Senior Project Steps

  1. ____Senior Project Proposal -Submitted 8/30

___ Choose a topic that fits your interests. Your project should relate in some way to the career path you are considering.

___ Research project possibilities that will allow you to learn something, create something, and serve, share or teach the community somehow. You may research a charity within your field of interest.

___ Decide on project.

___ Write your project proposal. (See guide and examples.) Enlist a mentor for your process who will help you and verify 15 hours of community service outside of school / you may do more in school

___ Parent(s) and mentor must sign off on proposal before you hand it in.

2. ___ Senior Project (Work on throughout year up through 3rd Quarter. Complete by Spring Break.)

(Extra credit if work is done by the end of Christmas break.)

___ Meet with mentor at least twice each semester and schedule further meetings as needed. These

Mentors will need to do a mentor log on you each semester.

___ Create a timeline, divide project into steps, set goals week by week.

___ Collect documentation for your project as you go. Save letters, emails, photos, brochures, articles, and other artifacts. Record video if you plan to use a video in your presentation to the panel.

___ Keep your log as you go rather than trying to reconstruct it after the fact (see packet).

___ Carry out your senior project. If you have to change the details of your project (circumstances sometimes dictate adjustments), update your proposal. Keep the old proposal and the new one.

3. ____Senior Project Presentation (Class Presentation - May, Panel Presentation May 19)

___ Create binder with a written reflection. Reflection due April 7 Turn in binder for teacher review (due April 18).

___ Create presentation for panel review, including visual aids such as KeyNote, video, or other technology product (due April 30)

___ Sign up for presentation time.

___ Practice presentation in class (May 7). Make sure technology is saved to a flash drive (no UC3 drives, please). Test your technology at school. Practice with the technology you will be using.

___ Plan wardrobe for presentation, prepare to dress professionally.

___ Make a checklist of everything you will need, have it all ready to go, in one place.

___ Be 30 minutes EARLY for your presentation. Give a stellar 15-20 minute presentation and be prepared to answer follow-up questions from panel.