Course OutlineMathematics Grade 9St. Mary’s Academy

Mrs. C-A Swayzie

Welcome to Grade 9 math, where we will explore topics and mathematical concepts that are considered an introduction to advanced math.

The overall goals of this curriculum prepare students to increase their ability to:

 Confidently solve problems

 Communicate mathematically and reason abstractly

 Increase mathematical literacy

 Make connections between mathematics and its applications

As students, this involves:

 Engaging and persevering in mathematical problem solving (Don’t give up!)

 Thinking and reflecting on your personal progress (How am I doing?)

 Contributing positively to discussions (Being respectfully on task)

 Taking risks – it is okay to make mistakes! (Learn from your mistakes)

 Working both independently and as member of a group (Go, team, go!)

 Using a variety of mathematical processes (Which math path will work?)

 Using mental math and estimation (That’s right – in your head!)

 Incorporating technology and visualization skills (Using tools to help)

The curriculum has four major areas. Each of these areas has accompanying general outcomes:

  1. Numbers

 Develop number sense (rational numbers, powers and exponents)

  1. Patterns and Relations

 Use patterns to describe the world and solve problems

 Use a variety of algebraic expressions to solve problems (variables, equations, polynomials)

  1. Shape and Space

 Measurement and circle geometry

 Characteristics of 3D objects and 2D shapes and analyze the relationships among them

 Describe and analyze position and motion of objects and shapes

  1. Statistics and Probabilities

 Collect, display and analyze data to solve problems

 Use experimental or theoretical probabilities to represent and solve problems involving uncertainty

We will investigate these topics throughout the year. Please see over for a schedule of unit topics, evaluation and assessment information, extra help suggestions and equipment requirements. As well, please read through the teacher and student responsibilities.

The unit topics covered are as follows:

Course OutlineMathematics Grade 9St. Mary’s Academy

Mrs. C-A Swayzie

  1. Rational Numbers
  2. Powers and Exponents
  3. Scale Factors and Similarity
  4. Introduction to Polynomials
  5. Multiplying and Dividing Polynomials
  6. Linear Relations
  7. Solving Equations
  8. Linear Inequalities
  9. Circle Geometry
  10. Symmetry and Surface Area
  11. Data Analysis (if time allows)

Course OutlineMathematics Grade 9St. Mary’s Academy

Mrs. C-A Swayzie

 Primary student resource: MathLinks 9

 In each unit there will be other resources used to support student understanding of the work presented for success in achieving the learning outcomes.

 Mental Math & Non-Routine Problem Solving will be incorporated into each unit.

 Our class WIKI is available at

Assessment of Learning:

Summative Tests: Tests are written at the end of each unit. All tests are cumulative in nature, however, are mainly based on the current unit. The student is responsible to inform the teacher and seek help if she is in need of extra revision at least 24 hours prior to a test date.

Assessment for Learning:

Quizzes: Quizzes are used to assess current understanding and occur approximately once a week. Quizzes are helpful in adjusting teaching and learning strategies as students progress towards achieving the learning outcomes.

Homework: Assignments are given on a daily basis. All assignments are mandatory. Some assignments are formative in nature, in that they indicate where concepts have been grasped, or where continued work needs to occur in order to master content. Other assignments are more summative in nature in that a student is displaying their firm grasp of concepts, and is required to apply them on specific tasks. Students are to speak with the teacher at the beginning of class if an assignment is incomplete. This student is then responsible to complete said assignment and show the teacher the following class. Please advise the teacher if a class will be missed due to foreseeable circumstances.

Assessment as Learning:

Personal reflections: Students will continuously be encouraged to think about their mathematical thinking. This includes reflecting about their learning, their progress, the strategies that are working for them, where they are having difficulty and investigating their thinking processes and seeking to understand their own role in improving their mathematical literacy.

Mark distribution:

The final grade in the course is allocated on the following basis:

55% term work (mental math, homework, tests/quizzes, assignments and projects)

15% midyear assessment pieces

30% final exam

Extra Help: Tutorials for students wanting to feel more confident in the topic are available at lunch hour or 3:30, upon request. Students must give suitable notice so that an appropriate meeting time can be arranged. It is always beneficial to request extra help as soon as needed, rather than wait until a test. We also encourage students to take advantage of the Learning Centre, which is open every lunch hour and after school.


Course OutlineMathematics Grade 9St. Mary’s Academy

Mrs. C-A Swayzie

loose leaf

blank paper (~25 sheets)

pencils, pens, ruler

a basic, scientific calculator

Course OutlineMathematics Grade 9St. Mary’s Academy

Mrs. C-A Swayzie

a basic geometry set (for second term)

Graph paper (for second term)

Course OutlineMathematics Grade 9St. Mary’s Academy

Mrs. C-A Swayzie

Teacher Responsibilities

 Show respect for self and all members of the class.

 Prepare and present course material in a sequential manner.

 Support student learning by providing opportunities for students to question and clarify.

 Prepare assessments that reflect the work presented.

 Provide students with information about their learning in a timely manner.

 Keep accurate records of all assessments.

 Provide time outside the classroom experience for students who choose to receive additional support on a regular basis.

Student Responsibilities

 Show respect for self and all other members of the class.

 Bring all required materials to each class.

 Be on time for all classes. If for any reason a student is not in attendance for a class that student is responsible for getting assigned work from the WIKI, the teacher or from a reliable classmate. This work must be completed.

 Maintain all work in a neat and organized manner.

 Complete all assigned homework. Generally, homework is due the day after it is assigned unless otherwise stated by the teacher. Meet all due dates for assignments.

 Seek help from the teacher or classmates when experiencing difficulty.

 In the event a student is absent for a specific unit test, you are to write the unit test upon your return to class.