Canevas de présentation d’un dispositif d’enseignement/apprentissage Presentation framework FOR learning/teaching DEVICES

Teaching/learning DEVICE: Definition

Learning/teaching devices usually consist of a combination of informative (documents, media,…), human (teachers, students,…) and material resources (rooms, teaching equipment,…), of methods and processes (teaching techniques)… This whole combination of elements is structured within a given time and according to specific strategic options; teaching/learning devices usually aim at the integration of knowledge, capacities, or new competences1 by individuals.

Purpose and instructions for use of the present framework

The purpose of the present framework is to guide users in the description of teaching/learning devices by helping them select the necessary elements to understand these devices and assess their coherence.

Like any other guide, the present tool should not be followed to the letter. Each user is free to use the elements that they consider to be useful.

This framework was used during the COFOE Project to describe the devices showing coherence between competences, learning outcomes, course contents and other teaching activities, teaching/learning methods and evaluation methods.

The framework can be useful to anyone who wishes to describe and analyse teaching/learning activities and who aims at the sharing of good practices in the process of a quality approach, during a research, or the presentation of a given device at a symposium. It can also prove a useful tool for the validation of one’s competences as a teacher (e.g. Teaching Aptitude Certificate).

The «analysis» section of the present framework refers to all the indicators proposed in the coherence assessment grid. The grid itself is an output of the COFOE Project and is available online (address), (in a paper version and on flash drives distributed during the dissemination of the project).

The assessment of the device is carried out using several criteria and indicators. Teachers wishing to describe and analyse their device are invited to explain in details how they argue, develop, adapt and update this device. The idea is to improve the chosen device by focusing 1) on the types of learning which really aim at the development of competences in students and 2) on the types of knowledge to choose, teach and evaluate in coherence with the results expected. Therefore can we speak of “analysis with regulating purposes”.

Description of the device

1.  Brief presentation of the institution (general)

The ESEnfC is a result of the merger between the Escola Superior de Enfermagem Dr. Ângelo da Fonseca (founded in 1881) and the Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Bissaya Barreto (founded in 1971). It is a public institution of national and international renowned for its tradition, but also for its quality and innovation.

The ESEnfC has two buildings: Campus A, located in the parish of Santo António dos Olivais, on the right bank of the Mondego river, and next to the Coimbra University Hospital; and Campus B, located in the parish of São Martinho do Bispo (left bank of the river), next to the General Hospital of the Hospital Centre of Coimbra (Covões).

It is composed of an educational community committed to the humanist, scientific, technical and cultural education of socially acknowledged professionals, the promotion of accredited research, the dissemination of knowledge and the provision of services.

It offers:

·  Undergraduate Degree in Nursing;

·  CPLEE (Postgraduate Specialization Courses): Child Health and Rehabilitation Nursing, Maternal Health and Obstetrics, Community Nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing and Mental Health and Psychiatrics;

·  Masters Degrees: Rehabilitation Nursing, Community Nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing, Maternal Health and Obstetric Nursing, Child Health and Pediatric Nursing, Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, Elderly Health and Geriatric Nursing, Nursing (with specializations in clinical supervision and management of nursing services).

Its faculty is composed of 111 teachers and it is attended by 1386 undergraduate students and 655 postgraduate and master students, in a total of 2041 students.

2.  Global presentation of the device. :Official name of the device; scientific areas, number of hours and ECTS, yearly schedule , participants and target groups, Context: internships, subjects, and activities related to the teaching device.

Official name of the device - Nursing Fundamentals and Procedures I

This curricular unit is part of the first year of the Undergraduate Degree in Nursing and it is the first structured approach in nursing with which students come into contact. It is included in the scientific area of nursing (code 723), and it is a curricular unit which requires compulsory attendance. It has a workload of 270 hours assigned to the 1st semester of the 1st year as follows: Theoretical classes - 70 hours; theoretical-practical classes - 34 hours; laboratory practices - 44 hours; tutorial guidance - 2 hours; student‘s autonomous work - 120 hours. This distribution corresponds to 10 ECTS. Classes take place 4 times a week in 100 minute-sessions.

The following were taken into account when drawing up the syllabus: the recommendation of the Advisory Committee for Training in the Domain of Nursing Care, in which it is clearly stated that “a nurse who is responsible for providing general care should be able to protect, maintain, establish and promote the health of the individual/group or the autonomy of their vital physical and mental functions bearing in mind the individual’s personality and psychological, social, economic and cultural characteristics”; the WHO recommendations for nursing care training, particularly “caring for the user/patient as an individual and focusing on their needs; the participation of the individual, family, groups and community in the nursing care, while integrating an educational process which promotes self-care”; the Regulations for the Exercise of the Nursing Profession, and other documents of the Portuguese Nursing Council, such as the “Quality Standards for Nursing Care” and the “General Care Nurse Skills”.

