South Harrison High School
3400 Bulldog Avenue
Bethany, Missouri 64424
Adopted 12/10/15
August17-19Teacher In-service – NO SCHOOL
August22FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL for students, Dismiss 1:00 pm
September2NWMo State Fair – NO SCHOOL
September5Labor Day – NO SCHOOL
September26Teacher In-service – NO SCHOOL
October10Teacher In-service – NO SCHOOL
October21Final Day 1st Quarter – 41 days
October 26 & 27School in Session – Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:00pm
October28NO SCHOOL
November23Early Dismissal 1:00 pm
November 24-25Thanksgiving Vacation - NO SCHOOL
December21Final Day 2nd Quarter - 40 days & Final Day 1st Semester - 81 days
Dec 22 - Jan 2Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
January3Teacher In-service – NO SCHOOL
January4School Resumes
January 16Martin Luther King Jr Day – NO SCHOOL
February13Teacher In-service – NO SCHOOL
February20President’s Day – NO SCHOOL
March3Final Day 3rd Quarter 40 days
March8 & 9School in Session - Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:00pm
March13Teacher In-service – NO SCHOOL
April13-17Easter Vacation - NO SCHOOL STUDENTS (1 Make-up day if needed)
April 18Teacher In-service – NO SCHOOL (Make-up day if needed)
May19Final Day 4th Quarter - 49 days & Final Day 2nd Semester - 89 days
May22Final Faculty In-service - Weather Make-up Day
(Weather make-up days include April 13, 18 & May 22, 23, 24, 25)
The South Harrison School District provides a high-quality education to help prepare students for success as individuals and as members of an interconnected global society.
FROM THE PRINCIPAL'S DESK–Welcome to South Harrison High School. The ultimate purpose of education is to help each student become an effective citizen in a democracy. To develop and accept the responsibilities and obligations of good citizenship will help us to successfully participate in the world of tomorrow. We hope that your participation in our school will prepare you to live a better life and finally take your place in this complex society. Remember that your success in this school will be directly proportional to your efforts.
The Student Handbook contains important information concerning questions and situations that may arise during the school year. It is to be used as a guide and is not expected to cover every incident that may occur. The administration and Board of Education believe that an understanding of school rules and regulations by each student and his/her parent or guardian is necessary in order to create an environment that is safe and provides the best learning environment for our students. We suggest that each student discuss the rules and regulations in this handbook with his/her parent or guardian.
I look forward to assisting the students at SHHS in reaching their academic and personal goals by providing a safe and caring environment. You may contact me at (660)425-8051 or
or stop by and visit.Mark Forster, Principal
SCHOOL COLORS-The colors of our school are PURPLE AND WHITE. Purple represents courage and the determination to succeed. White represents integrity.
SCHOOL MASCOT-As every great school must have a mascot, our school is represented by the mighty BULLDOG. Known for his strength,stamina, and loyalty, the BULLDOG shall always bring forth fond memories of South Harrison High.
Once again here as school mates assemble,
We fain would lift our hearts in song,
To our high school, our dear alma mater
Let gladness and joy thus prolong
We are proud of our lads and our lasses,
Of honors won in days gone by.
So here's a cheer for our high school,
For our old high school, our dear old high.
Here's to our classes, here's to our lasses,
Here's to the lads they adore.
Here's to the Seniors so mighty
Juniors so flighty,
Freshies and Sophomores.
Let mirth and gladness, banish all sadness
And as the days go by,
You'll find us peppy but steady, and always ready,
Boosting for our old high!
A WORD TO PARENTS- The education of your children is best achieved when there is a high degree of cooperation between you and the South Harrison R-2 staff. Your children are our most valuable resource for the continued success of our communities and country. It is imperative that each parent cooperates in seeing that:
- Your child attends school regularly.
- Your child has sufficient time at home for rest and study.
- Your child's report cards are read and studied by you at the end of each quarter.
- You display a positive attitude towards the school so your child can follow your good example.
- You, as a parent, show interest in your child's educational pursuits including academic, extra-curricular activities and organizations.
REGISTRATION-Each spring, prior to the closing of school, registration for the coming year will be held. Students are urged to discuss the courses they desire with their parents and guidance counselor during the registration period. This will eliminate many changes of the individual's program. Only changes which are deemed absolutely necessary will be permitted. No schedule changes will be made after 3 days of the beginning of eachsemester. If it becomes necessary to change your program, due to unforeseen circumstances, go to the guidance office to request a program change.
CONFERENCES- Parents are encouraged to closely monitor their child's progress in school. Parents may arrange a conference with teachers or the principal by calling the office at (660)425-8051.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS-Graduation requirements for South Harrison High School shall be a minimum of 29 units of credit completed during grades nine and above. The school district will participate in the College Preparatory Studies Certificate Program sponsored by the Missouri State Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, see the counselor for details. Four years of high school attendance or its equivalency is required.
