Indiana Supplement to
Conservation Enhancement Activity
Additional Criteria for INDIANA
- In addition to the criteria specified in the National job sheet E391126Zthe following additional criteria apply in Indiana:
- Buffer width will be increased to 60 feet and may be extended up to 180 feet, but no greater than the width of the geomorphic floodplain.
- Where ephemeral, concentrated flow or sheet and rill erosion is a concern in the area up-gradient, install a vegetated strip of grasses and/or forbs (Zone 3). (SeeIN FOTG Standard (391) Riparian Forest Buffer) When Zone 3 is used it will be applied in accordance with IN FOTG Standard (327) Conservation Cover with a minimum width of 20 feet.
- The Indiana (IN) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Seeding Tool using Field Office Technical guide (FOTG) Standard (612) Tree and Shrub Establishmentwill be used when developing seeding mixes for this practice.
- Woody species selection, seedling rates, and site adaptation will be consistent with therequirement in the IN NRCS Seeding Calculator and/ or Tables in the IN FOTG Standard (391) Riparian Forest Buffer. Tree and/or shrub plantings will follow site preparation, planting dates, planting and storage guidelines as detailed in IN FOTG Standard (612) Tree/Shrub Establishment.
- Control annual weeds as often as needed, not to exceed three years post-planting, using mowing, spot treatments of herbicides, prescribed burning, or other until the perennial planted species are established.
- Once the planting is established, management activities that disturb cover or ground surface will not be performed from April 1 through August 1 to protect the primary nesting period for ground-nesting bird species. In areas with endangered or threatened snakes (Northern Copperbelly water snake, Eastern Massasauga rattlesnake, Kirtland’s Snake) management activities will not be performed from April 1 through October 31.
- To protect endangered Indiana and Long-eared bats, no timber harvest or forest stand improvement activities shall occur within 100 feet of a perennial stream or within 50 feet of an intermittent stream. Any felling of trees greater than 3 inches in diameter will not occur between April 1 and September 30 to protect maternal colonies. All timber management activities must adhere to the guidelines outlined in the BFO Forest Management Guidelines for the Indiana bat (eFOTG, Section II, T and E Species, BFO Forest Management Guidelines).
- Where applicable, follow IN FOTG Standard (472) Access Control and IN FOTG Standard (382) Fencing for guidance on protecting the riparian area from livestock, machinery, and people.
Additional Documentation Requirements for INDIANA
- In addition to the documentation requirements specified in the National job sheet E391126Z the following additional documentation requirements apply in Indiana:
- Participants will be provided Job Sheets from the seeding calculator listing species and quantity to plant. Changes to the provided list will be approved by NRCS prior to planting.
- Documentation will follow Indiana requirements for Certification of Payment of Vegetative Planting (180-GM, IN481-3)
- Documentation of the species and quantity of trees planted.
- Documentation to show that the planting occurred within the approved planting time period and all other requirements were met.
Notes and comments on this National Enhancement
- This enhancement only applies to the expansion and enhancement of an existing 35 footforested riparian buffer.
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