Fast Food Nation

Group reading

We will all read the Introduction together.

After getting your chapter assignment, you will get into groups of 2 or 3 and read the chapter.

After completing this packet, you will take a quiz on your chapter.

You may work on this packet together, and you may even come up with group answers to each question, BUT every group member must have and hand in his/her own completed packet with all the information on it!

On this sheet and any additional sheets of paper, each group member will do the following for its chapter:

1. Write the title of your chapter ______.

Make a prediction of what this could mean.

As you read, look for the title’s significance. Record quoteswithpage numbers to illustrate your answer.

  1. Look at the photograph at the beginning of each chapter.
    Why do you think this picture was chosen? Look for reasons as you read the chapter and record them along with the page number.
  2. Write down the title of each subheading within the chapter.
  3. Write a brief summary for each subheading section.



If you have more subheadings just use extra paper.

  1. Write down 3 things you learned that surprised or shocked your groupfrom this chapter. Use quotes with page numbersto give examples of what you learned.

For example: I learned that hamburgers could have fecal matter in it. Insert quote here that supports what you learned with page number in ( ).

  1. What does your group believe are the main ideas or themes of your chapter? Be specific by giving examples from the book and/or direct quotes using page numbers. You need to find at least 3.

For example: One of the main ideas of this chapter is that fast food companies are very anti-union. Insert quote here that supports your main idea/theme with pages numbers in ( ).

  1. Doing some research, yes research, find an example of the above theme(s) from history (US or world). Make the connection clear between the FFN situation and the historical situation by providing details and/or examples.

For example: Another time in history where workers were discouraged from unionizing was during ______. Explain the situation. This is similar to FFN because______. (Explain the connection between the historic situation and the FFN situation.

[Write this on another piece of paper]

  1. Doing some more research, what are the future implications of the above theme(s) for our society? Base this on facts not just opinion.Cite the source for your facts in good MLA style.

For example: If workers are not allowed to form unions, then in the future working conditions will continue to worsen, wages will not increase, and health insurance will not be available for those who need it most. (USA Today, April 20, 2008).

[Write this on another piece of paper]

  1. Make up 3 quiz questions from your chapter. Questions should be about very important things in your chapter that you plan to highlight greatly on your poster---things that anyone paying attention couldn’t fail to miss. EMAIL these 3 questions with the answers (make sure to include everyone’s name, hour, chapter title and number) to .
  1. Create a poster for your chapter. Include all of the items (#1-8) you have answeredfor this sheet. Remember the principles of good poster design.

Poster must include the following:

The title and number of your chapter

Subheading title with BRIEF summary of each subheading

3 things you learned that surprised and shocked you with quotes and page number for support

Main themes of the chapter with quotes and page number for support

Images that illustrate your chapter with captions that explain your image and connection to chapter (You should include at least 3 great pictures that really capture the meaning of your chapter)

Example of your theme from history

Implications of your theme for our future

Everyone must contribute to the poster and presentation. You will get participation points for each work day. If you are absent, you must prove to me how you contributed in order to recoup the points. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Good poster design rules:

A good poster is balanced in every way.

A good poster has the most important things in the middle and works from the middle out.

A good poster is neat and tidy

A good poster has large enough type to see from a distance and doesn’t include too much writing. Only what is important.

A good poster is TYPED and all type and pictures are mounted on construction paper

A good poster does NOT include random pictures (crappy last minute drawings) or writing (last minute junk you forgot to type up)

A good poster is NOT ROLLED UP!