Share or embed Flickr photos or albums

When you have hilarious, adorable, or stunning photos and videos you love, it's easy to proudly share them. Flickr offers a variety of ways to share images from your computer, including sending them to social media sites, email options, embedding on a website, and more.

Share a photo or album using social media or grab a link to it

When you click the Share icon , you can quickly:

  • Share with social media - share individual photos or albums on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Pinterest.
  • Copy a link to the photo page or album - Whether it's public or private, you can get a link to the photo page or album to share with others. Private content generates a Guest Pass link so only people with the URL can see it.

More ways to share

Email a link to the photo page

. Click a photo to open it.

. Click the Share icon .

. Click Email.

. Enter their Flickr screen name or email address.

. Enter a message.

. Click Share.

Copy the BBCode

. Click a photo to open it.

. Click the Share icon .

. Click BBCode.

. Pick the size you want to display.

. Copy the code and use it on your website.

Get a direct URL to it

. Click a photo to open it.

. Click the Download icon .

. Click View all sizes.

. Click on the size you want to see.

. Right-click the image.

. Select Copy Image Location or Copy Image URL (text may vary per browser).

Embed an album, photo, or video

. Mouse over You | select Albums, or navigate to and open the photo or video.

. Click the Share icon .

. Click Embed.

. Pick a size and options you want to display.

. Copy the code, then click the X.

. Use the code on your website.