Graduation RequirementsCommunication Arts / 4
Math / 3
Science / 3
Social Studies / 3
Fine Art / 1
Practical Art / 1
PE / 1
Health / .5
Personal Finance / .5
Micro Computers / 1
Speech / .5
Total Required / 18.5
Electives / 10.5
Local Requirements / 29.0
**All students must take 1.5 units of American History with .5 unit being American Government and pass the U.S. and MO. Constitution tests before graduation.
1. All students must pass a United States Constitution and Missouri Constitution Test
before graduation.
2. All students must complete a minimum of 29 units for graduation.
3. Special cases, such as transfers from other schools, will be considered individually.
4. Every freshman and sophomore shall carry 8 full courses, juniors and seniors may
have one study hall.
5. Refer to South Harrison District Policy #IKF.
6. Students are required to complete all End-of-Course Exams mandated by Missouri
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. These scores will count for 10%
of the spring semester grade for the class in which each is taken. Extra credit may be
given at the discretion of the teacher to students who achieve “proficient” or
“advanced” on an EOC.
7. All courses will have quarter finals and/or end-of-course exams worth 10% of the
semester grade.
1. All Freshmen must take P. E. unless medically excused.
2. All Sophomores must take Health.
1. All Freshmen must take English I.
2. All Sophomores must take English II.
3. All Juniors must take English III.
4. All Seniors must take English IV, App. Comm. or Dual English.
- One semester of Speech will be taken during sophomore, junior or senior year.
1. All Freshmen must take World History.
2. All Sophomores must take American History.
3. All Juniors must take American Government.
1. All Freshmen must take either Algebra I or Pre-Algebra.
2. Each student must have two additional units of Math.
- All Freshmen must take Physical Science.
- All Sophomores must take Biology.
- Students who successfully complete Ag Science I, Ag Science II and one advanced Agriculture course may have 1 Science credit waived.
- All juniors must take Science Investigation, Chemistry or other advanced science course.
GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING-Services are available for every student in the school. Some of the services include educational planning, occupational career information, interpretation of tests, study helps and assistance with school, social and personal concerns. These are all components of the Missouri Comprehensive Model Guidance Program. Students are encouraged to visit with the counselor.
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FINANCIAL AID-There are many scholarships available through the school and private sources. Other financial aid is available from grants and loans funded through the federal government. Many will be announced in the daily announcements and/or on the school website. South Harrison is fortunate to have a large number of scholarships offered by local groups and organizations; the applications can be obtained from the counselor or on-line. The counselor has many resources available including Financial Aid books, current computer software programs with private financial aid searches and a current file of annual scholarships. Senior Financial Aid Booklets are offered to all seniors at the beginning of the school year.
DUAL ENROLLMENT-South Harrison offers a wide range of dual enrollment courses with areas of English, Math, Social Studies, Computer Applications, and Chemistry. Specific requirements and information may be obtained from the high school guidance office. A class must be during the regular school day (8:00AM to 3:10PM) to be dual enrollment.
STUDY HALL-Study hall is designed to provide in-school time to complete homework assignments. Juniors and seniors are eligible to apply for study halls through the principal's office. Study halls are held in classrooms and students will be expected to follow regular classroom expectations.
WEIGHTED COURSES-Weighted courses are high school subjects that require an above average student commitment, proficiency and/or ability to complete. The purpose of weighted classes is to encourage challenging academic learning for college bound students. The current list of weighted courses is as follows: Accounting II - Math Analysis I – Spanish II, III & IV - English IV - Chemistry – Physics – Adv Biology – Anatomy I & II – All Dual Enrollment Courses.
Comparison Chart:
Regular Course Value / Grade / Weighted Course Value11 Points / A / 13 Points
10 Points / A- / 12 Points
9 Points / B+ / 11 Points
8 Points / B / 10 Points
7 Points / B- / 9 Points
6 Points / C+ / 6 Points
5 Points / C / 5 Points
4 Points / C- / 4 Points
3 Points / D+ / 3 Points
2 Points / D / 2 Points
1 Points / D- / 1 Points
0 Points / F / 0 Points
The "extra value" received will be used in calculating the honor roll. Students must have full time status to qualify for Valedictorian, Salutatorian, and top 10% of class honors.
A student transferring to South Harrison High School will not be assigned credit for weighted classes unless the previous accredited high school has a documented "weighted" program.
Students must average 10 points to be recognized for the "A" honor roll. Students must average 9 points to be recognized for the "B+" honor roll.
In addition to the program of study for graduation, a student must pass proficiency exams concerning the Missouri and United States Constitutions to qualify for graduation from the district.
ABSENCES/MAKE-UP WORK-Students have 2 school days for each absence to complete make-up work but not to exceed 5 days. It is the responsibility of the student to contact each teacher upon returning from an absence. All semester in-complete grades must be finalized within 5 school days.
