH 62Mt Vernon and The TorsBP 16Purau Bay to waterfall and Beyond

PH 35Mt Vernon via Port Hills TracksBP 59Purau Saddle to HerbertPeak

N 53Mt Virginia and Mt MeehanW 98Purple Hill

N 11Mt Vulcan – Omihi areaPH 22Quarry to Crater Rim and Beyond

W105Mt WallW 03Rabbit Hill, LakeLyndon

N 06Mt Whitnow – Hawarden areaW100Rabbit Saddle to Trig M

W 67Mt WinterslowC 04Radley Park to Sumner

W 73Mts Blimit & CassidyBP 65Rail Trail Tramps

PH 69Mulgans Track - Jollies BushBP 74Rail Trail with Bike Option

BP 21Near The Edge and PricesValleyN 51Rakakuri Walkway & Salt Lagoon

BP 56Nikau Palm GulleyN 67Rangiora Ramble

n xNorth somewherePH 85Rapaki Ramble

C 08Northwest Reserves and ParksW 66Red Beech Stream

NW xNorthwest somewhereW 01Red Hill – LakeLyndon

C 28Nth New brighton to Jubilee WalkwayW 28Red Hill via ColeridgePass

BP 11Oashore – Te Oka from Birdlings FlatW 56Red Peak to the Gap

BP 76Okana Valley & Beyond (Kaituna Area)W 82Redcliffe and Glenrock

W 04Old Coach Road, Porters PassPH 07Redcliffs – Clifton

PH 23Omahu Bush and EnvironsPH 79Redcliffs to CRW & Various Tracks

PH 48Omawete - Teddington AreaC 16River Walk - Latters Track

N 12Onepunga – North side of Mt GreyBP 73Robinson Bay, OtepatotuReserve & LavericksPeak

PH 50OnetahiW 34Rockwood Reserve to HighPeak

C 03Opawa, St Martins River walkBP 34Round the Bays

BP 45Orton BradleyW 35Roundtop and beyond nr Windwhistle

BP 27Orton Bradley – 2W 19RussellRange from “Baldoon” Springfield

BP 53Orton Bradley - Waterfall & other tracksNW 04Ryde Falls, from Cooper’s Creek

BP 60OrtonBradleyArboretum & RhododendronGardenC 21Scarborough Reserve Track & Capt. Thomas

BP 51Orton Bradley Dress CirclePH 77Scarborough Rsve track to BoulderBay

BP 64Orton Bradley Track / TablelandsBP 55See BP 13

PH 13Otahuna - Crater RimN 26See N22

PH 89Otahuna Valley to Gibralter RockNW 06See NW 11

C 35OtukaikinoBP 44See PH 04 or PH 59

nw 14Oxford areaBP 39See PH 25

BP 12Packhorse from Gebbies PassBP 62See PH 36 - Port Hills not Banks Penin.

C 27Park and RiverBP 47See PH 41 - Port Hills not Banks Penin.

W 14Patterson Hill (1133m)BP 43See PH 73

W 91Peak 1912M near Cass SaddleBP 61See PH 80

W 42Peak HillW 76See SW 12

N 65Pegasus Village & WetlandsW 102See W102 (without space)

N 44Pegasus WalkwayPH 78Sign of the Kiwi to GovernorsBay

BP 13Pettigrews Road to Monument & vice versaPH 72Sign of the Kiwi, Crater Rim Tracks, Coopers Knob,

BP 66Pigeon Bay WalkwaySW xSouthWest somewhere

N 13Pinchgut from Fox’s CreekN 46Spencer Park Towards Waimakariri

N 39Pinchgut via Okuku RiverBP 20Springvale Little River area

SW 02Pinnacles HutPH 84Stan Helms Track to Tors

PH 32PMH - Victoria Park - Kiwi - WorsleyBP 17Stoney Bay Peak from Akaroa

TripIDTitlep 4

C 19Styx Mill Reserve & Northwood

W 52Sudden Valley

W 18Sugar Loaf, (1230 m)

