The South Australian

Government Gazette




By Authority: P. McMahon, Government Printer, South Australia






Aboriginal Lands Trust Act 2013:

Appointments...... 5212

Expressions of Interest for Appointment...... 3930

Acts Assented to:

Animal Welfare Act 1985...... 4232

Animal Welfare (Live Baiting) Amendment Act 2015...... 4232

Appropriation Act 2015...... 4462

Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 1988...... 3432

Bail Act 1985...... 3396

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996...... 4622

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Change of Name)

Amendment Act 2015...... 4622

Child Sex Offenders Registration Act 2006...... 4622

City of Adelaide Act 1998...... 4772

Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995....4622

Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games)

(Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2015...... 4622

Community Based Sentences (Interstate Transfer) Act 2015...... 5172

Constitution Act 1934...... 4622, 4772

Constitution (Governor’s Salary) Amendment Act 2015...... 4622

Controlled Substances Act 1984...... 5030, 5130

Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation) Amendment Act 2015....5130

Controlled Substances (Simple Possession Offences)

Amendment Act 2015...... 5030

Correctional Services Act 1982...... 3396, 3708

Correctional Services (Parole) Amendment Act 2015...... 3708

Courts Administration Act 1993...... 4772

Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935...... 3708, 5030

Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Act 2007...... 3396

Criminal Law (Sentencing) Act 1988...... 3396, 5030

District Court Act 1991...... 4772

Equal Opportunity Act 1984...... 4772

Evidence Act 1929...... 3396, 5030

Evidence (Records and Documents) Amendment Act 2015...... 5030

Fair Work Act 1994...... 4772

Family Relationships Act 1975...... 3432

Family Relationships (Surrogacy) Amendment Act 2015...... 3432

Firearms Act 1977...... 5212

Firearms Act 2015...... 5212

Freedom of Information Act 1991...... 3708, 4772

Gaming Machines Act 1992...... 4462

Health Care Act 2008...... 4232

Health Care (Administration) Amendment Act 2015...... 4232

Hindmarsh Island Bridge Act 1999...... 5030

Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2012...... 4772

Independent Gambling Authority Act 1995...... 4462

Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009...... 3396

Judges’ Pensions Act 1971...... 4772

Judicial Conduct Commissioner Act 2015...... 4772

Justices of the Peace Act 2005...... 4772

Liquor Licensing Act 1997...... 3708, 4772, 5030

Liquor Licensing (Entertainment on Licensed Premises)

Amendment Act 2015...... 5030

Liquor Licensing (Prohibition of Certain Liquor) Amendment Act 2015..4772

Lobbyists Act 2015...... 4462

Local Government Act 1934...... 4772

Local Government Act 1999...... 3396, 4772, 5212

Local Government (Accountability and Governance)

Amendment Act 2015...... 4772

Local Government (Building Upgrade Agreements)

Amendment Act 2015...... 5212

Long Service Leave Act 1987...... 4772

Long Service Leave (Calculation of Average Weekly Earnings)

Amendment Act 2015...... 4772

Lottery and Gaming Act 1936...... 4462

Magistrates Act 1983...... 4772

Natural Gas Authority Act 1967...... 3396

Ombudsman Act 1972...... 4772

Parliamentary Committees Act 1991...... 4772

Parliamentary Remuneration Act 1990...... 4462

Parliamentary Remuneration (Determination of Remuneration)

Amendment Act 2015...... 4462

Police Superannuation Act 1990...... 3708

Problem Gambling Family Protection Orders Act 2004...... 4462

Residential Tenancies Act 1995...... 5130

Residential Tenancies (Domestic Violence Protections)

Amendment Act 2015...... 5130

Southern State Superannuation Act 2009...... 3708

Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Budget 2015) Act 2015...... 5030

Statutes Amendment (Firearms Offences) Act 2015...... 5030

Statutes Amendment (Gambling Measures) Act 2015...... 4462

Statutes Amendment (Industrial Relations Consultative Council)

