The Mandeville Practice – Questions and Answers
Why are things changing at my GP Practice?
The partners at The Mandeville Practice have given 6 months’ notice that they will end their contract with NHS England on 31 March 2016. NHS England is responsible for the appointment of a new GP services provider to ensure services to the patients of The Mandeville Practice continue.
Who is NHS England?
NHS England is the national body responsible for the commissioning of contracts for GP services throughout England.
Clinical Commissioning Groups are responsible for managing health services for their local population. This is done for Aylesbury by Aylesbury Vale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
NHS England and Aylesbury Vale CCG will be working together to ensure the patients of The Mandeville Practice continue to receive high quality GP services and there is a seamless transition to a new provider.
What is going to happen next?
NHS England and Aylesbury Vale CCG will shortly begin a process to find an interim provider to run The Mandeville Practice. This will be for a minimum of one year and give time for a thorough consultation with the Aylesbury Vale population about what the future services will look like in the longer term.
Aylesbury Vale Clinical Commissioning Group is very keen to work with local patients, health & social providers and stakeholders to use this opportunity to co-design a service that is fit for the future.
The process NHS England will use to find an interim provider is called a procurement process. This involves inviting providers of GP services to bid for a contract. NHS England has to follow a process set by European Law. The involvement of patients and local stakeholders is central to this process.
How can I influence the procurement process?
Information will be available at the practice about how you can get involved with the appointment of the interim provider and the future services to be provided at The Mandeville Practice.
What will happen to the doctors and practice staff?
All of the practice staff will be able to transfer their employment to the new GP services provider.
How can I find out more about the process?
Patients will be kept updated via the practice website and information posted in the practice. Patients will be informed when NHS England has identified the interim provider to run the practice from April 2016.
Do I need to do anything?
No you do not need to do anything. The Mandeville Practice will continue to care for you until April 2016. As a registered patient you will then be automatically transferred to the registered list of the new GP services provider. This does not affect your rights to transfer to another practice at any time if you are unhappy with the service being provided.