State of California

Health and Human Services Agency

Department of Rehabilitation

California Vendors Policy Committee (CVPC)

Training Subcommittee Meeting

2:00-3:00 PM
Meeting Location: Department of Rehabilitation, Room 407
721 Capitol Mall Sacramento, CA 95814


Roy Harmon, Chair

Joanie Patche, Member

Barbara Moore, Member

Michael Hatch, Member

Max Duarte, Member

Andy Brown, Member

Denise Hudson-Mendoza, Member of the Public

Zach Mundy, DOR Staff

Kathleen Munyer, DOR Staff

Stacy Cervenka DOR Staff


1. Welcome and Roll Call
The Subcommittee Chair welcomed attendees and conducted a roll call.

2. Teleconference Participation

Members of the Subcommittee reviewed established teleconference etiquette.

3. 2015 CVPC/BEP Vendor Training Seminar

·  Kathleen Munyer and Stacy Cervenka recommended that the Committee only look at hotels with airport shuttles in the future.

·  Ms. Munyer has gotten calls from more exhibitors who would like to have booths in the exhibit hall.

·  Ms. Munyer will send the list of exhibitors to the Training Subcommittee by the next Training Subcommittee meeting.

·  Subcommittee Members discussed asking exhibitors for donations, auction items, door prizes, and raffle prizes.

·  Speakers for Saturday will be finalized next week and will be discussed at next week’s meeting.

·  Roy Harmon has spoken with Elena Gomez about inviting Assemblyman Paterson. He is scheduled for a speech and then a meet and greet at lunch.

·  Members discussed where to hold their hospitality event and what type of food and drink to serve.

4. Registration

·  Kathleen Munyer has contacted every vendor for whom she has contact information.

·  57 people have registered, which includes both vendors and assistants.

·  28 people registered to take the ServSafe test.

·  If vendors would like next year’s training to be held in San Diego, they need to get hotel bids in writing. DOR has no preference on the location of the training, as long as it stays within the budget.

5. Adjourn

The was adjourned.


Stacy Cervenka

Advisory Committee Analyst

Specialized Services Division

(916) 558-5380