Environmental Science
Teacher Information
Mr. Fournier, Room 15
Other courses taught: Biology; Anatomy and Physiology, Advanced Bio
Course Description
Environmental Science is a study of the environment. It connects the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of the environment together. In this course, you will learn what the environment is and how it works. You will also learn about interactions of humans and the environment, problems that can occur, and possible solutions to those problems.
Many different types of assignments will be done in class and assigned as homework. All notes and assignments must be kept in a binder or folder until the end of the unit. They are then compiled into a notebook.
Environmental Science Notebooks
A notebook is a packet containing all of the Cornell notes, assignments, labs, and other activities done in a unit of study. You are responsible for keeping track for your notebook.
Grading Policy
Points will be given for notebooks, tests, quizzes, and participation. This will range anywhere from 40 points to 100 points each. Grades will be assignedaccording to the following percentage scale:
90%-100% = A 80%-89% = B70%-79% = C 60%-69% = D59% or less = F
Absences and Make-up Work
The number of days absent plus one will be allowed to complete make-up work (same policy as in handbook). However, you must come see me about make-up work. I will not track you down-it is your responsibility to find out what work was done while you were absent.
Lab Safety
It is important to follow safety procedures exactly in the lab to ensure your safety. If these procedures are not followed, you will be given a zero for the lab, and you will spend time after school.
Classroom Policies
This classroom is a room of learning and cooperation—therefore; you are expected to follow the classroom policies in a manner that will enhance that. Tardies are assigned as stated in the student handbook. The 10 minute rule will be enforced. Seating charts will be used. If you have a problem with your seat, let me know. It is important to be able to see the board!
Classroom Expectations
- Enter room 15 with a positive attitude!
- Cooperate with your teacher and classmates
- Respect the rights and property of others
- Carry out your basic student responsibilities
Basic Student Responsibilities
- Keep track of your own books and assignments—keep your books in your locker, not the classroom
- Start your work on time and allow time to finish
- Ask for help when you need it
- Do your own work
- Turn your work in on time
- Accept responsibility for grades and other consequences
- Use class-time in an efficient manner…NO FOOD OR MUSIC ALLOWED.
Step 1: Verbal Warning
Step 2: Isolation from other students, noon detention
Step 3: After school detention
Step 4: Office referral
Depending on the severity of the offense, I can skip to any consequence.