Minute of Meeting of the Patient Focus and Public Involvement Committee held on Wednesday, 2 May 2012 in the SeminarRoom, Summerfield House, 2 Eday Road, Aberdeen at 10.00 am.
Ms Christine Lester, Non-Executive Board Member and Deputising Chair
Ms Jane Adam, Lay Member
Ms Elaine Brown, Moray Service Planning Lead
Ms Pamela Cornwallis, Clinical Manager, Speech and Language Therapy, representing Aberdeen City CHP
Mrs Laura Dodds, Public Involvement Manager
Mr Nigel Firth, Equality and Diversity Manager
Mrs Wilma Forrest, Lay Member
Mrs Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications & Board Secretary
Mrs Jenny Greener, Non-Executive Board Member
Mrs Wendy Innocent, Health Promotions Information Service Manager
Ms Jacqueline MacKintosh, Joint Training Co-ordinator, Learning & Development
Ms Eleanor Murray,Unit Nurse Manager, representing Acute Services
Ms Linda Oldroyd, Nurse Consultant,Patient Safety & Patient Experience
Lynn Thomson, Quality Development Manager for item 4.1
Mr Christopher Third, Scottish Health CouncilOfficer (arrived during item 3.1)
Mrs Marilyn Elmslie, Committee Clerk
Item No
/ Issue /Action
1 / Welcome, Introductions and apologiesChristine Lesterwelcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were intimated on behalf ofRaymond Bisset, Richard Carey, Sharon Duncan, Dr Roelf Dijkhuizen, Linda Duthie, Cllr Bill Howatson, Linda Juroszek, Anne Lindsay, Mike Ogg, Pauline Somerville and Liz Tait
2 / Minute of the meeting held on 9 February 2012
The Minute was approved as a correct record of the discussions.
3 / Matters arising from previous minute
3.1 / Emergency fire drills at ARI
Laura Gray noted that she had discussed the concerns raised by Jane Adam, regarding the lack of clarity for members of the public when the fire alarm is sounded in the public areas of Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, with Vince Shields, General Manager, Acute Services and Eleanor Murray. Eleanor confirmed that she has raised the matter with Gary Mortimer, Head of Estates and Facilities, and Ken Walker, Environment & Safety Support Team Manager. She was assured that action was being taken to address the lack of clarity. The Committee requested that an update be sought within two weeks and emailed to the Committee members in due course. / EM
3.2 / Virtual visiting
Laura Gray noted that she and Dr Roelf Dijkhuizen were keen to establish a small working group to take the item forward but unfortunately work and time constraints meant that this has not yet been possible. She confirmed that this would be actioned shortly and an update provided for the next Committee meeting. / LG
4 / Patient, Public and Carer Information
4.1 / Carer Information Strategy 2011 – 2015 – update on action plan 2012 – 2013
Lynn Thomson provided a verbal update to the Committee. She noted that each Health Board has to develop an action plan. The Scottish Government has advised that £5million funding will be available but as yet NHS Grampian’sallocation is not known. The Scottish Government has advised that short breaks and respite care for carers have to be included in the action plan. This will entail working closely with the Local Authorities which will also link in with the work of the Change Fund. Income maximisation has also to be included. Discussions were had on the work of the Grampian MacMillan Partnership and whether this service was still available. Laura Gray confirmed that she would make enquiries with MacMillan who were represented on the Voluntary Sector Cancer Charities Liaison Group which Roelf chaired and Laura was a member. Wendy Innocent noted that she had recently attended a meeting at the Citizens Advice Bureau and the subject of income maximisation was being dealt with through their networks.
It was agreed that a copy of the final action plan will be forwarded to the Committee.
The Committee noted the update. / LG
5 / Public Involvement and Consultation
5.1 / Involvement and Consultation update
Laura Dodds talked through the quarterly update highlighting the work on the maternity consultation, patient safety and the Health and Care Framework. The maternity consultation concluded on 22 March and the results are being analysed and will be presented back to the NHS Grampian Board at the meeting on 12 June. The Scottish Health Council is also assessing the consultation process with its approval needed before finalised proposals can be submitted to the Cabinet Secretary. The consultation report will be shared at the next PFPI Committee meeting.
The Committee noted the update
5.2 / CHP, Acute & Mental Health Service updates
This item was taken after Matters Arising to allow Pamela Cornwallis to leave after her update to attend another meeting.
A written report was provided for each sector.
a / Aberdeenshire CHP
No representative from Aberdeenshire CHP was available. No questions were raised.
b / Acute Sector
Eleanor summarised the written report provided highlighting the work being done to utilise the services of volunteers within the Acute sector. She confirmed that two wards were participating in a pilot scheme run by George Reid, Catering Manager and Jane Ewen, Nutrition Champion, to use ‘dining companions’. These volunteers will sit with and assist patients during meal times to encourage patients to gain full nutritional value from their meals. This will not take away the nursing responsibilities but will complement the duties of the nursing staff.
Wilma Forrest and Jane Adam both commented on the lack of clarity on a system for members of the public calling porters and requesting wheelchairs. They both reiterated that the issue must be addressed as this matter was very concerning for members of the public. Linda Oldroyd and Eleanor Murray are to take forward the issue and provide an update for the Committee.
