Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

10 February 2010 in the Village Hall

Present: Cllr. B. Tyler (Chairman), Cllrs. L. Parker, A. Murdock, A. Stellmacher, V. McKeggie, I. Luscombe. Mr. T. Narducci

  1. Apologies for Absence: There were none.

Before the meeting began Mr. Narducci was invited to address Councillors regarding his recent problems with access to Church Bank. Two trenches had been dug across the road and badly restored, kerbstones had been disturbed and verges damaged. Both the C.C. and D.C. had been contacted with little result. The Chairman agreed to contact Highways and Mr. Narducci left the meeting.

  1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Had been circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.

  1. Matters Arising from the Minutes

The difficulty of access to the Notice Board has been resolved.

The road sign near Clarkesdale has now been positioned correctly.

  1. Planning Developments

Mr. R. Uppal has submitted another planning application for housing on his Gatehouse Lane site, which will be considered in March by H.D.C. The agreed response by the P.C. is to support, reluctantly, the application for four houses, this being considered preferable to the alternative of an industrial development for which permission has already been granted.

  1. Financial Matters:

The Rector has requested a donation to support the Parish Magazine £200 will be paid in June as agreed in previous years.

Cheques for Signature:

100804Village Hall Improvements £4000.00

100805GE Recreation Ground Committee £300.00

100806Clerk’s salary October-December 2009 £375.00

100807C.A.B. Donation £100.00

  1. Village Hall Proposals

Following a meeting with the V.H. Committee on 26 January 2010 its plans for the incorporation of a Rural Family Outreach Centre in the Hall were unanimously agreed providing that the stage was retained. The Clerk will confirm the P.C.`s approval in writing.

  1. Arboreal Matters

An application by Mr. R. Snow to reduce significantly the height of the row of trees near his house will spoil the appearance of the area but only temporarily and will not be objected to.

  1. Playing Field

The site has been formally handed over to M.H. Council and its lease to the P.C. or to a trust will be decided shortly. The Recreation Ground Committee has decided to take out its own public liability insurance, albeit temporarily.

  1. Grass Cutting

A new contractor has been appointed by H.D.C. In clarifying its remit it was discovered that Church Bank is not included in the contract. The P.C. will explore alternative measures before the spring.

  1. Street Lighting

The invoice from L.C.C. for village street lighting 2008/2009 shows an increase from £629 last year to £1,108. This increase appears totally unjustifiable and will be investigated.

A wooden lamppost at Moulds Lane fell over in November 2009 and a replacement steel column was installed. Highways, however, believe that the original lamp was owned by the PC and have now submitted an invoice for £1600. The P.C. has never been aware of its ownership of this or any other street light but have now been given, by Highways, a list of 11 (from 19) for which the P.C. is allegedly responsible. This matter will be disputed especially since Highways have also identified four wooden poles that may require replacement at some time in the near future at a projected cost to the PC of £945 each.

  1. Bus Shelter

An invitation by L.C.C. to install another bus shelter in the village at reduced cost was discussed but was considered to be unnecessary.

  1. Any Other Business

Hollands Lane is in poor condition and H.D.C. will be asked to attend to the area when the grass-cutting regime begins.

The inclusion of a barn dance /hog roast for the Village event on 19/20 June may well now be possible with Mr. Uppal offering his ménage site near the school.

A small celebration is to be organised following the completion of the Village Hall improvements.

Date of Next Meeting

March 10th 2010 at 7.30 in the Village Hall.

D. G. Douche (Clerk)