An Extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Pavilion, Manor Park Sports Club, Hackthorn Road, Welton on Tuesday 17th March 2015.

Present:Cllrs D Pikett (Chairman), A Greenway,E Reall,M Powell, Mrs P van Gelderen, A Lowen

and Mrs M Chapman

Also present: County Cllr Mrs S Rawlins and 9members of the public

Clerk: Mrs Julie Murray

15/03/50 Chairman’s remarks

The Chairman thanked members of the public for attending and theircontributionduring the public forum. He welcomed everyone to themeetingwhich has been called to discuss a statement and other comments made by residents at the Full Council meeting held on Monday 9th March.


On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Chapman, seconded by Cllr van Gelderen, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to accept apologies from Cllrs Mrs Watson and Mrs England having considered and accepted their reasons for absence. District Cllrs Mrs D Rodgers and M Parish also sent their apologies. Cllr Hobbswas absent, but no apologies were received.

15/03/52 Disclosure of pecuniary interests



  • The Council had been notified of the WLDC Planning Committee meeting and the Clerk and Cllr Greenway (Chairman of the Planning & Neighbourhood Plan Committee) with the knowledge of the Chairman put together a statement for Cllr Greenway to read out at their meeting on the 4th March requesting that a decision to grant this application should not be made until such time as it could be tested against the Neighbourhood Plan (NP). The reasons for refusal from the Cliff Road development decision notice were used in the PC’s statement as they applied equally to both sites. The key has now been put in the door by this application being granted. WLDC were notified that Cllr Greenway, as the PC representative, was going to speak at their Planning Committee meeting. Cllr Greenway’s view is that the PC has a good case in putting this to our MP, Edward Leigh in asking for it to be “called in” by the Secretary of State. Cllr Pikett suggested that he and the Clerk prepare a draft response to Mr England’s statementto be circulated toCouncillors present at this meeting for approval prior to sending and read out Mr England’s statement following whicha lengthy discussion took place.

Cllr Lowen stated that comments made on planning applications should truly reflect the feelings of the village and that all applications should havesimilarresponses, he was deeply concerned that “No Comments” were returned on this application under the Chairmanship of Mr England when he was a Councillor and Chairman of the Planning Committee. He accepts that it happened and the Council should now move forward.


Cllr Mrs van Gelderen asked where it now leaves the Neighbourhood Plan. The site off Prebend Laneis recommended in the NP as the site offering some benefits to the village. There is some confusion as to the decision made in the Planning Committee meeting on 2nd September 2014 as the PC seems to be arguing from both sides.

It was agreed by all present that the Chairman and Clerk will formulate a response to Mr England’s statement and circulate to Councillors present at this meeting for approval prior to sending.

  • In discussion with the Chairman and members of the Planning Committee an e-mail was sent to WLDC and others regarding calling in submitted planning applications for multiple dwellings until they can be tested against emerging Neighbourhood Plans.

A statement had been made by Edward Leigh, MP to the BBC regarding the Beal Homes development off Prebend Lane and it was suggested that the case be put to him to see if any further action can be taken.

It was suggested that the NP be sent for its pre-examination health check and consider requesting the Secretary of State to call in other applications in the meantime. The MP could help and work with the PC particularly as election time is coming up. He could help the PC prevent further development for now.

The PC is responsible for the development of the Plan, but does not take possession of it until it is “made”.

Reverting back to Mr England’s statement and to answer some of his questions:

1) Cllr Greenway in consultation with the Chairman and Clerk agreed to attend the WLDC Planning Committee meeting following the notification that Planning Application 131681 – Beal Homes, was on the agenda for the meeting to be held on the 4th March. Cllr Greenway and the Clerk put together a statement a copy was circulated to the Chairman and other members of the PC prior to being read out at the meeting. In the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 2nd September 2014 under Mr England’s Chairmanship a “No Comment” resolution was made and confusion has arisen following the comments consequently made at the WLDC Planning Committee meeting on 4th March 2015 requesting that this application was not granted until such time as it could be tested against the emerging NP.

2)Section 8 (in its current form) of the NP was discussed. 8.5 gives the view that the PC is supportive ofdevelopment on this site; Prebend Lane was Hobson’s choice as few of the villagers wanted any development. Everyone has been given the opportunity to make comments on the NP, but few were made, although it is still a draft document.It was suggested that Section 8 needs to be re-written. Some alterations have been made to the document following the Public Consultation. WLDC are confused as to the weight the NP currently carries.

Cllr Lowen asked if the 106 Agreement contribution to the NHS could be ring fenced for Welton and can we appeal against the decision.


8.40pm The meeting was adjourned to allow County Cllr Mrs S Rawlins to respond:

The only course of appeal is to the Ombudsman if there has been an incorrect process or a complaint to the Secretary of State. The only person who can appeal is the applicant if the decision goes against them. It is in the WLDC Planning Committee minutes that the monies could be ring fenced for health care in Welton.

8.43pm The meeting resumed

Welton can expect a possible 614 houses and concerns are the effect it will have on the roads, if Tesco or anyone else makes an application, the first thing they do is the roads. At the junction with the A15 at Scampton buses with schoolchildren on board have to wait to turn in the middle of the road and it is dangerous.

The A15 is one of the busiest roads in the County. The only villages with no hashed turnings are Welton and Scampton. LCC Highways do not appear to be taking any action.

On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Powell, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to ratify the e-mail that was sent on 28th January 2015.