Elaine Brown noted that with regards to the volunteers and the membership of the Acute Sector PFPI Staff Group it was important to ensure Dr Gray’s Hospital is also included. / LO/EM
c / Moray CHSCP
Elaine summarised the written report provided highlighting that the Moray PPF information development event had been very successful. She stated that the powerpoint presentation provided by Laura Dodds was useful and would be beneficial if presented to the PFPI Committee.
Wilma asked for further information on the audit taking place within Forres Health Centre practice recording patient behaviour and reasons for appointments. Elaine confirmed that this was due to patients concerns regarding getting an appointment with their GP. A small group has been tasked with interviewing over 1,000 people. Data is being gathered and will be analysed. Feedback can be provided at the next Committee meeting.
d / Aberdeen City CHP
Pamela summarised the written report highlighting the work within the single communications and involvement group to look at Reshaping Care for Older People and communications for the HealthVillage.
She also noted the use of the City Voice tool as a means of gathering public opinion in the city.
Pamela confirmed that she will attend the Aberdeen City CHP Senior Management Team meeting to talk on the wide range of PFPI work ongoing. She will provide feedback to the Committee at the next meeting.
e / Mental Health and Learning Disability
No representative from Mental Health and Learning Disability was available. No questions were raised.
The Committee noted the updates.
5.3 / Consultation on Charter of Patient Rights and Responsibilities
A copy of the consultation document was included in the papers for the meeting. Laura Gray also tabled a copy of the letter from Alastair Pringle, Head of Patient Focus and Equalities, encouraging a response to the consultation, a summarisation of the consultation and a respondent information form.
Laura stated that Committee members could submit an individual response but she was happy to collate responses and submit a response on behalf of the NHS Grampian PFPI Committee. Committee members are encouraged to send their responses to Laura by email prior to the deadline of 30 June.
Wilma enquired if there would be a leaflet available for patients and Laura confirmed that there would be but the content was still being finalised. The purpose of the leaflet would be to signpost to the full charter document.
The Committee agreed to submit a response to the consultation which would be co-ordinated by Laura Gray / LG
6 / PFPI Assurance
6.1 / PFPI Action Plan 2011 -2012 Progress Update
The progress update report was provided. The report details all actions and progress within the Action Plan and includes the lead responsibility for each action. Laura Dodds confirmed that, with no separate SHC formal assessment carried out this year, the SHC had agreed to the NHS Grampian PFPI Action Plan forming the basis of NHS Grampian’s Improvement Plan and the Progress Report would be submitted formally to SHC this month.
Wilma commended everyone for the work involved.
The Committee noted the progress update. / LD
6.2 / PFPI Framework 2012and beyond plus Action Plan for 2012 - 2013
Laura Gray noted that Raymond Bisset had requested at the previous Committee meeting that it would be beneficial for the Committee to undertake a workshop style meeting to work on the PFPI Framework. It was agreed to take this matter forward when Raymond was fit to return to undertake chairing the Committee and attending the workshop. She confirmed that work on the 12/13 Action Plan would continue in the interim. / All PFPI Leads
6.3 / PFPI Governance Statement
A copy of the signed Proforma Assurance Statement was provided for the Committee.
The Committee noted the statement
7 / Patient Experience
7.1 / Better Together Update
Linda Oldroyd talked through several of the points highlighted in the update report. She stated that for the 2012 In-patient Survey NHS Grampian’s response rate is 55% which is higher than average. The survey results will be received in July.
She also highlighted that the data received from the pilot project on the “Noise Ear Monitor” has been collected and the report and recommendations are being written up. The pilot has raised awareness of noise in hospitals.
The Committee noted the update
7.2 / Feedback Service Update
Linda Oldroyd talked through several of the points highlighted in the update report. The Feedback Redesign is ongoing and acknowledgement of the work to date was noted by the PFPI Committee.
Linda highlighted the change from the Independent Advice Support Service to the Patient Advice and Support Service which is still being provided by the Citizens Advice Bureau but with a number of changes in their role and remit. She confirmed that NHS Grampian staff will meet regularly with PASS and CAB staff to ensure that the service is being delivered as per terms of reference and to review reports on PASS activity levels.
Wendy Innocent noted that the section of the report listing the information support that PASS provided may be a duplication of what is offered through the Healthpoint Information Centres. Linda will check with PASS on their agreed list and forward to Wendy.
The Committee noted the update / LO
8 / Equality and Diversity
8.1 / Report on consultation events with local ethnic communities 2011 (Executive Summary)
The summary was collated from the feedback gathered from the 6 events held in 2011, run on a joint basis with the Grampian Regional Equality Council (GREC). 112 members of our local ethnic communities participated, 73 of whom were non-English speaking. Interpretation was provided at the events for the Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian, Russian, Arabic, Mandarin and Bengali languages.
The full report ran to 68 pages and was a valuable source of information. These events had been held every year since 2008 and formed a useful gauge of progress made to meet the health care needs of our local ethnic communities.