Act 2015...... 4772

Statutes Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Act 2015...... 3708

Statutes Amendment (Superannuation) Act 2015...... 3708

Statutes Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2015...... 4772

Statutes Amendment (Vulnerable Witnesses) Act 2015...... 3708

Summary Offences Act 1935...... 3708

Tattooing Industry Control Act 2015...... 5172

Terrorism (Police Powers) Act 2005...... 4772

Terrorism (Preventative Detention) Act 2005...... 4772


Acts Assented to—continued

Water Industry Act 2012...... 4622

Water Industry (Third Party Access) Amendment Act 2015...... 4622

Whyalla Steel Works Act 1958...... 4622

Whyalla Steel Works (Environmental Authorisation) Amendment

Act 2015...... 4622

Work Health and Safety Act 2012...... 4772

Acts Interpretation Act 1915:

Appointments...... 3397, 4232, 5214

Revoked the Appointments...... 3334, 4584, 5130, 5212

Adelaide Cemeteries Authority Act 2001:

Appointments...... 5212

Adelaide Festival Centre Trust Act 1971:

Appointments...... 4136

Adelaide Festival Corporation Act 1998:

Appointments...... 3335, 5130

Revoked the Appointments...... 3334

Administrative Arrangements Act 1994:

Instrument of Delegation...... 4522, 4584, 5174

Administrative Arrangements (Administration of ANZAC Day

Commemoration Act) Proclamation 2015...... 3753

Administrative Arrangements (Administration of ASER

(Restructure) Act) Proclamation 2015...... 4493

Administrative Arrangements (Administration of Criminal Law

(High Risk Offenders) Act) Proclamation 2015...... 4886

Administrative Arrangements (Administration of Occupational Health,

Safety and Welfare Act) Proclamation 2015...... 4221

Administrative Arrangements (Administration of Port Pirie Racecourse

Site Act) Proclamation 2015...... 3806

Administrative Arrangements (Administration of Work Health and

Safety Act) Proclamation 2015...... 4222

Administrative Arrangements (Conferral of Ministerial Functions

and Powers and Transfer of Assets, Rights and Liabilities)

Proclamation 2015...... 4887

Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Regulations 2004:

Approval of Quality Assurance Schemes...... 3825, 4527

Alana Kaye:

Education and Training Specialists...... 4266

Anglican Church of Australia:

Alteration of the Constitution...... 5214

Animal Welfare (Live Baiting) Amendment Act (Commencement)

Proclamation 2015...... 4609

Animal Welfare Variation Regulations 2015:

(No. 198 of 2015)...... 3892

Animal Welfare (No. 2) Variation Regulations 2015:

(No. 213 of 2015)...... 4567

Appointments, Resignations, etc.:

Department of the Premier and Cabinet...... 3334, 3396, 3432, 3472,3578,3764,

3824, 3927, 3930,4136,4190,

4232, 4410, 4462, 4522,4584,

4622, 4656, 4772, 4884, 4950,

5030,5130,5172, 5212,5213

Pleased to Accept...... 3336

Pleased to Issue Directions...... 5173

Pleased to Issue a Notice...... 3472, 3824

Purported to Make Appointments...... 3397

Removed from Office...... 5173

Resignations...... 4462, 5172

Retention of Title...... 4951, 5214

Revoked the Appointments...... 3334, 3335, 3396, 4584, 5031, 5130,
5172, 5212, 5213

Aquaculture Act 2001:

Appointments...... 3334

Grant of Aquaculture Leases...... 4190, 4773, 4951

Revoked the Appointments...... 3334

Aquaculture (Approval of Tumby Bay Zones Policy) Notice 2015...... 4194

Aquaculture (Fees) Variation Regulations 2015:

(No. 184 of 2015)...... 3525

Aquaculture (Oyster) (Fees) Variation Regulations 2015:

(No. 185 of 2015)...... 3531

Aquaculture (Zones—Lower Eyre Peninsula) Policy 2015...... 4781

Aquaculture (Zones—Tumby Bay) Policy 2015...... 4195

Art Gallery Act 1939:

Appointment...... 5172

Associations Incorporation Act 1985:

Deregistration of Associations...... 3472, 4773

Dissolution of Associations...... 3336, 3432, 4623, 4906, 5130

Australian Consumer Law (SA):

Particulars of Goods...... 4410

Authorised Betting Operations Act 2000:

Approval of Contingencies...... 3939

Bail Regulations 2015:

(No. 199 of 2015)...... 3894

Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium Act 1978:

