
A Resolution Encouraging University Administration and the

City of Charlottesville to Protect Undocumented Students and Individuals

Sponsored By: David Birkenthal, CLAS Representative

WHEREAS:The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Policy has protected the safety and well-being of University of Virginia students and Charlottesville residents since enactment; AND,

WHEREAS:The long-term stability of the peace of mind of and protection for university students that DACA grants is an invaluable resource for the university community; AND,

WHEREAS:A change in policy will damage the cohesiveness of the university community and the peace of mind of the student body; AND,

WHEREAS:The maintenance of the standard for University of Virginia and Charlottesville law enforcement officials is to neither systematically nor sporadically inquire into the residency status of university Students and Charlottesville residents; AND,

WHEREAS:The members of the University of Virginia and the Charlottesville community at large should always work to ensure that no individual is to be subjected to a continued sense of fear due to their location amongst their fellow students and city residents; THEREFORE BE IT,

RESOLVED: The University of Virginia Student Council requests from the University of Virginia Administration and Police Department an affirmation that resources from, and members of the University of Virginia Police Department, will not be used to corroborate with efforts to inquire into the immigration statuses of university students, and that the University of Virginia police will not inquire about any immigration records/statuses while performing their duties; AND BE IT FURTHER,

RESOLVED:The University of Virginia Student Council requests from the City of Charlottesville the same affirmation of its police department; AND BE IT FURTHER,

RESOLVED:The University of Virginia Student Council stands open to working with any of the above referenced parties in order to devise and implement plans by which the two requested affirmations may be issued; AND BE IT FURTHER,

RESOLVED:That the University of Virginia will continue to admit students regardless of their immigration status; AND BE IT FURTHER

RESOLVED: That the University of Virginia will continue its current financial agreements with DACA students and that similar financial models be implemented for future DACA students; AND BE IT FURTHER

RESOLVED:That the University publically offer confidential counseling services specifically to DACAmented and immigrant students and their allies, and commit to hiring individuals trained in the concerns of these students; AND BE IT FURTHER

RESOLVED:The University publicly express support of the bipartisan legislation known as the BRIDGE Act that would allow individuals in the U.S. who arrived as children to stay in the country for another three years without the threat of deportation and ensure the continued education of all students.