Stow on the WoldTown Council
Stow Youth Centre, Fosseway, Stow on the Wold, Glos, GL541DW
Clerk: Chris Franklin Phone: 01451 832 585
Minutes of Parks meeting held on 1st May 2013.
Present: Keith Cox (Chairman) (KC), Robin Jones (RJ), Chris Turner (CT), Simon Clarke (SC).
Jack Baggott (JB).
Apologies: Colin Smalley, Alun White
Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd April 2013 were approved, subject to Chris Turner being included on the apologies list for the last meeting.
Matters Arising:
KC to issue copy of QE11 Field Covenant.
Co-Option of Committee Member
Proposal. KC proposed Mr Jack Baggott be co-opted onto the Park’s Committee, CT Seconded, all in favour.
Ragg’s Row
Complaint received by Town Council regarding the condition of the verge along Ragg’s Row at the Sheep Street end, tress, scrub and lack of grass are causing concerns. Parked vehicles are also causing further issues as they are eroding the verge.
This area is Common Land which the Town Council is to look into, in order to register interest in the land so no one else can claim any rights upon it; this will assist with future maintenance requirements.
Highways have agreed to put a kerb alongside the verge however this is subject to budgetary approval.
Proposal JB/KC. Town Council to arrange meeting with residents of Ragg’s Row, to discuss the issue with the verge and how to carryout repair work. Seconded CT, all in favour.
Ragg’s Row to be included in the GCC Market Town’s Parking Survey for possible Residents Parking.
Registration of Land.
Firstly register Common Land with Land Registry, the QE11 Field and the King George V Field are registered with Field In Trust, there are slightly different criteria which apply to the King George V Field.
Part of land adjacent to the Lower Well has been fenced off and land owner has registered the land, this to be looked into.
Land owners adjacent to Well Lane to be approached to establish why they have registered ownership of land and if possible the Town Council to take over certain areas of land to construct a footpath.
Proposal JB/KC. Town Council to look into ownership of land adjacent to Well Lane, register land for footpath, register land as Conservation Area, consult with Highways regarding future maintenance of Well Lane, consult with residents regarding proposals. Seconded CT, all in favour.
Mr Gregory felt a footpath on the right hand side going down Well Lane would be easier to construct and that a turning area should be provided to assist vehicles travelling down the lane, this would help to keep the area safe for all users.
KC to consult CDC Conservation Officer on how to tackle the issues discussed above.
A bench is to be ordered to replace the damaged bench at the bottom of Backwalls, this will sit on a concrete base.
The bench will have a plaque which will state “In memory of Tom Morris Mayor 2007 – 2008”.
Trees on the approach to the Cricket Field are in need of maintenance, JB,KC,CT to visit site and carryout inspection.
The verges approaching the Town from Lower Swell also require attention and maintenance.
The verges have been damaged adjacent to the property Hillside House following renovation work, photographs of damage are to be recorded.
The Town Clerk has written to English Care Villages asking them to remove the footpath which is shown on existing allotment land.
Discussion took place regarding the existing allotment site and the proposed English Care Villages site and how this may impact on the allotments.
Meeting Closed
Bob Skillern Highways joined KC after the meeting for an inspection of the Wells and Well Lane.