《The Progressive Life》
or The Seven Overcomeths
God's Ambassador
1. The Overcoming Life
2. The Babyhood State
3. The Childhood State
4. The Manhood State -- The White Stone Experience
5. The Experience of Power
6. The White Raiment Experience
7. "The Pillar Experience"
8. The Reigning Life
"He held the lamp each passing day,
So low that none could miss the way,
And yet so high to bring in sight
That picture fair of Christ the Light,
That, gazing up, the lamp between,
The hand that held it was not seen!
"He held the pitcher, stooping low,
To lips of little ones below;
Then raised it to the weary saint,
And bade him drink when sick and faint!
They drank; the pitcher them between,
The hand that held it was not seen!
"He blew the trumpet, soft and clear,
That trembling sinners need not fear,
And then with louder note and bold,
To storm the walls of Satan's hold;
The trumpet, coming thus between,
The hand that held it was not seen!
"And when our Captain says, 'Well done!
Thou good and faithful servant, come!
Lay down the pitcher and the lamp;
Lay down the trumpet, leave the camp,'
Thy weary hands will then be seen
Clasped in His pierced ones, naught between!"
How wonderful is the Bible! I have read it through and through, and yet every time it is fresh, deep, broad and inexhaustible. For example, I have read many times the account of "The seven churches which are in Asia." But during our second missionary tour in South Africa, my soul was greatly refreshed while reading it again.
As a result, we gave talks on the Progressive Life. Many have desired these studies in book form and we now present them, though in rather crude setting. Trusting that God may be glorified and the reader enriched, I am Yours for Souls in Every Land,
E. E. Shelhamer.
God's Bible School
Cincinnati, O. May 16, 1935
Chapter 01
"For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." -- 1 John 5:4
The overcoming life is the ideal life. The mastery of every outward and inward suggestion to evil is a great victory. Many would give everything they possess to have it. Who would not consider it a great honor to be at the head of an army of one hundred thousand men! Think of it! Power to compel the surrender of a great city! Serving notice on said city that it must surrender inside of two hours or be bombed; but that if they send, by a prominent citizen, the keys of the city, including those of all the vaults in the national banks, they will be spared. But I can think of a larger commission, where every man, woman and child can be entrusted with a greater power than that of taking a city. It reads something like this: "He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city." -- Prov. 16:32
This overcoming business is a mighty business! In ancient times the victor or conqueror in a battle was crowned and clothed with gorgeous apparel. He was dined at the king's table and given the daintiest of food. In like manner he who overcomes his three great enemies, the world, the flesh, and the devil, shall reap here and hereafter great enjoyments and lasting honors.
Doctrinally speaking, in the work of justification we are made overcomers. The Apostle Paul says we have "peace with God" and are enabled "to stand and withstand" all the darts of hell. The chief difference between justification and entire sanctification is not on the outside but the inside. Justification should correct all outside conduct; while the work of heart purity should eliminate all inside trouble. In short, in the first blessing we get victory over everything; while in the "second blessing," as John Wesley put it, we get deliverance from everything. In justification we receive something we never had before -- we get all the graces of the Spirit; while in entire sanctification we get rid of something we always had -- we get rid of carnality.
Again, in the work of regeneration we receive a kingdom. "Lo, the kingdom of God is within you!" You have heard shallow preachers instruct seekers, saying, "Perhaps you are expecting too much." How absurd! God bless you! We are to receive a kingdom; and if so, it is no cheap, ethereal thing. A kingdom worthy of the name is supposed to have a king, and this king is supposed to be empowered to suppress all internal uprisings and at the same time resist successfully all outside attacks. Yea, more, he is supposed not only to suppress all internal and outside attacks, bat at the same time keep up a vigorous commerce upon the seas. For instance, King George of Great Britain is supposed to do all these things. But, with all his power, no doubt he is painfully conscious that within his kingdom there are unruly subjects that must be suppressed and kept under rule; else they may work ruin and death.
In like manner, this is what takes place in a genuinely converted heart. When the kingdom of God is set up within, immediately this convert finds himself empowered through grace to suppress all unholy tempers, resist the attacks of the devil from without, and, blessed be God, go up stream doing great business for his Lord. In short, Christ is already crowned within, but there is a vast difference between Christ reigning, and His reigning without a rival. In regeneration Christ reigns, swaying the scepter of righteousness over the domains of that newly-born soul; and he who was once defeated is now victor and overcomes the world, the flesh and the devil. Nevertheless, he is greatly grieved and pained that at times he finds within him enemies that must be suppressed and kept under lock and key, lest he again suffer defeat.
Hear the great and godly George Fox, founder of the Friends or Quaker church. He preached "second-blessing holiness" long before there were any Methodists. This proves that no one sect has a copyright on any special doctrine or blessing; it also proves that God must and will have a witness, and if one church fails, He will raise up another. Listen to George Fox's testimony: "I knew Jesus and He was very precious to my soul" -- conversion. "But I found something within me that would not keep sweet and patient and kind at all times" -- carnality. "I did what I could to keep it down, but it was there" -- suppression. "Then when I gave Him my whole will and heart, He came and took out all that would not be sweet, all that would not be patient, all that would not be kind" -- eradication. "Then He shut the door" -- preservation. Hallelujah!
