CusterSchool District 16-1

Referral to Special Education—There is reasonable cause to suspect that this child is or may be in need of special education services.

Student Name______M/F______



Phone H)______W)______


Phone H)______W)______

Referring Person’s Signature & Title______

A. Record of Parent Contact(s) :

Dates and Method(s): (Phone, Written [email], Meeting, etc.):

Method(s): Phone /___/___Written /___/__Other /___/__

(date) (date)(date)

By Whom:


Method(s): Phone /___/___Written /___/__Other /___/__

(date) (date)(date)

By Whom:


Parent Input: concerns were noted by the parent in the following areas as per our conversation on______

HomeworkStudy SkillsCommunication Language ArtsMathematics

Health/MedicalDaily Living Skills Fine MotorGross MotorBehavior/Social

Other: ______

B. Reason for Referral (Primary Concern):

Please list SPECIFIC concerns prompting this referral. What makes this student difficult to teach? (Give 3 examples of attitude, behaviors, poor work, etc.)




How do this student’s academic skills compare to those of an average student in your classroom?




In what settings/situations does the problem occur most often?




In what settings/situations does the problem occur least often?




Describe the student’s strengths.




Medical Concerns

Has the child been diagnosed with a medical condition? ______


Is the child on medication? (If yes, please add any known information) ______


Family History Describe the family history/structure(who child lives with, guardianship, siblings, etc.) ______

Please check those items below that further describe your area(s) of concern:


☐Identify Main Idea & Related Details☐Cause and Effect ☐Sequence of Events

☐Make Inferences☐Make Predictions☐Summarize

☐Describe Setting, Character, Plot, and Theme☐Visualizing/Mental Picture

☐Vocabulary/Meaning of Words or Phrases in Selection☐Construct Meaning from Text


☐Reading Readiness☐Blend Sounds to Make Words☐Consonant Sounds

☐Identify Letters of the Alphabet☐Identify Sounds in Words☐Vowel Sounds-Long/Short

☐Letter-Sound Correspondence☐Omission of Letter Sounds in Words ☐Decoding

☐Syllabication☐Addition of Letter Sounds in Words ☐Multisyllabic Word Reading


☐Accuracy☐Voice Inflection

☐Words Per Minute/Rate☐Sight Word Identification


☐Number Names and Count Sequence☐Subtraction Facts☐Division Operations

☐Identify Numbers ☐Regrouping in Addition-Carrying ☐Fractions-add/sub/mult/div

☐Counting Objects☐Regrouping in Subtract-borrowing☐Decimals-add/sub/mult/div

☐Addition Facts☐Multiplication Operations ☐Consumer Math Skills


☐Measurement/Estimation of Time, Volume, and Objects☐Understanding Fractions

☐Applying Appropriate Concepts to Solve Problems☐Interpreting Data on Charts/Maps/Graphs

☐Word Problems with More Than One Math Function


☐Incorrect Pencil Grasp ☐Letter/Word Reversals ☐Grammar: subject-verb agreement

☐Legibility ☐Punctuation/Capitalization☐Abbreviations

☐Upper/Lower Case Letters☐Spelling

☐Sentence Structure-Writing Complete Thoughts


☐Expressive Vocabulary ☐Synonyms☐Syntax (sentence structure)

☐Reasoning/Problem Solving ☐Antonyms ☐Pragmatics (functional use)



☐Auditory Attention Span ☐Receptive Vocabulary☐Understanding Directions

☐Auditory Discrimination ☐Sequences of Events☐Answers Questions Inappropriately

☐Auditory Memory ☐Needs Questions/Directions Repeated


☐Articulation: may omit, substitute or distort certain speech sounds ☐Sentence Structure

☐Voice: may be hoarse, breathy or nasal, may talk to loud or soft☐Concepts/Vocabulary

☐Fluency: may stutter, repeat words, hesitate, or prolong words ☐Conversational Skills

☐Expressive Language ☐Receptive Language ☐Other (Specify)

BEHAVIOR/EMOTIONAL (Extreme or Excessive)

☐Independent Activity ☐Group Activity ☐Peer Relationships

☐Attention Span☐Overactive ☐Home Relationships

☐Passive/Shy ☐Verbally Aggressive☐Unresponsive

☐Withdrawn☐Disruptive ☐Physically Aggressive

☐Mood Swings ☐Motivation ☐Other (specify)

☐Non-Compliant ☐Teacher Relationships

MUST comment on areas checked. Please include settings, frequency and duration:

EARLY CHILDHOOD (Children 3-5 years old)

☐Gross Motor ☐Fine Motor ☐Expressive Language

☐Adaptive Behavior ☐Social/Behavior ☐Cognitive Skills

☐Receptive Language



☐Hearing (Specify Concerns)

☐Vision (Specify Concerns)

☐Fine Motor (Specify Concerns

☐Gross Motor (Specify Concerns)

C.Interventions: An intervention is a data driven plan or process that is specific, measurable, reasonable, and implemented consistently for a minimum of 6 weeks.

Does the student receive Title 1 services? ____Yes ____No If yes, what subject? ______

Describe 2-3academic and/or behavioral interventions that have been implemented, and their outcomes:

1. Begin Date______End Date:______Person Responsible: ______

What you tried to do to resolve the problem:

How did it work (include data/test scores)?

2. Begin Date______End Date:______Person Responsible: ______

What you tried to do to resolve the problem:

How did it work (include data/test scores)?

CURRENT REVIEW OF EXISTING DATA (Completed by teacher/principal prior to submitting to Special Education)

Cumulative Performance Review:

MUST ATTACH copies of Campus information for the following ( if attached; provide explanation if not):

___ Current grades

___ Report cards from past 3 years

___ MAP test scores for past 3 -4 assessments

___ Attendance for present year and past year

___ Number of Office Discipline Referrals for present year

Is this student transferring from another district? Yes/No Has the student been previously evaluated? Yes/No

Vision Screening Date______Pass /Fail Hearing Screening Date______Pass /Fail Limited English Proficient Yes/No

Smarter Balance Results Math______Reading ______

Prior program involvement: Special Education______Title 1 for______Head Start______School Counseling______

Behavior Plan______504 Plan (If Yes indicate type)______Is the child an English Language Learner (ELL)______

Part C (preschool) Program______Preschool Screening______Retained in grade______

How many different schools has the student attended? ______

Is the student’s current teacher/teachers Highly Qualified? Yes ______No______Other______

Is there any other information about this student you wish to convey?_

Building Principal’s Signature______

Date Referral Completed and Sent to Special Ed Dept: ______

Please attach work samples & additional information that may be pertinent to this referral.

1 Revised 11- 17-2015