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Annual Newsletter
Review of the Year to 31st March 2016
The Precept for the year was £3,500, inclusive of Council Tax Support Grant. Total Income in the year amounted to £5,004 (2015 - £5,025) which included the rent of the Parish Land and Cemetery Fees. Total Expenditure amounted to £8,923 (2015 - £3,665) which included Improvements to the Cemetery of £4,870, the cost of mowing the Green, Churchyard, Cemetery and Playing Field of some £2,150 (2015 – £1,940) Insurance of £453, Clerk’s salary of £270.
Precept 2016/17
You will have noted from the Council Tax Bill received from North Kesteven District Council that the Parish Precept has been maintained at £3,500 for the sixth year.
Your Parish Councillors are Michael Scott, 460644, Trevor Henson, 460388, Bob Hallawell 460933, Tim Dean 460592, Mick Priestley 460730. Adrian Whitehead 01526 833705, Carl Issitt in Evedon 413644. Jane Gibson is our Clerk - her telephone number is 461063. Please do not hesitate to contact any one of us if you have any problems you consider could be addressed by the Parish Council.
A major improvement has taken place in the cemetery this year involving the removal of the breeze block wall on the south and east sides, the removal of the piecemeal hedging on the north side and the filling in and piping of the dyke on the north side. A hedge has been planted on the south, east and north sides of the cemetery. The entrance gates to the cemetery are to be replaced when funds permit together with metal railings running down the roadside.
Speeding through the Village
The Parish Council continue to work with the Police to try and address the problem of speeding through the village and you may have seen the speed monitoring equipment set up in the village from time to time. As has been the case in the past, in the main, offenders live in the village. There are an increased number of small children living in the village and the last thing we need is a fatality resulting from excessive speeding.
Although there has been some improvement, the perennial problem of dogs fouling the pavements and verges within the village continues. Church Lane is a particular problem. Dog owners are again asked to help with this very unpleasant problem. No dogs are allowed on the Playing Field.
We would ask everyone in the village to be vigilant and to report anything suspicious to the Police immediately.
Web Site –
The Parish Council has a web site at the above address. All Agendas, agreed minutes, accounts and budgets are available on the website together with other village news. It is an excellent site maintained by Tim Dean and if you have any observations or suggestions for its improvement please do speak to Tim on the above number.
Michael Scott – Chairman
11th May 2016