“Brothers and sisters…our message of the gospel came to you not in word alone,
but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with much conviction.”
-I Thessalonians 1:4-5
Led by Charlie Gardner, this class is intended for those who have had at least three years’ experience as a liturgical minister during the Liturgy of the Word. Moving beyond basic questions of clarity and intelligibility, it will challenge the participants to discover the Good News in each Scripture passage they proclaim and then to communicate it with power and inner conviction.
Session 1 – The Art of Public Proclamation (school media center)
· The message of Pope Francis’ The Joy of the Gospel for Ministers of the Word
· The difference between reading (or singing) and proclaiming
· The “thin line” between sung and spoken proclamation
· What cantors and readers can learn from each other
· Helpful and unhelpful models of public speaking, recitation, and chanting
· The use of various vocal pitch levels
· The crucial function of pacing
· The use of contractions
· The unique challenges of narrative, exhortation, poetry, and other types of Scripture
Session II – Proclaiming from the Heart – A Master Class (in the Church)
In this session, participants will be asked to prepare assigned Scripture selections and to proclaim them to the rest of the group. Readers and Gospel Proclaimers will use a variety of passages from the Sunday Lectionary. Psalmists will use examples from Lectionary Psalms by Michel Guimont or a similar resource, chanting the verses only.
Charlie Gardner is a pastoral musician who teaches at Marian University. Formerly the Director of Worship and Music for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, he continues to serve as a workshop clinician and consultant. He attended St. Meinrad College and School of Theology, received a Master of Music degree from Butler University, and has published articles in Pastoral Music and in Ministry and Liturgy.
Registration Limit: 20 participants – including a maximum of 10 Cantor/Psalmists and 10 Readers or Gospel Proclaimers. Participants will receive their reading or psalm to prepare for Session II via email one week in advance.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
St. Mark Catholic Church, Indianapolis
535 East Edgewood Avenue
Indianapolis 46227
Registration due November 1st
Mailing Address
City Zip
Email Address *
Daytime Phone
Parish, City
* At least 3 years’ experience as: Lector_______ Cantor/Psalmist ________
Gospel Proclaimer ________
* required
Registration Fee: $60.00 Total Enclosed: $_________
(includes lunch)
Bill Parish: ______
Do you have dietary restrictions?
Please return registration form to the Office of Worship by November 1st.
Office of Worship
1400 North Meridian Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202