Chapter 02
There are certain key words characteristic of certain writers in the Bible; e. g., the key word to Hebrews is "better things"; the key word to James is "works"; Paul uses the terms "death" and "crucifixion" more than all the other writers put together; while John has two significant words "love" and "overcometh". The word "overcome" is used seven times in his Gospel and First Epistle, and sixteen times in the Book of Revelation.
And now we come directly to the study of these seven churches in Asia. No doubt there were others, yea, many other churches, but these seven were perhaps more directly related to the Apostle; or they may have been representative churches typical of the entire church upon earth. They may also represent seven periods in church and world history. But, in this study, we are confining ourselves to the practical development of personal, Christian experience. After all, this is the most profitable study.
Many great minds have written and preached about the mysteries in the Book of Revelation; we have heard many capable ministers discourse on the same, and scarcely two of them agree. And it may be that with this humble treatise some may take issue. Hence, we beg your forbearance and trust that before the reader finishes, he may be greatly profited, enriched and enlarged.
You will observe by a close study of these seven churches that only two are exempt from reproof. And, where a reproof is given, you will find that the Holy Spirit first commends all He possibly can before giving the needed rebuke. Oh, that we might take a lesson here as parents, teachers and preachers.
In chapter two and verse seven we have the first and lowest degree in the overcoming life -- "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith onto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to cot of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God." Here the key word is "EAT." Mark! "He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear." Millions of people have ears who do not listen to the voice of the Spirit. The soul could be said to have five senses the same as the body; e. g., we read, "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good." Here we have soul taste and soul sight. Again, "Delight thyself also in the Lord." Here we have soul feeling. Again, "Incline your ear ... hear, and your soul shall live." Here we have soul hearing. The new-born soul that is quickened by the Spirit will hear wonderful things when there is no audible sound.
A babe lives in the realm of "eating". See him lying there in his little crib? His mentality is very limited. He is innocent, but not spiritual, for no one is spiritual until quickened by the Holy Spirit. But look at that baby! Two-thirds or more of his time is spent in eating and sleeping; it must be so. And, long before he can recognize his own father or mother -- yea, long before he can measure the distance from one side of his crib to the other, nature teaches him a wonderful secret; namely, the right angle of his arm. Put something into his little hand; it may be coal, carpet tacks or carbolic acid, and the dear little ignorant thing does not bring that tiny hand to his eye or ear or chin, but directly to the little mouth.
And this is a characteristic of a young convert. He lives in the realm of his emotions. He looks forward to the prayer meeting and revival services with the chief thought, "I am going to feel good and enjoy myself." He may be twenty or forty years of age, but nevertheless, this is his chief thought, how he may be happy here and hereafter Mr. Finney declared that we are so supremely selfish that God is compelled to appeal to our selfishness in order to get us to take the first step toward Heaven. We do not seek God because He is worthy but to escape hell and gain Heaven. However, before we become mature saints we must outgrow this and love God, not for His gifts or a future reward, but because He merits our adoration.
Madame Guyon said she could bear with the infirmities and vacillation of young converts just as she could with a child, but she said that it was hard to do so with old heads that ought to know better.
O friend, are you still in your baby clothes? If so, it is perfectly consistent that you should enjoy eating, drinking and being dandled and petted for the mere pleasure you get out of it; but sooner or later you are expected. to outgrow this.
Just think a moment how much of your precious time is spent in praying for and taking care of self. With a baby this may be necessary, but surely it in not God's first plan that you should spend about two-thirds of your time thus. Oh, that this might be reversed, that you might outgrow your infant ways and begin to live the outpoured life.
One old writer said, "When the struggle for existence begins, the opportunity for usefulness ends." How true! Yes, as long as you are struggling just to keep afloat, you cannot help others very much. You should, through grace, so master every difficulty and overcome every temptation that you will have something left to impart to others. Yea, blessed be God, you can be such an overcomer that you are more than a match for anything than men or devils can trot out.
We read of an experience in grace where one will not everlastingly be calling for something to eat. Listen: "If thou draw out thy soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul: then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday: and the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and. thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not." Say, friend, why not get beyond the babyhood state where you are so well fed and filled that you have more than you need for yourself and can draw out your soul to the hungry?
Is it not wonderful that now through the Atonement or "At-one-ment", we are invited back into the garden to partake of the "tree of life" which is in the midst of the Paradise of God, from which Adam and Eve were driven because of their disobedience? Yes, our wonderful Redeemer has made a blessed success of everything He undertook. And what did He undertake? He undertook to make null and void the work of the devil, and now through His wondrous grace we are permitted to pass under that flaming sword and partake of the tree, from which our impatient fore-parents were driven.
Chapter 03
"He that hath an car, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death." -- Rev. 2:11
Here we have the second stage in Christian development -- the childhood state. Babies live in the realm of eating and sleeping, but children from two to ten years of age are in the period of stumbling, falling and getting up again. The principal thing we hear of them is not, "I want the milk bottle," but, "I got hurt;" "Kiss it, mamma, kiss it;" "Johnny pushed me down, mamma;" "Willie threw sand in my face;" "I'll not play marbles any more with Sammy!" Such is childhood.