W 23Sugarloaf - UpperSelwynRiver

W 54Sugarloaf to Benmore Hut

PH 08Sumner to Battery Point

C 15Sumner to Taylors Mistake & Beyond

C 13Sumner, Scarborough Tracks

PH 60Tai Tapu Ramble

PH 71Takahe, Kiwi and Beyond

BP 23Takamatua nr Akaroa

PH 26Taylors Mistake to BoulderBay

PH 88Teddington

N 14Teviotdale

W 33The Cathedrals, Rakaia Gorge area

N 36The Deans, Waipara Gorge area

BP 19The EnchantedForest” near Kaituna

W 17The Gap

NW 01The Grange nr Oxford

W 61The Pyramid

W 38The Willows Intake

BP 18Timu Timu Heads – Akaroa Harbour

N 56Tiromoana Bush Walkway & Ella Peak

PH 76Tors from Capt. Thomas

C 18Tow Path from Heathcote

C 22Towpath to Ferrymead & Sumner

C 02Travis Wetlands

PH 70Trig V from Hillsborough Terrace

PH 66Trig V, GovernorsBay, SOB, Coopers Knob

UN 00Unknown

PH 29Victoria Park Crater Rim

BP 38View Hill Little Akaloa

PH 09Waibl – Ahuriri Tracks (GebbiesPass area)

C 26Waimairi Stream

C 14Waimairi, Parklands & Travis area

C 07Waimairi, Parklands, Travis Area

N 15Waipara Gorge

N 60Waipara River Explorations

C 39Waitikiri, Burwood

BP 63Waiwera, WesternValley, Little River

W xWest somewhere

PH 86Westmorland to Worsleys Spur & CRW

C 17Westmorland Wander

C 23Westmorland, Van Ashe Spur, Crater Rim

PH 54Whaka Tce to CRW & Witches Hill

NW 15Wharfdale View Hill to TownsendCr.LeesValley

NW 03Wharfedale Track – west Mt.Oxford

W 30Whitecliffs

BP 22Wild Cattle Hill, Port Levy area

N 38Wild Cherry Picking, Waipara

N 48Woodend to Waikuku

NW 09Woodstock” and beyond (Waimak Gorge area)

W 40Woolshed Creek via Bus-stop — return via old

W 50Woolshed Hill, ArthursPass

PH 12Worsleys Spur to Coopers Bush

PH 11Worsleys Spur to Crater Rim Tracks

OFTC Trips with contacts17-Jul-13

p 1

TripTitleGradeHoursMapUsual $

BP 01Gebbies Pass - Mt Bradley - Orton Bradley35 hrsM 368.30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$5 (43 Kms to O.B)

Gradual climb to Packhorse and then round back of Mt Bradley and back down to Orton Bradley

Park.__Good views, car shuttle required - $4 to Gebbies Pass, $4 to Orton Bradley + $10 per car

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BP 02Camp Bay – Adderley Head234 - 5 hrsN 368:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$7 + $1 Donation

Mary Stapylton-Smith's property not available - check correct route with Peter Mears

Camp Bay to Adderley Head and return via Little Port Cooper. Bring togs for a swim at Camp Bay

weather permitting.

$1 per person donation to Red Cross__Of interest: Restored Signal Station and School room at Little Port

Cooper. Panoramic views of Lyttelton Harbour.Those who want a longer tramp can return via Adderley

Head. An easier option is available over camp saddle.


BP 02Helps, Phillip & Jane329 4696Port Levy Diamond Harbour 8972

BP 02Stapylton-Smith, John343-300842 Harakeke St, Riccarton Christchurch 8041

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BP 03Brookshaw, Pigeon Bay35 hrsN36/38:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$17 (140 Kms)

Start up Starvation Gully road, thence farm track to ridge and summit of Mt Pearce. Return via Goodwin

Reserve and old stock route.__Good views over Pigeon Bay and Akaroa Harbour. No sheep or calves

Check with Bruce Stanton re frequency of previous tramps


BP 03Craw, Murray329-4684'Overleigh', RD 2, Diamond Harbour 8972

BP 03Holloway, Richard(03) 304 680778 Starvation Gully Road, Pigeon Bay RD 3, Akaroa 7583

BP 03Thacker, Murray03-304-8614Okains Bay Akaroa 7583

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BP 04Hawkes Crag – Okuti Valley235N36/38:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$11 (94 Kms)

From organic garden and old dairy farm dating from 1896. A steep climb to rocks and Hawkes Crag (one

hour plus). Along ridge to trig with steepish descent.__Views from the top down Lake Forsythe, Okuti

Valley and Little River are well worth the climb. See also BP 50


BP 04Lewthwaite, G.325-109725 Lewthwaites Rd RD 1, Little River 7591

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BP 05High Bare Peak – Little River area35hrsM368:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$11 (92 kms)

Climbing to 756 m via mostly steepish farm tracks to summit with all round views of Lakes Forsythe and

Ellesmere and more. Return via adjoining farm to highway and along old railway line.__Check with

Bruce Stanton re frequency of previous tramps

Winston Van Der Spek not so keen about granting access when he has cattle on parts of his block - check



