
·  Log in using a valid email and password

·  Recover the username/password using forgot password

ü  Recover login details using your registered mail id


·  Create a new account with basic information

A.  Name ,Email, Mobile number and Password

·  Email id validation

·  Confirmation mail will be sent to the registered mail id

My account

·  Account settings

ü  Manage profile (view and edit)

ü  Change password

ü  Booking history

Select Movie

·  User can select the movie

·  Find with date wise

·  Have the date modified serach option in movie booking

·  Also select the movies through thumbnile image

Book tickets

·  User can search the movie by using movie and date

·  Select the show time

·  Then select class and number of seats after that continue the booking

·  Book the tickets with registered member / guest user

Online payment

·  Have inbuild payment gateway for paypal

·  We can customize the additional payment gateways as per our requirment

Print ticket

·  After complete the payment user will get the e-ticket through mail notification

·  Also user can view the tickets

·  Take the ticket print from booking history also

CMS Pages

·  About us

·  Contact us

·  News

·  Upcomming movies

Counter user login

·  Counter user login with counter user name and password

·  After login counter user able to book the tickets

Current booking

ü  Counter user can select show time for current booking

ü  Seat booking

·  Counter User Only Select Class and Number Of Seats

·  After Selectioncontinue the Booking

·  Then Print the Booked Ticket

ü  Booking Historty

·  Counter user can view their booking history

·  User can find the tickets through the ticket number


·  Login using valid username and password

Admin Dashboard

·  Easy to use admin dashboard to manage all of your appointments & bookings

Change password

·  Password management (Change new password)

User management

·  Manage user(view, edit and delete)

Movie management

·  Admin Can Add New Movie with youtube trailer link

·  Admin Can Edit Old Movie Details

·  Admin Can Delete Movie

Theater management

·  Manage their theater information

·  Create the seating classes

Movie Schedule management

·  Add movie schedule based on the theater show time

·  Manage the schedules (view, edit and delete)

News management

·  Add the new news

·  Manage news (view, edit and delete)

Banner Ads management

·  We can place the Banner ads with site url

·  We can activate or deactivate the ads

Report management

·  Admin can generate movie report as weekly, monthly and yearly

·  Also get the reports for each show

·  Download the reports as excel sheet

Site settings

·  Admin can manage site settings and information’s

ü  Change site name

ü  Change admin mail id

ü  Keywords and description

ü  Website url

ü  Website logo

ü  Service fee

ü  Cut-of mints

If we give the cut-off mints is 20 mean user area booking will be closed before 20 mints from show time

CMS management

·  Admin can manage the cms pages

ü  About us

ü  Terms and condition