Form No. T651

Philadelphia UniversityStudent Name:

Faculty of EngineeringStudent Number:

Dept. of Communications and Electronics Engineering

Course Title: Digital Electronics& Techniques

Course No: 650344, 630330
Lecturer: Dr. Wagah F. Mohammad

This question is general:Tick (√)the correct answer.

1-If the electronic chip contains 104 devises, it is called.

  • Large scale integration
  • Very large scale integration
  • Medium scale integration.

2-Periodic pulse waveform is a repetitive pulse with predetermined:

  • Frequency.
  • Voltage.
  • Current

3-If the voltage across the capacitor is constantthat means the current through the capacitor is:

  • Constant.
  • Maximum.
  • Zero.

4-Bipolar transistor operated in saturation region when the base –collector junction is:

  • Reverse biased.
  • Forward biased.
  • Not biased.

5-Faster turn on of the transistor requires the value of Rb to be :

  • Large.
  • Small.
  • Any value.

6-Choosing small value of the load resistor (Rc), the current that flow through the output transistor is:

  • Large.
  • Small.
  • Not changed

7-When the digital outputis low, the current will flow:

  • Outside the circuit (Sourcing current).
  • Inside the circuit (Sinking Current).
  • No current will flow.

8-At high output TTL too many loads causing larger dropacrossR2, T3and D thereby Voh is :

  • Increased
  • Decreased.
  • Not affected.

9-Unused inputs of NOR gates should be connected to the:

  • Power supply.
  • Used input.
  • Left floating.

10-The job of top transistor (T3) in totem pole output is to providea path for the output ;

  • High impedance.
  • Low impedance..
  • None of the above

11-In order to increase the switching speed of MOSFET logic, the channel length must be:

  • Increased.
  • Decreased.
  • Not changed.

12-The number of transistors needed to build a dynamic-NMOS Inverterof n-input is:

  • 2n.
  • n2.
  • n + 2.

13-The advantages of connecting NEMOS & PEMOS in Transmission gate is to transmit:

  • High level voltage.
  • Entire input voltage.
  • Zero level voltage.

14-Monostables multivibraters are a digital circuit has:

  • No stable state.
  • One stable state.
  • Two stable states

15-The main disadvantage of dynamic storage cell memory is;

  • Occupy large silicon area.
  • Use complex circuitry.
  • Loose datadue to leakage.
  • Use very simple circuitry.

16-Transmission CMOS gate is created by connecting NEMOS in parallel with PEMOS in order to transmit:

  • The high level voltage.
  • The low level voltage.
  • The entire level voltage.

17-The number of unique addresses of 210x8 ROM is:

  • 210 bits.
  • 10 bits.
  • 8 bits.

18-The duty cycle of monostables output is proportional to:

  • Width of the input signal.
  • External RC circuit.
  • Internal RC circuit.

19-Nonretriggerable monostables respond to the input signal as long as the output in:

  • Stable state.
  • Quisistable state.
  • Both states.

20-One of the disadvantages of binary-weighted Digital to analogue converter is:

  • Non-weighted.
  • Slow speed.
  • Low resolution.
  • High value of input resistances.

1-Calculate the minimum input voltage for the transistor to be saturated. Suppose Vbe=0.7 V, Vce=0.2 V, βmin=10 and Ϭ =0.6.

2-Calculate the low fan out (Flow) of the TTL open collector circuit, suppose Vbe=0.7 V, Vce=0.3V:

3-Calculate the duty cycle of the 555 timer connected as an astable is:

1-What are the advantages and disadvantages of binary encoded analogue to digital converter (B E A/D C)? What is the digital output of the above converter of 4-bit correspond to 2.5 V input? Suppose the reference voltage is 5 V. Calculate the resolution.


This question is about MOSFET family;

Design and draw the following Boolean function using CMOS technology.

HINT: Draw the Karnouph map and minimize the function then use DeMorgans theory to draw the final design.

F (A, B, C, D) = ∑ (0, 1, 2, 3, 6,10, 12, 13, 14, 15)