BP 05Kennedy, D.325 1116Morrisons Road RD 1, Little River 7591

BP 05Miller, Ross & Mary325-1156'Manderley', Akaroa Highway, RD 1, Little River 7591

BP 05Van der Spek, Winston027-434-P O Box 17658, Sumner Christchurch 8840

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p 2

TripTitleGradeHoursMapUsual $

BP 06Kaituna - Packhorse - Mt. Herbert1-5-6+ M 368:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$9 (74 Kms)

A steady climb to Packhorse Hut (Grade 1) then harder options round south side of Mt Bradley to lunch at

Herbert Shelter, 20 minutes before 919m peak. Return via harbour side of Mt Bradley to Packhorse and

down__Great views from the harbour heads round to Lyttelton and Lake Ellesmere.

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BP 07Hills west Lake Forsythe area25hrsM 8:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$11

Follow farm track up a secluded valley to ridge and mini peak (approx. 500m) with great views of Lakes

Forsythe and Ellesmere and the sea to the Alps. Return along the ridge by a different track.__Held in

conjunction with the Base Camp in the area.

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BP 08Magnet Bay from Birdlings Flat15 hrsM 8:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$9 (78 Kms)

Open and undulating country with coastal scenery.

Bring plenty of water and sunblock.__Access problem


BP 08Hutcheson, E.A. (Ted)325 1157Ikoraki, Magnet Bay, RD 1, Little River 7591

BP 08Yates, Karl329 0065Craignish, Bossu Road RD 3, Little River

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BP 09Mt Bradley from Orton Bradley or Gebbies 35 hrsM 368:30am

Passfrom:Carpark Opposite PMH West$5 (43 Kms) + $10 per car

An interesting route up Mt Bradley from Orton Bradley Park or GebbiesPass, through rolling pasture

land with a steep portion on face of mountain via eye of the needle. Lunch can be at the Mt Herbert

Shelter.__Good views all round BanksPeninsula

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BP 10Mt Herbert from Orton Bradley Park35 hrsM 368:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$5 (43 kms) + $10/car

A round trip from Orton Bradley Park via tablelands under Mt Bradley and central valley. Steep in places

to 919m peak. Great views. Lunch in shelter.__


BP 10Russell, Warner & Claire3294730Orton Bradley Park, Charteris Bay RD 1, Lyttelton 8971

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BP 11Oashore – Te Oka from Birdlings Flat25 hrsM 8:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$10 (84 kms)

From Birdlings Flat walk across the shingle bank to steepish initial climb, then down to OashoreBay.

Thence via farm tracks to rocky outcrop at Trig Point (420m) with great views. Return via Oruaka , Maori

Pa site.__Oashore Bay site of early 1800s whaling station. Faster trampers have option to climb Mt Te


Check with Bruce Stanton re frequency of previous tramps


BP 11Butterick, David329-0051'Longspur' Akaroa Highway, Ataahua RD 2 Christchurch 7672

BP 11Power, Joe325 1338 or 325 “Kinloch”, RD 1, Little River 7591

BP 11Whyte, Kate329-0006Oashore, Bossu Rd R D 1, Little River 7591

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BP 12Packhorse from Gebbies Pass15 hrsM 368:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$5

A fairly easy walk from the top of GebbiesPass through plantation and farms to Packhorse for lunch.__

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TripTitleGradeHoursMapUsual $

BP 13Pettigrews Road to Monument & vice versa36 hrsN 368:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$12/17

Tramp follows along ridge with fabulous views in all directions. Half group walk from each end. Drivers

change cars at the assembly point (PMH) and all walk to the car you intend to return in to PMH. Make

sure you put your ‘coming out’ gear in this car.__Drivers whose cars go to Pettigrews Road receive $17;

drivers whose cars go to the Monument $12. (Swap keys when you meet at the mid point!)

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BP 14Poranui (above LakeForsythe)235 hrsN 365 hrs

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$11

See Devils Knob and Maori Pa site, the sea, lakes and ridges.__


BP 14Hutchinson, Brian329-0089Poranui RD 1, Little River 7591

BP 14McIntosh, Reg329 0878Okoura RD 3, Little River 7591

BP 14Stanbury, Colin325-24568 Glengarriff Drive, Lincoln, RD 2, Christchurch 7672

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BP 15Mt Fitzgerald from Port Levy Saddle15 hrsN 369:00am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$12

From Port Levy - Little River Rd - walk the old Summit paper Rd - moderate climb at medium pace to

Mt Fitzgerald. Good all round views, mountain totara, tussock and spectacular century-old tree stumps.__