REPORT CARDS-Report cards are distributed every nine weeks to students. These reports are to be taken home. Parents are asked to consult the teacher of the subject, principal, or counselor regarding students' grades before, during or after school. We believe report cards are the best method of keeping parents informed of their child's progress.
A =94.50 - 100%
A- =89.50 - 94.49%
B+ =86.50 - 89.49%
B =82.50 - 86.49%
B- =79.50 - 82.49%
C+ =76.50 - 79.49%
C =72.50 - 76.49%
C- =69.50 - 72.49%
D+ =66.50 – 69.49%
D =62.50 – 66.49%
D- =59.50 – 62.49%
F =59.49 & Below
PROGRESS REPORTS-Deficiency Reports to parents are issued at the middle of each quarter and at the discretion of the teacher. These reports are sent or e-mailed to the parents to inform them of their child's progress in a certain subject. It is hoped that the parents will follow up this notice with a teacher conference.
Procedures and Fees
DAILY BULLETINS-A bulletin will be published each day and distributed to the classrooms by the end of 1st hour. If a club, organization, or individual has an announcement pertaining to school business and has the approval of the assigned sponsor or coach, it must be turned into the Principal's office the day before it is to be published. The daily bulletin is also published on the school website.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS-Inform the office if you have a change of address or phone number in order to help in addressing mailings and in case of emergency.
WITHDRAWAL PROCEDURES-If it becomes necessary for a student to withdraw from school, the student should inform the principal immediately and obtain a withdrawal form. The student is to return all class materials, including Chrome Book, and get clearance from teachers, food service, and the librarian before returning to the office for final withdrawal processing.
A student who drops out of school before the end of a quarter or semester will not get credit for courses taken during that term.
BUILDING ACCESS-All outside doors to the High School building will be locked at 8:00 am each school day. The front entrance will be used for anyone to enter the building while classes are in session. Any student who leaves the building during school hours must re-enter at the front doors and sign in/out at the office. All students unless directly under the supervision of faculty/staff must exit the building prior to 3:45PM.
ILLNESS OR INJURY DURING SCHOOL-A student who is too ill to remain in class is to go to the nurse’s office where, if necessary, the parent will be called. Medication must be kept in the nurse’s office.
IMMUNIZATIONS-We maintain shot records on all students. If you haven't received the proper immunizations please make the necessary arrangements to have this taken care of before the start of school. Students who do not have proper immunizations will be removed from school. Immunization information may be obtained from the school office.
SCHOOL PROPERTY-Students and staff members are the caretakers of the property of the patrons of the school. We should take pride in the excellent facilities provided by the taxpayers of our district.
Any student who defaces, damages or loses school property will be required to pay all damages and/or replacement costs and will be subject to other disciplinary action.
TEXTBOOKS, TABLET PC’S AND SUPPLIES-Textbooks/tablet pc’s are checked out to each student at the beginning of the course. A record is kept of the condition of the book/tablet and its number. The student is expected to return the same book/tablet that was checked out to him/her. Students not returning a book/tablet pc will be required to pay the cost of a replacement. Students returning books/tablets showing excessive damage will be assessed an extra fee to cover the cost of repair.
COURSE FEES-There may be expenses that the student incurs for raw materials in certain art and industrial art classes. There may also be some expense in the physical education class for Lifetime Sports. Art fees are as follows and are per semester: Art I - $15.00; Drawing I - $10.00; Drawing II - $10.00; Printmaking -$20.00; Ceramics/Sculpture - $25.00; Painting - $25.00; Photography - $25.00. Fees for transfer students will be prorated as determined by the office.
CAFETERIA/COMMONS-The cafeteria, besides being a lunch room is a place where good human relations can be developed. Here each student is expected to practice the general rules of good manners.
Some simple rules of courteous behavior which make the lunch period pleasant and relaxed are:
1. Observe good dining room manners at the table.
2. Leave tables and surrounding area clean.
3. Replace chairs and put trash in proper containers.
4. Do not leave cafeteria while eating/carrying food.
All students must eat at school unless they leave before or arrive after lunch. Students may also bring their lunch from home. No one is allowed to leave school to eat lunch. A verbal notice will be given to a student when their food service account balance goes below $2.00 so they will have sufficient time to bring money to school to credit their account.
Each student will be issued a card and an account with food service. Students will be responsible for their own lunch card. As meals are purchased from the lunch line the cost of the item will be deducted from the student's account. Money may be applied to your account each morning before school. The initial card is FREE and subsequent lost or damaged cards will be replaced for $4.00. The charge for a new card must be paid in cash at the time the card is replaced. Students not having their ID card will be placed at the end of the lunch line.
GYM FLOOR-South Harrison has a wood floor in the gym. To help keep the floor in top condition, NO street shoes will be worn in the court area. Athletes will need to bring a pair of tennis shoes to be worn only on the court.