This curricular unit (CU) is expected to provide a frame and structure. Therefore, the CU is organized into five chapters. The first two chapters provide a theoretical framework for nursing as a profession and a discipline, and a contextual framework for the profession, establishing the connection with nursing framework as a structured body of knowledge, which will be addressed in the second semester, in the curricular unit of Nursing Fundamentals II. The third chapter will address human responses (Meleis) for the maintenance of basic needs, using the conceptual organization of Virginia Henderson. This chapter will also explore the basic human needs which are related to communication, vital signs, hygiene, clothing and mobility. Chapters four and five, which are more instrumental, take on the structural aspects of nursing. It begins with the most general tools for the provision of autonomous care - observation, communication, interview, help-relationship. Chapter five presents and further develops basic instrumental skills which form the set of techniques and practices of care related to the basic human needs covered during this semester.

This CU provides the theoretical framework of the disciplines and the profession and it established an initial conceptual framework for the curriculum. It aims to prepare students for curricular development during the upcoming years, with continuity in the CU of Nursing Fundamentals II.

This CU is attended by 360 students assigned to 6 theoretical classes with 60 students each, 12 theoretical-practical classes and laboratory practices.

Responsibility for this CU is shared by two teachers: Paulo Joaquim Pina Queirós (Coordinator of the disciplinary team); Anabela de Sousa Salgueiro Oliveira. They rely on the collaboration of 6 teachers.

The program topics regarding: Nursing as a profession and a scientific discipline, Framework and contexts of the nursing profession, and Framework and bodies of structured knowledge in Nursing are covered in magistral theoretical classes.

The topics related to human responses to the satisfaction of basic needs and Nursing techniques and procedures, and structuring instruments are covered in magistral theoretical classes and demonstrative theoretical-practical classes.

The topic of Basic Instruments - Structured Practices is covered in a laboratory setting in accordance with the annex:laboratory practices.

3.  Targeted Competences and LOs and prerequisites

3.1. Final competences and/or LOs targeted using this device

This CU aims to provide a response to the learning outcomes expected from the undergraduate degree in nursing of the ESEnfC, namely:

·  To demonstrate engagement in professional development with autonomy and responsibility, accepting challenges and taking advantage of learning situations.

·  To use materials and resources efficiently and accurately.

·  To manage physical spaces, protecting the principles and rules of health care.

·  To design nursing care within a health care system, using accurate clinical judgment, and focusing on the health needs and projects of the person, family and community, so as to promote quality of life.

·  To prescribe nursing care adjusted to diagnoses and objectives, foreseeing the ways to assess the outcomes of the interventions conducted.

·  To provide care, respecting the person, the safety and responsibility principles and rules, with dexterity and without errors.

3.2. Specific capacities and/or LOs as stated ans evalueted by the teacher(s) in charge

The specific outcomes foreseen for this Unit are the following:

·  To identify the characteristics of a profession and a scientific discipline in nursing, using a model;

·  To acknowledge the specificity of the nursing approach regarding human responses to health and illness issues;

·  To identify human responses when basic needs are satisfied;

·  To identify human responses when basic needs are not satisfied;

·  To plan interventions aimed at maintaining the person’s wholeness and balance, using an intervention model;

·  To use basic techniques related to communication, assessment of vital signs, hygiene, comfort and mobility.

3.3. Prerequisites

There are no prerequisites, but, during the course, contents from other disciplines will also be applied, such as nursing epistemology and anatomophysiology.

4.  Methods used in the teaching device

4.1. Select the teaching method(s) Used in the device from the teaching methods List (cf. Met_Com_20101130_Concept_MethodesEnseignement_EN)

Different teaching methods are used to implement this program, namely:

·  formal and informal magistral exposition

·  individual framework

·  problem-based learning

·  demonstration

·  laboratory simulation

Individual framework will be used to guide students during their non-obligatory work, using scripts and worksheets provided by the teachers.

