Assignment 30%
Due date: 20th May 11:58pm
Why has accounting measurement become an important issue in the recent debate in financial reporting? In answering this question;
- Provide a critical analysis on why measurement is one of the most challenging components of the conceptual framework being jointly developed by FASB and IASB.
- Compare and contrast measurement choices and explain in your own words the impact of wrong choices of measurement for an organisation.
Maximum word length is 3,000 words.
The assignment must be submitted on moodle by the due date.
Criteria / High Distinction80% - / Distinction
70%- 79% / Credit
60-69% / Pass
50-59% / Fail
Identification of measurement issues in financial reporting
(6 marks) / Student has produced a comprehensive report on the measurement issues in the current financial accounting environment and has provided significant insights from the literature. / Student has produced a comprehensive report on the measurement issues in the current financial accounting environment. / Clearly identified measurement issues and an adequate discussion has been conducted. / An attempt has been made to identify measurement issues on financial reporting, however, it shows clear lack of relevance in some areas. / The report demonstrates little or a lack of engagement with measurement issues in financial reporting.
Justification of movements away from historical to other choices of measurement in accounting standareds.
(6 marks) / The report is highly relevant and clearly outlines the impact of these findings on measurement issues. Student has provided deep in sights from the literature. / The report is highly relevant and clearly outlines the impact of these findings on measurement issues. / Most relevant factors identified with an adequate description of each. / The discussion addresses most of the issues raised in the task but lacks clarity and relevant discussion. / The report discussion fails to address most of the issues raised in the task and the discussion lacks clarity.
Impact of measurement issues linked to accounting theory
(6 marks) / Clear links have been managed and made between research and current accounting measurement issues.
These links have been explained with clarity and have been critically applied in the task. / Clear links have been managed and made between research and current accounting measurement issues.
These links have been explained with clarity and have been correctly applied in the task. / Each criterion is applied with some critical evaluation of theory which applies to the measurement. / The report at times lacks relevance and/or some of the conclusions are erroneous.
While some attempts have been made to discuss particular aspects of the measurement issues it still lacks clarity. / The report discussion fails to address most of the issues raised in the task and the discussion lacks clarity.
Critical capacity: Whether the student has thoroughly evaluated measurement issues
(4 marks) / The report discussion clearly addresses the issues raised in the task and is highly relevant to the current debate in measurement.
The report clearly outlines the major findings of the investigation and the impact of these findings to financial accounting reporting. / The report discussion clearly addresses the issues raised in the task and is relevant to the current debate in measurement.
The report clearly outlines the major findings of the investigation and the relationship of these findings to financial accounting reporting. / The report outlines the major issues of measurement and provides a logical, adequate investigation and the impact of these findings. / Discussion has been limited to create a general report with little or a lack of, evidence of independent critical thinking. / The argument’s presented does not support the topic.
Little or no attempt has been made to link accounting measurement issues and impact to the discussion and/or the links made are incorrect.
Identification of meaning of measurement concpets (HCA, CPPA, CCA and COCOA)
(6 marks) / Student has produced a comprehensive and critical report on the measurement concepts. / Student has produced a comprehensive report on the measurement concepts / Clearly identified issues and adequate discussion has been conducted. / Attempt has been made but lack of relevance and clarity in some areas. / You have not identified and/or made an attempt to discuss important aspects of the measurement concepts.
Academic writing: Is the answer easy to follow and understand?
(1 mark) / The report is professionally presented .
All grammar and punctuation is correct.
The report is written in a style that is highly engaging and easy to read. / The report is professionally presented .
All grammar and punctuation is correct.
The report is written in a style that is engaging and easy to read. / The report is professionally presented .
The majority of the grammar and punctuation is correct.
The report is written in a style that is engaging and easy to read. / There are some errors in grammar and punctuation.
The report is not engaging and/or is not easy to read. / A major improvement in the report is needed. There are many errors in grammar and punctuation which need correction.
The report style is not easy to read.
(1 mark) / The APA referencing system has been used clearly and accurately to record all cited sources in the report. / The APA referencing system has been used clearly and accurately to record all cited sources in the report. / The APA referencing system has not been used clearly and accurately to record all cited sources in the report. / The APA referencing system has been used clearly and accurately to record cited sources in the report but may have some major errors in these citations / The APA system has not been used to record cited sources in the report and/or not all sources are cited and /or no list of references and/or there are serious error in the construction of this list..
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