Choose a different activity each week to help you learn your spelling words at home. When you have done an activity shade in the box.

Spelling symbols – look up the definition so you have a clear idea of the meaning. On drawing paper, write each spelling word four times so that it forms a box. Within each box, create a symbol that appropriately illustrates the meaning of that particular word. / Use a thesaurus OR and online thesaurus
to find other words that mean the same. / Find dictionary definitions of your words / ‘Word snakes’
Get a partner, use your spelling words to make snakes. One person starts with a word, the other person must add a word from their spelling list in a different direction to make another snake. After you use your spelling words, use other words with the same spelling pattern. / Group the words into:
Write sentences and put pictures in the place of your spelling words / Write each of your spelling words 10 times / Find two synonyms for each spelling word / ‘Little words in big words’
Use one of your longest spelling words, and use the letters to see how many little words you can make. / ‘Spellamadoodle’
Make a simple design using your spelling words.
Eg. in the shape of a candle, a flower, a spiral, a car ..ANYTHING!! / Cut out letters from the newspaper to make each word.
Sail boats / Word steps. Make steps with your words. Each word must begin with the last letter of the previous word. / Write the vowels in BLUE and the consonants in RED / Find rhyming words for each of your spelling words. / Group your words. You choose how they can be grouped. / Design clues for your words – try them out on a friend.
Write your spelling words in 3 different ARTISTIC fonts / find as many prefixes or suffixes for your spelling words / write the word shape for each of your spelling words / Draw a picture for each of your spelling words / Make a list of words with this spelling pattern – find as many as you can! / Score your words.
Consonants are worth 5 points
Vowels are worth 10 points
Small words in big words. Choose your longest spelling word and use the letters to make as many other words as you can / Draw a picture for your words / Rainbow words / Write each words showing:
Vowels in Blue
Consonants in red / Make your words out of noodles and take a picture. / Hangman – play with a family member and get them to sign it.
Silly sentences. Each letter of your spelling word creates a new word for a sentence.
Cathy Ate Timtams / Draw a picture engaging with the word
draw a picture of a mouth eating the word food / Use WORD or PUBLISHER to write your words in different fonts / Create your own word search / Score your words.
Consonants are worth 5 points
Vowels are worth 10 / Ransom note!
Cut out letters from the newspaper to make each word.
Use the phone key pad to write a number code for your words
ABC / 2
DEF / 3
JKL / 5
MNO / 6
STU / 8
VWZ / 9
# / 0 / *
/ Create a word splash using WORDLE and print it out / Create a rap or a song that includes your spelling words / ‘Spellamadoodle’
Make a simple design using your spelling words.
Eg. in the shape of a candle, a flower, a spiral, a car ..ANYTHING!! / Use minecraft to create your words with dirt blocks. Take a picture and stick into your homework book / Pyramid words
Make your words creatively:
Paint, Chalk
Make out of bread dough / Play scrabble with a family member – use your words / Write your words backwards / Write a secret code and write your words in code / Find prefixes or suffixes for all of your words / Make a cross word WITH CLUES for your words.