4.2. Describe the stages of progression inside the device (planning, duration for each content and/or LO)

Ponto 4.2

Nursing Fundamentals and Procedures I

Table 1

TG / T / TP / LP / Teachers / Contents
Classes A and B and C / Classes C and D and E
2 / Anabela 6 h / Paulo 6 h / Tutorial Guidance
4 / Anabela 12 h / Paulo 12 h / Assessment Exams (two)
2 / Anabela 6 h / Paulo 6 h / Final exam of the curricular unit
4 / Anabela 12 h / Paulo 12 h / 1 - Nursing as a profession and as a scientific discipline
- What is nursing? What does it mean to be a nurse? Theoretical framework and connection to the discipline of epistemology.
- Discussion of the concept of human responses in health and illness, throughout the life cycle and in the transition processes (Afaf Meleis)
- Health, illness and balance. Well-being as a structuring concept.
- The salutogenic and pathogenic approaches to health and disease.
- The nurse’s intervention in therapeutic education.
- The users, the family and the social groups as an object and subject of care.
6 / Pedro 18 h / Pedro 18 h / 2 - Framework and contexts of the nursing profession
- National Heath System
- National Heath Service
- Institutions which provide health care: General and specialized hospitals; continuing and palliative care; Health Care Centres; Family Health Units
- The home as a setting for the provision of health care
- Nurses in health care teams. Functions of the different health professionals
- Team work: multidisciplinary teams and nursing teams
- Nurses’ functions. Autonomous and interdependent functions
/ 2

2 / 6
6 / Anabela 6 h
Anabela 6h
Anabela 24 h
Carmo 36h
Rosa 18 h
Anabela 6h
Anabela 36 h
Anabela 6h
Anabela 12 h
Pedro 24h
Pedro 36h
Anabela 24 h
Arminda 6 h
Arminda 6 h
Pedro 6 h
Arminda 6 h / Paulo 6 h
Paulo 6h
Rosa 24 h
Rosa 18h
Ant Manuel 12h
Rosa 24h
Rosa 18 h
Arminda 6h
Arminda 36h
Arminda 6h
Arminda 12h
Mª Carmo 24 h
Mª Carmo 36 h
Rosa 24 h
Arminda 6 h
Arminda 6 h
Pedro 6 h
Arminda 6 h / 3 – Framework and bodies of structured knowledge in Nursing (T)
- The framework of nursing education in the National Education System
- Undergraduate Degrees, Bachelor’s Degrees and Doctoral Degrees in Nursing
- Nursing Research. From the creation of a differentiated theoretical body of knowledge to research on the practices. Evidence-based practice in a context of uncertainty and ethical weighting.
4 – Human responses to the satisfaction of basic human needs (T) and (T/P)
- The Virginia Henderson’s proposal for the care of fundamental needs. Presentation and support of this care theory.
- Basic principles; Assessment of the satisfaction of the needs; factors which influence satisfaction; Changes in satisfaction; Interventions in Nursing regarding the following needs:
4.1 -Need to communicate
Characterization of communication in human beings.Language functions. Communication and meta-communication. Professional communication. Therapeutic communication.
4.2 - Need to breathe
Ventilation, Diffusion and Perfusion. Prevention and diagnosis of changes. Users’ assessment regarding this need. Factors which influence its satisfaction. Respiratory frequency, cardiac frequency and blood pressure.
4.3 - Need to maintain body temperature.
Factors which influence thermoregulation: conduction, convection, radiation and evaporation. Changes and measures to restore the normal values. Fever and feverish conditions.
4.4. - Need to be clean and protect the integumentary system
Notion of body hygiene. The value of skin integrity.The body as a means to transmit microorganisms.
Hygiene associated to care and health. Hand hygiene.
4.5 - Need to select adequate clothing, to dress and undress
Physiological and sociocultural factors related to clothing. Basic techniques for dressing and undressing patients with different levels of dependency.
4.6 - Need to move around and keep good posture
Correct ergonomic postures. Professional postures.Immobility in the human body. Movement as therapy. Users’ positionings.Lifting and transfering.
4.7 - Need to avoid hazards in the environment and to protect oneself from other potential hazards
. Pain physiology and influencing factors. Pain assessment instruments.
4.8 - Need to learn
Lifelong learning. Heath education.
4.9 - Need to act according to one’s beliefs and values
Cultural Diversity. Globalization. Beliefs related to health. Spirituality.
4 .10 - Need to have a job or a productive occupation
The life project
4 .11 - Need for recreational activities
Fun as a factor for balance and the prevention of stress.

/ 2
2 / 2
2 / Anabela 6h
Anabela 12h
Anabela 24 h
Carmo 24h
Carmo 6h
Carmo 12 h / Anabela 6h
Helena 12 h
Rosa 24 h
Filipa 12 h
Verónica 12 h
Carmo 6h
Manuel Chav 12 h / 5 – Nursing techniques and procedures. Structuring instruments (T/P)
5.1 - Planning care. The care process.
5.2 - Communication (communication techniques)
5.3 - The interview (interview and welcoming techniques)
5.4 - Observation
8 / 6 – Basic Instruments - Structured practices (P)
- Hand hygiene, gloving technique
- Hygiene care
- Dressing and undressing with limitations.
- Assessment of vital signs - P; R; BP; Temperature; Pain
- Ergonomic postures. Movement of patients in bed. Positioning in bed.
- Lifting and Transferring
- Simple dressings
Assessment of Practices
