September 9, 2013

To: The Sales Team

From: Steve Horn

Re: IPAP Transmission Filter Revisions

I am pleased to announce some needed changes to the IPAP transmission filter line. They are as follows:

Numbering System: we have changed the number to be a derivative of our premium transmission filter kits (for example: 328 is now TF-161; this is the same application for our premium kit number B-161). I have attached for your review the interchange. Please note this attachment has 2 tabs; one of which is the list of discontinued numbers and the other the actual interchange.

Label: the label has been redesigned and will feature the new number as the primary number. Also included will be the old IPAP number, the ATP B-kit equivalent as well as 3 competitors; Wix, GKI & PTC. I have attached a sample label for your review.

Catalog: The change in the numbering system allows us to eliminate the printing of a paper catalog. The application information has been sent to all e-catalog providers.

Coverage: we have made the strategic decision to reduce the number of sku’s in the program. A total of 85 numbers have been eliminated and 13 have been added providing a total sku count of 139.

Packaging: at this time the packaging for this line will not change; just the label.

Pricing: the pricing for IPAP is a net price. The quoted price is the final price. There are no group discounts or master distributor discounts which apply. These numbers do not appear in our price sheet. The pricing has been sent to all electronic pricing providers and is also available upon request from Bob Marler.

Price Revision 8-14-13: Our goal is to be competitive on IPAP against the economy programs. There were some price revisions made but the majority of the numbers remained the same. The price list is attached.

Availability: The new TF numbers are on the shelf and loaded in the system. All orders received will be shipped in the new part number effective September 10, 2013. Orders which are received with the old part number will be converted to the new number. An official notification will be sent to the current short list of customers buying this line. I would strongly encourage you to also advise your current customers immediately to ensure they are fully aware.

Customer Re-Labels: the program for existing stocking IPAP customers is a simple re-label. Please forward to Bob Marler their current inventory and we will prepare a label kit and forward it to you within 14 days of receipt. In the event there are any discontinued numbers in their stock please box them up, fill out the return paperwork and ship back to ATP for credit.

In the event you have any questions please give me a call.


ATP-Inc. ▪ 1300 W. Pratt Boulevard ▪ Elk Grove Village ▪ Illinois 60007-5711

Phone: (847) 967-6790 ▪ Fax: (847) 967-8686 ▪ Website: