Kyle Ferland, Band Director /
Rob Bastos, President /
Mary Joe Moran, 1st VP /
Terri James, 2nd VP /
Toni Diaz, Treasurer /
Charles Hafner, Correspondence Secretary /
Gale Hoover-Richmond, Secretary /
Amanda Bastos, Concessions /
Chairperson(s) in Attendance
Lynda Carpenter Color Guard /
Jenn Miller, Volunteer Coordinator
Ed Diaz, Equipment /
Candice Malin /
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
Parent meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Rob welcomed everyone to meeting.
We currently have $5,700 in the bank. There are PO’s that need to be cut totaling $3,800, leaving us with $1,900 in the bank.
Purchase Orders
- Sams $2,750 (Concession supplies for Apopka Arts and Jazz Festival).
- Apopka A&J Festival $ 500 (Petty Cash)
- Senior Letter Boxes $ 300(Graduating Seniors)(Amanda will be managing the task)
- Picnic $ 250(End of the year party)
Total $3,800
We are going to pay Michelle (Color Guard) $750, leaving $750 due to her that will be paid after the Apopka Arts and Jazz Festival.
Rob asked Mr. Ferland if he had secured the staffers for next year. Mr. Ferland said they are not confirmed, but he has people lined up and ready to go by Marching Band camp.
The assessment statements were handed out instead of mailing, however, in the future they need to be mailed and next year’s board needs to come up with a solid procedure.
The student pictures will take place April 24th and 25th right after school from 3 to 7 and will be done by class period. There will not be any practices on those days. Students will be in full band uniform. Multiple pictures will be taken and will be available for parents via internet and one picture determined by board will be used in the band collage.
Rob asked Lynda to get with Jenn to work on Apopka Arts & Jazz Festival criteria. We will need a sign-in form and will need 10 to 15 kids all day having shifts of three hours. None of the Jazz band students will be volunteering, as they are performing. We will also need 10 parents all day. Parents will need to be there by 8 with a few meeting at 7 at the school to assist Rob with loading grill, equipment and instruments.
- Festival official start time at 9:30 a.m.
- Apopka HS, Middle and Elementary area schools will perform first.
- West Orange block starts at 11:30 a.m.
- Ocoee block starts at 1:20 p.m.
- WHS Jazz block starts at 3:00 p.m.
- Festival over at 4:30 p.m.
In case of rain the event will be moved to Ocoee High School.
The Board offered nominations for 2014/2015 board as follows:
- President – Jenn Miller (Rob nominated, Gale 2nd)
- 1st VP – Lynda Carpenter (Candice nominated, Gale 2nd)
- 2nd VP – Candice Malin (Terri nominated, Rob 2nd)
- Secretary – Gale Hoover-Richmond (Terri nominated, Rob 2nd)
- Correspondence Secretary – Jeff Milligan (Charles nominated, Gale 2nd)
- Treasure – Toni Diaz (Terri nominated, Rob 2nd)
In 30 days the election will take place. The date agreed upon was April 10, 2014 for the election as well as the Board meeting. Will go into effect May 2014.
PARENT MEETING (See attached for list of attendees)
Rob went over everything detailed above.
He told the parents that Charles will be sending out an email asking for volunteers for Apopka Arts & Jazz Festival on Saturday April 5, 2014.
The Bands end of the year picnic will be held at the Wekiva State Park. The Band will provide everything from the grill; the rest will be pot luck. The picnic will be on May 17, 2014 and will begin around 8 until 2.
Rob went over the Board nomination and process. He told the parents we are opento additional nominations from the parents.
Mr. Ferland shared the results of the MPA. The Concert and Wind Ensemble did very well in MPA; they achieved overall Excellent and Superior respectively. This now qualifies us for State MPA. We could not go last year due to a conflict with FCAT testing. Mr. Ferland is weighing the pro and cons to attending State MPA this year. They have two dates to choose from (listed under events below).
We had students qualify for All State, All County, Solo Ensembles and Tri-State (at FSU). This year’s band had the most students qualify for these events since the commencement of the WHS Band in 2007.
Our Spring Concert will be May 15, 2014 at WHS and it will be a combined band.
The Ice Breaker will take place June 5th and 6th. It is two days after the last day of school for incoming freshmen.
Mr. Ferland has already started recruitment for next year’s band. When he started 3 years ago the band had 63, we currently have 98. Now, we have about 45 projected incoming freshmen whom are interested in joining the band. Currently, we have 18 in the beginning band with 14 of those interested in continuing with the band next year. The beginning band is just that, a beginning band with no prior experience nor do they pay assessment fees.
We are also performing for the WHS Graduation being held at UCF. We will need volunteers for this performance.
Next Board/Parent meeting is onApril 10, 2014. The 2014/2015 WHS Band Booster Board Member elections will take place at this meeting.
March 27th – 29th 2014State Solo Ensembles
March 31, 2014Bake goods fund raiser due
April 1, 2014Fudge fund raiser starts
April 5th 2014Apopka Arts and Jazz Festival
April 21st, 22nd, or 23th or May 1st– 3rd 2014StateMPA
April 24th and 25th (3:00 to 7:00 pm)Band Pictures
May 15th 2014Spring Concert
May 17th 2014WHS Band Picnic