Appointments...... 3334

Purported to Make Appointments...... 3397

Boxing and Martial Arts Act 2000:

Notice of Rules of Martial Arts...... 3397

Boxing and Martial Arts Regulations 2015:

(No. 209 of 2015)...... 4555


Building Work Contractors Act 1995:

Exemptions...... 3397, 4584, 4656

Building Work Contractors Variation Regulations 2015:

(No. 221 of 2015)...... 4749


Campbelltown City Council...... 4652

City of Mitcham...... 4119, 5299

City of Playford...... 4499

City of Port Adelaide Enfield...... 3556

City of Prospect...... 4167, 4508, 5350

City of Salisbury...... 4174

City of Tea Tree Gully...... 3916

City of Unley...... 3684

District Council of Cleve...... 3700

District Council of Elliston...... 4871

District Council of Grant...... 4769

Light Regional Council...... 4509

Town of Walkerville...... 3692

Carrick Hill Trust Act 1985:

Appointments...... 3472

Casino Act 1997:

Definition of Premium Gaming Areas...... 5315

Children’s Protection Act 1993:

Appointments...... 4136, 4950, 5030

Children’s Protection Variation Regulations 2015:

(No. 251 of 2015)...... 5293

Civil Liability (Disclosure of Information) Amendment Act

(Commencement) Proclamation 2015...... 4221

Civil Liability Variation Regulations 2015:

(No. 206 of 2015)...... 4226

Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995:

Appointments...... 4884

Community Housing Providers (National Law) (South Australia) Act 2013:

Recognition of Corresponding Entity...... 3825, 4137

Transfer of Undertakings...... 3708, 4232, 4417

Community Housing Providers (National Law) (South Australia)

(Transitional Provisions) Variation Regulations 2015:

(No. 191 of 2015)...... 3679

Constitution Act 1934:

Assembly to Fill Vacancy in Legislative Council...... 5130

Appointments...... 4136, 4462, 4463, 4522, 4950

Constitution (Legislative Council Casual Vacancy) Proclamation 2015.....4977

Construction Industry Training Fund Act 1993:

Appointments...... 3764, 5212

Controlled Substances Act 1984:

Approval and Publication of the Vaccine Administration Code...... 4522

Controlled Substances (Controlled Drugs, Precursors and Plants)
Variation Regulations 2015:

(No. 187 of 2015)...... 3535

(No. 243 of 2015)...... 5161

Conveyancers Variation Regulations 2015:

(No. 224 of 2015)...... 4757

Co-operatives National Law (South Australia) Act 2013:

Application for Deregistration...... 4410, 4656



Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3422

Close of Roll for Supplementary Election...... 4229

Declaration of Public Road...... 5350

Development Plan Amendment...... 4119, 4167

Nominations Received...... 4944

Proposed Declaration of Public Road...... 5018

Resignation of Councillor...... 4229

Road Process Order...... 4404

Supplementary Election for Area Councillor...... 4617, 5299


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3386

Place Naming—(100 years of) ANZAC Lookout...... 4870


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3422

By-laws Resolution...... 4652

Declaration of Public Roads...... 3457

Road Process Order...... 4404

Charles Sturt—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3457

Appointments...... 3758

Road Process Order...... 3457, 3556


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3460

Notice of Vacancy—Area Councillor...... 5209

Town Centre Car Parking Fund...... 3424

Erratum...... 3460

Holdfast Bay—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3386


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3386

Proposed Declaration of Public Road...... 4870


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3556

By-laws...... 4119, 5299

Adoption of Four Amended Community Land Management Plans..4499

Road Closure:

Corrigendum...... 5138

Road Process Order...... 4664

Mount Gambier—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3422

Development Plan Amendment...... 5350

Murray Bridge—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3457

Development Plan Amendment...... 3818, 4132

Norwood, Payneham & St Peters—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3458

Proposed Declaration of Public Roads...... 5209




Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3422

Application of Dogs By-law...... 4457

Development Plan Amendment...... 3459

Exclusion of Land from Classification as Community Land..3459, 4132

Prohibition of Traffic...... 4167

Road Process Order...... 3818


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3387

By-laws...... 4499

Closure of Walkway...... 3916

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 3767

Development Plan Amendment...... 4580

Roads Opening and Closing:

[Corrigendum]...... 5235

Road Process Order...... 5182

Port Adelaide Enfield—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3459

Assignment of Names for New Roads...... 4404

By-laws...... 3556

Car Parking Fund...... 3818

Port Augusta—

Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates...... 3758

Road Closures...... 3387

Road Process Order...... 4652

Port Lincoln—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3387

Appointments...... 3758, 3916

Residential Development Plan Amendment—Public Consultation..4870

Resignation of Councillor...... 4167

Revoke Appointment...... 3758

Revoke Authorised Officer...... 4944


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3423

By-law Applications...... 5350

By-laws...... 4167, 4508

Declaration of Public Road...... 4580

Erratum...... 4652


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3387

Application of Dogs By-law...... 3916, 5351

By-laws...... 4174

Development Plan Amendment...... 3423, 3459

Road Process Order...... 4580

Tea Tree Gully—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3569

By-laws...... 3916

Change of Road Name...... 3924

Exclusion from the Community Land Classification...... 4944

Final Adoption of Management Plans for Community
Land...... 3818, 4458, 4870


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3388

By-laws...... 3684

Christmas and New Year Period—Council Meeting Dates
and Office Hours...... 5126

Naming of Road...... 4871

Victor Harbor

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3569


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3692

By-laws...... 3692

West Torrens—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3424

Appointment of a Public Officer—Development

Assessment Panel...... 4944

Road Process Order...... 3691, 4229


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3691

Correctional Services Act 1982:

Appointments...... 4190, 4584, 5173

Revoked the Appointments...... 4584

Correctional Services (Appointment of Visiting Tribunals) Variation
Proclamation 2015...... 4610

Correctional Services Variation Regulations 2015:

(No. 215 of 2015)...... 4574


Mount Gambier Circuit Court Sittings...... 4525

Port Augusta Circuit Court Sittings...... 3600, 4140, 4661

Criminal Law (High Risk Offenders) Act (Commencement)
Proclamation 2015:...... 4886

Criminal Law (High Risk Offenders) Regulations 2015:

(No. 231 of 2015)...... 4895

Crown Lands Management Act 2009:

Hunting on Unalienated Crown Lands...... 5214

Intention to Consider the Disposal of Portion of
Waterfront Crown Land...... 4656

Dangerous Substances Act 1979:

Appointments...... 3580, 3829, 4522, 5304

Development Act 1993:

Appointments...... 3472

Correct an Error...... 4657

Decision by the Development Assessment Commission...... 4667, 5130

Development Plan Amendment...... 3337, 3433, 3580, 3709, 3764,
3930, 4138, 4190, 4232, 4523,
4623, 4657, 4782, 5031, 5132,
5174, 5216, 5304

Notices by the Deputy Premier...... 3931

Notices by the Minister...... 3715, 3826, 5316

Specified Kind of Development or Project...... 5036

Development Regulations 2008:

Renewing Our Streets and Suburbs Stimulus Program...... 4137


Development (Renewal of Social Housing) Variation Regulations 2015:

(No. 205 of 2015)...... 4162

Development (Schedule 3) Variation Regulations 2015:

(No. 218 of 2015)...... 4614

District Councils:

Adelaide Hills—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3388

Proposed Road Closure...... 3424

Road Process Order...... 3461

[Republished]...... 3570


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3462

Appointment...... 3818

Development Plan Amendment...... 3818

Exemption of Land from Classification as Community Land....4404

Naming of Public Road...... 4580, 5209

Road Closures...... 3699

Road Process Order...... 4617


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3462

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 3452, 3767

Naming of Roads...... 3425

Re-naming of Roads...... 4132

Berri Barmera—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3425


Adoption of Annual Business Plan and Budget...... 3699

Aerodrome Fees...... 3700

Standard Customer Sales Contract and Standard Terms and

Conditions of Retail Services...... 5019

Clare & Gilbert Valleys—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 4132