Overall satisfaction levels with health care services were higher than in previous years. However, results in Fraserburgh were mixed, highlighting a number of areas where further work was required.
8.2 / Two Fixed Term Bi-Tri-Lingual Health Link Workers for Aberdeen
Nigel confirmed that the two workers, jointly appointed with GREC, were going through an intensive induction programme. One of the workers Bhakti Majumber was fluent in English, Bengali and Urdu while Adriana Sokolowska was fluent in English and Polish. Both appointments followed the same successful model developed for North Aberdeenshire and Moray where Bi-Lingual Health Link Worker Karolina Idziak was doing excellent work in linking up members of the local ethnic communities with health care and other support services.
8.3 / Legal & Ethical Issues Update Seminar for Senior Medical Staff held on 2 March
A copy of the programme was provided for the Committee which highlighted the various topics and issues discussed at the seminar. Nigel thanked Dr Roelf Dijkhuizen for his support for the event and Dr Richard Coleman and Dr Ruth Stephenson for co-organising the successful event with him. On the day,45 senior hospital doctors and GPs had attended. Nigel confirmed that a similar event would be held in September 2012.
8.4 / Equality & Human Rights Commission Seminar held on 27 February
Nigel attended the seminar entitled “Tackling the exploitation of migrant workers using Employment and Equality Law”. He made the Committee aware of the discussion which was held on the problems of exploitation of some migrant workers, particularly in North Aberdeenshire. The main role of NHS Grampian is focussed on helping people with health problems caused by the exploitation.
The Committee noted the updates
9 / Advocacy and Volunteering
No updates were provided. Laura Gray noted that a copy of the finalised Grampian Independent Advocacy Plan 2011 – 2014 was included in items for information 11.4
10 / Learning, Development and Assessment
10.1 / Participation Standard National Overview 2010 - 2011
The Healthcare Improvement Scotland document was provided for the Committee which brings together the national overview of the results from the Scottish Health Council’s Participation Standard. Laura Gray highlighted the chart on page 7 which gave the levels each Health Board has achieved across Section 3 (Corporate Governance). She stated that it was reassuring that NHS Grampian had achieved level 3 for all 3 sections. She also noted the examples of NHS Grampian good practice contained within the findings in Appendix 1.
The Committee noted the overview document
10.2 / Scottish Health Council Update
A written update report was provided. Christopher Third talked on the work of the SHC highlighting the work being done in engaging with primary care,raising awareness of the SHC with Universities and Colleges and engaging with young parents.
The Committee noted the update.
Jane Adam commented that she had recently represented NHS Grampian as a public partner at a SHC event in Glasgow and had requested information and feedback from the Director Richard Norris. She was disappointed that she had not received a response. Christopher confirmed that he would feedback to the national office Jane’s concerns and initiate a response.
Laura Dodds mentioned that she felt that there had been no recent meetings organised between SHC and her team and a lack of attendance by the local SHC officers at NHS Grampian projectcommunication sub group meetings of late. Christopher noted that the SHC did their best to attend all meetings requested but as there were no specific actions for the SHC to undertake they thought it best to inform the sub groups that they could be contacted if required.
The Scottish Health Council has advised that over recent months a number of approaches had been made to the Corporate Communications team to establish regular meetings and contact. Whilst it may not be appropriate to be represented on all committees (such as the Communications Sub Group) the local office would welcome regular contact/meetings and awaits further contact from the team on how this can be taken forward.
Further discussions were had on the work of the SHC and the Chair agreed that a slot would be accommodated on the agenda of the next PFPI Committee meeting to allow the local SHC officers to provide a presentation of the work that they do and provide details of their work plan.
SHC agreed to provide a presentation at the next Committee meeting / CT
10.3 / PFPI E-learning module update
Jacqui Mackintosh provided a verbal update for the Committee highlighting the work around patient centeredness training for nurse managers.
Laura Gray noted that she had presented at several of the NHS Grampian Staff Induction sessions and noted that the powerpoint presentation incorporated images which were quite dated. She suggested that the Corporate Graphics department could provide up to date photos. She also suggested that the PFPI team could participate in the programme of the induction session. Jacqui agreed to take forward the suggestion to Tony Holman who co-ordinates the induction sessions.
Jacqui also informed the Committee about progress with the PFPI e-learning module. Laura Dodds suggested that it may be an opportune time to re-form the Learning & Development PFPI Group with an initial focus on the e-learning module initially. Jacqui offered to present the e-learning module at the next Committee meeting (before it is launched).
Wilma enquired if an overview of e-learning and how it is implemented and audited could be provided to the Committee. Jacqui agreed to forward this matter.
The Committee noted the update / JMcK
11 / Items for information
11.1 / Minutes of Acute Sector PFPI Group 8 December 2011
11.2 / PFPI Directors update 29 March 2012
11.3 / HAI PFPI Co-ordinating Group Action Note 2 Sept 2011
11.4 / Grampian Independent Advocacy Plan 2011 - 2014
12 / Any other Competent Business
The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting.
13 / Date of next meeting:
10am on Wednesday 22 August 2012