BP 15Manson, Sam325-124320 Barclays Rd, Puaha RD 1, Little River 7591

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BP 16Purau Bay to waterfall and Beyond235hrs M 8:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$6 (54 Km)

Pleasant climb up the tree-lined Purau Stream to the highest waterfall on BanksPeninsula. Lunch near a

stand of Totara. Then climb up to the ridge in the direction of the Monument and round the head of the

valley and back to the cars on different tracks.__Reminder call to Brian Keenan 3 to 4 days before the tramp


BP 16Keenan, Brian329 484968 Purau Port Levy Rd RD 2, DiamondHarbour 8972

BP 16Watson, Richard329-4636115 Purau Port Levy Rd, RD 2, DiamondHarbour 8972

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BP 17Stoney Bay Peak from Akaroa34 - 5 hrsN 36/378:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$18 (150 Kms)

Well-formed track from Akaroa township to StoneyBayPeak (830m) with great views in all directions.

Plenty of cafes to recover in at the end of the tramp.__

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BP 18Timu Timu Heads – Akaroa Harbour234 - 5 hrsN 36/378:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$17

Easy walk over farmland to southern heads of AkaroaHarbour with fabulous views from the Harbour to the

Alps. Lunch in the delightful rocky bay called Scenery Nook. Steepish climb out of the bay on return via

farmland to cars.__There may be seals on the rocks. Spectacular views of multi-coloured cliffs.

Photography buffs delight


BP 18Hutchinson, Richard(03)304 8415Wainui, RD 1, Akaroa 7581

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TripTitleGradeHoursMapUsual $

BP 19The EnchantedForest” near Kaituna24 –5 hrsM 369:00am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$7

Gradual climb up grassy ridge to forest tucked away at valley end with optional saddle (500m). A gem of

the peninsula overlooking McQueen’s Valley and LakeEllesmere.__Permission: check with Bruce

Stanton first - a possibility access has been denied


BP 19Lankow, Peter329 0864Prices Valley Road RD 1, Little River 7591

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BP 20Springvale Little River area35 hrsN 368:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$11 (92 Kms)

Steepish climb at first to ridge and trig (502m). Thence along ridge climbing to 704m with great views of

the Okuti and Little River valleys, LakeForsythe and beyond.__Check with Bruce Stanton re frequency

of previous tramps


BP 20Stanley, Paul03-310-7612Rayonier Security, 200 King St, Rangiora 7400

BP 20Wilson, Tim325-1911Cooptown Little River 7591

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BP 21Near The Edge and PricesValley25 hrsM 368:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$10

Gradual climb following a stream up a bush valley to farm track on spur overlooking PricesValley. Good

views of LakeEllesmere and Kaitorete Spit.__Check with Bruce Stanton re frequency of tramps


BP 21Birdling, Albert329-0806RD 3, Little River 7591

BP 21Edge, Murray329 0999Prices Valley Road, RD 1, Little River 7591

BP 21McConchie, Clint329-0864P O Box 39075, Harewood Christchurch 8545

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BP 22Wild Cattle Hill, Port Levy area35 hrsN 368:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$11

A moderate climb through pleasant farmland to bush covered hill top. Lunch time views of peninsula and

plains. Descent at easy grade to valley floor.__


BP 22Coop, Tim329 4697Port Levy Road, DiamondHarbour 8972

BP 22Richardson, Ian & Pam(03) 304 6825PigeonBay, CMB 27 RD 3, Akaroa 7583

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BP 23Takamatua nr Akaroa35 hrsM 8:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$17

A moderate climb to 640m high point. Great views of AkaroaHarbour and eastern parts of Banks

Peninsula. Return via old Le Bons Bay road.__


BP 23Brownie, Mathew304 76485 Armstrong Crescent Akaroa 7520

BP 23Stronach, John304 7059196 Okains Bay Rd, RobinsonsBay, RD 1, Akaroa 7581

BP 23Toner, G.L304 7741Bells Road, Takamatua, Akaroa 7581

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BP 24French Peak/Saddle Hill35 - 6 hrsN36/38:30am

from:Carpark Opposite PMH West$12

Moderate pace to the top of FrenchPeak with gradual climb over farm tracks and open country, then

follow ridge to Saddle Hill. Great views of AkaroaHarbour and LakeForsyth.__(Access could be through

"Springvale” after lambing.)

Check with Bruce Stanton re frequency of previous tramps


BP 24Wilson, Tim325-1911Cooptown Little River 7591

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TripTitleGradeHoursMapUsual $

BP 25Manson’s Point24 - 5 hrsM 369:00am