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 3452


By-law...... 3700

Change of Meeting Date and Time ...... 5126, 5351

Naming of Public Road...... 4617

Coober Pedy—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 4186

Close of Nominations—Nominations Received...... 4944

Close of Roll for Supplementary Elections...... 4187, 4458

Resignation of Councillor...... 3425, 4458

Resignation of Mayor...... 4187

Supplementary Elections for Mayor and Two Vacancies for

Area Councillors...... 4617, 5300


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3425

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 3451

Road Process Order...... 5168

Copper Coast—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3426

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 3768, 4236

Declaration of Public Roads...... 4769


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3464

By-laws...... 4871

Flinders Ranges, The—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3700

Development Assessment Panel...... 4518

Temporary Road Closure...... 5300

Franklin Harbour—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3426

Development Plan Amendment...... 4404

Supplementary Election...... 3465, 3819, 4404


Call for Nominations...... 5018

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 3452

Geographical Name Change...... 3389

Resignation of Councillor...... 4652

Road Process Order...... 4405

Supplementary Election...... 4653, 5300


By-law...... 4769

Road Process Order...... 3759

Kangaroo Island—

Resignation...... 5300

Road Process Order...... 4509

Karoonda East Murray—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3570

[Republished]...... 3701


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3389

Temporary Road Closures...... 3924, 5168


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3389


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3465

By-laws...... 4509

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 3768

Declaration of Public Roads—Erratum...... 3390

Development Assessment Panel—Appointment of

Independent Members...... 5168

Lower Eyre Peninsula—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3759

Aerodrome Fees...... 5300

Declaration of a Private to be a Public Road...... 5351

Loxton Waikerie—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3702

Revocation of Community Land Classification...... 4229

Road Process Order...... 5235


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3759

Close of Roll for Supplementary Election...... 5168

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 3606

Resignation of Mayor...... 5168

Temporary Road Closures...... 3819


District Councils—continued

Mid Murray—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3702

Mount Barker—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3465

Close of Nominations—Nominations Received...... 4945

Close of Roll for Supplementary Election...... 4187

Council’s Name Change...... 3820

Declaration of Public Road...... 5018

Development Assessment Panel—Appointment
of Independent Members...... 4945

Resignation of Councillor...... 4187

Road Process Order...... 4945

Supplementary Election for Councillor in North Ward....4617, 5300

Mount Remarkable—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3703

Erratum...... 3820

Changes of Road Names...... 3760, 4458, 4653

Development Assessment Panel...... 4518

Road Process Order...... 3924

Supplementary Elections...... 3467, 3820, 4405

Naracoorte Lucindale—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3427

Change of Road Names...... 5351

Road Process Order...... 4517, 4580

Northern Areas—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3570


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 4187

Appointment...... 3820

Development Assessment Panel...... 4518


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3703

Development Assessment Panel...... 4518

Port Pirie

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3467

Change of Name to Public Road...... 5351

Exemption of Land from Classification as Community Land....5300

Renmark Paringa—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3760

Road Process Order...... 4229


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3390

Road Process Order...... 4945, 5351

Roxby Downs—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 4405

Roxby Power—Electricity Tariffs and Charges...... 5124

Roxby Power—Water and Sewage Charges...... 5125

Southern Mallee—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3468

Streaky Bay—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3571


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3572

Tumby Bay—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3468

Wakefield Regional—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3428

Confirmation of Road Process Order...... 4192

Erratum...... 3768

Declaration of Public Roads...... 4133

Wattle Range—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3390

Appointment of Authorised Persons...... 3428, 4517, 4769

Road Process Order...... 3704


Adoption of Assessment and Declaration of Rates...... 3924


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3428

Assignment of Road Name...... 5126

Yorke Peninsula—

Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates...... 3573

District Court Act 1991:

Appointments...... 5213

Dog Fence Act 1946:

Appointment...... 3717

Appointment of Dog Fence Board...... 3717

Statement of Receipts and Payments...... 4657

Education Act 1972:

Fixing Charges for Full Fee Paying Overseas Students...... 4463

Education and Early Childhood Services (Registration and
Standards) Act 2011:

Appointments...... 5172

Removed from Office...... 5173

Resignation...... 5173

Education Regulations 2012:

Enrolment Policy for the Adelaide High School...... 3473

Capacity Management Plan for Linden Park Primary School...... 4623

Electoral Act 1985:

Registration of Political Parties...... 3340

Emergency Management Act 2004:

Pleased to Issue Directions...... 5173

Emergency Management (Proclaimed Situation—Pinery Fire)
Proclamation 2015...... 5202

