Name______Date______Class 7 - ____

End of 9 Weeks Test REVIEW

Sentences, Names/Nombres and

Of Hector and my Achilles Heel

A sentence must have a ______, ______,

and be a ______.

The coordinating conjunctions are:

Directions: Read each group of words. In the blank, write F for fragment, S for simple sentence, and CP for compound sentence.

______1. When the bell rings.

______2. Will the Texans make the playoffs?

______3. Walking five miles is good exercise.

______4. You can help, or you can leave.

______5. We followed him to the cemetery, but he seemed to


______6. In the pantry, we found only some crackers and soup.

______7. The band played on.

______8. Floating in the pool.

______9. Expect me at six o’clock.

______10. The girl in this ad makes a lot of money modeling.

______11. John and Zach love hiking and camping.

______12. It may be hot, but at least it is not humid.

______13. Using the gym on a regular basis.

______14. The lights are lit, but no one appears to be home.

______15. Austin loved the movie and will probably see it again.

______16. The playroom and bathroom must be cleaned before


______17. After we ate lunch at the Cheesecake Factory.

______18. The joke’s on me.

______19. White water rafting is fun, but it can be dangerous.

______20. It’s a great day to be a Longhorn!

21. Write a simple sentence.


22. Write a compound sentence.



23. Names/Nombres is written in ______person.

24. What is the main point of this personal essay?

25. When Julia’s mother quotes Shakespeare, saying, “A rose by any other

name would smell as sweet,” she means that….

26. What happened immediately after the Alvarez family arrived in New


Of my Friend Hector and my Achilles Heel

27. How are the events in this essay arranged?

28. What is the author’s purpose? What idea is he conveying to the audience?

29. How do Kaufman’s first two sentences affect how the reader views the rest of the essay?

30. Why does Kaufman allude to Hector and Achilles in his title? What is the relationship between this allusion and his thesis?