Energy Products (Safety and Efficiency) Act 2000:

Prohibition of Sale and Use of Energy Products...... 4633

Energy Products (Safety and Efficiency) Variation Proclamation 2015.....4858

Environment Protection Act 1993:

Appointments...... 3578, 4656

Approval of Additional Collection Depots...... 4468, 5343

Approval of Category A Containers...... 3434

Approval of Category B Containers...... 3434, 3769, 4146
4469, 5239


Environment Protection Act 1993—continued

Pleased to Issue a Notice...... 3472, 3824

Revocation of Approval of Category B Containers.....3447, 3474, 3772,
4142, 4468, 4474

Revocation of Collection Depot...... 5343

Revocation of Collection Depot Approval...... 4634

Variation to Existing Approval of Collection Depot.....3584, 3828, 5344

Environment Protection Authority:

Granting of an Exemption...... 3522, 5174

Environment Protection (Air Quality) Policy 2016:

Draft for Public Consultation...... 4624

Environment Protection (Solid Fuel Heaters) Policy 2015...... 3491

Environment Protection (Solid Fuel Heaters Policy) Notice 2015...... 3490

Environment Protection (Water Quality) Policy 2015...... 3854

Environment Protection (Water Quality Policy) Notice 2015...... 3853

Environment, Resources and Development Court Act 1993:

Appointments...... 3397

Equal Opportunity Act 1984:

Appointments...... 4136, 4232, 5030, 5214

Equal Opportunity Tribunal:

Application for an Exemption...... 4463, 5031

Notice of Exemption...... 4463, 5031

Essential Services Commission Act 2002:

Appointments...... 3579

Electricity Transmission Code...... 4657

Price Determination...... 3473

Expiation of Offences Act 1996:

Instrument of Authorisation...... 4233, 5216, 5304

Explosives Act 1936:

Appointments...... 3583, 3829

Inspector of Explosives...... 4773

Extraordinary Gazettes...... 3927, 4883

Fair Trading (Franchising Industry Dispute Resolution Code)

Regulations 2015:

(No. 216 of 2015)...... 4575

Fees Regulation (Public Trustee Administration Fees) Regulations 2015:

(No. 192 of 2015)...... 3755

Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005:

Appointments...... 3764

Dissolution of a SACFS Organisation...... 3398

Fire Ban Districts...... 4585

Fire Danger Season...... 4624

Firearms Act 1977:

General Amnesty...... 5031

Recognised Commercial Range Operator...... 4951

Recognised Firearms Clubs...... 4411, 4658, 4773, 5032

Fisheries Management Act 2007:

Adoption of Management Plan...... 5304

Declaration of Noxious Species...... 4625

Exemptions...... 3341, 3398, 3433, 3580, 3765,
3829, 3931, 4233, 4411, 4523,
4585, 4627, 4774, 4906, 5032,
5134, 5175, 5183, 5216, 5305

Erratum...... 4190

Items Seized...... 3340, 3765

Revoked...... 5032, 5216, 5304

Shall be Unlawful...... 3340, 4627, 5174, 5304

Shall not be Guilty of an Offence...... 4628, 4774, 4907, 5033

Temporary Prohibition of Fishing Activity...... 5304

Variation to Notice...... 4463, 4906

Variation to Exemption...... 3401

Will be Unlawful...... 3340, 3473, 5134, 5304

Will not be Unlawful...... 3398, 3764, 4138, 4774, 4951, 5133

Fisheries Management (Demerit Points) Variation Regulations 2015:

(No. 194 of 2015)...... 3815

Fisheries Management (Fees) (Transitional) Variation Regulations 2015:

(No. 186 of 2015)...... 3533

Fisheries Management (Miscellaneous Fishery) Regulations 2015:

(No. 193 of 2016)...... 3807

Fisheries Management (Rock Lobster Fisheries) Regulations 2006:

Nominated Certification Stations...... 4191

Fisheries Management (Rock Lobster Fisheries) Variation Regulations 2015:

(No. 226 of 2015)...... 4764

Food Variation Regulations 2015:

(No. 219 of 2015)...... 4649

Forestry (Forest Reserve—Mount Gambier, Penola and Mount
Burr Forest Districts) Variation Proclamation 2015...... 4279