(full name)
hereafter referred to as “Author”, and LLC “Remedium Privolzhje” referred to as “Publisher”, represented by the Director Zaporozhskaya Larisa Ivanovna, acting on the basis of AGREEMENT № 07-И “About informational cooperation” and the Articles of association of scientific electronic magazine “MediAl” have made this agreement (according to the requirements of the Law of Russian Federation “About copyright and allied rights” № 5351-I of 09.07.93) as follows:
1. From the date of the signing of this Agreement the Author grants to Publisher all the rights for publishing, including electronic format, and also for derivations given to scientific electronic library, of his article
(title of the article)
which has been approved and submitted for publication by the Editorial Board of scientific electronic magazine “The Issues of Traumatology and Orthopedics” in the Russian language (hereafter “Magazine”) for the period up to the issue of the Magazine with the Author’s article in print or electronic editions and its distribution by subscription or other orders in Russia and other countries.
2. The author warrants that
2.1. he has obtained permission of all the co-authors for transferring the publishing and distribution rights to the Publisher according to this Agreement
2.2. more than 50% of the Article has not been previously published in other print or electronic editions, except for the preprint of the Article
2.3. the Article contains the references to all citers, editions and others’ results or facts which have been mentioned in the Article
2.4. the Article contains no unlawful materials according to present standard regulations.
3. The author is obliged:
3.1. to introduce into the text of the Article all the corrections, recommended by reviewers and approved by the Editorial Board of the Magazine;
3.2. to read proof corrections during the period provided by the schedule of the issue of the Magazine;
3.3. not to publish more than 50 % of the Article in other print and (or) electronic editions till the issue of the Magazine with the Author’s Article and for two years after publication;
3.4. to provide the electronic version of the Article together with paper copy or in any other format agreed with the Publisher;
3.5. to introduce into the Article only the minimum of corrections of the mistakes made in the original of the Article and (or) evidential and conjunctural changes;
3.6. not to use the layout original of the Article, prepared by the Publisher, in commercial purposes and in other editions without the Publisher’s agreement.
4. The Publisher is obliged:
4.1. to provide at its own expense the reviewing of the Article, scientific, literary and technical editing, production and processing of illustrations, production of paper and electronic layout original, typographic issue of the Magazine with Author’s Article and also distribution of the Magazine, subscription campaign and promotion events;
4.2. to agree all the corrections with the Author (c. 2.4 and 3.1. of this Agreement);
4.3. to allow the Author to make his reasonable corrections of the original of the Article, but not more than 2 corrections per 1000 characters (c. 3.5. of this Agreement);
4.4. to provide the Author with the reprint of the Article (1 copy).
5. The Publisher warrants that without Author’s agreement:
5.1. the Article or parts of it will not be used in any other print or electronic editions;
5.2. publishing rights, paper or electronic layout original of the Article will not be given to third parties.
6. The publisher has the right:
6.1. to print extra editions of the Magazine with the Author’s article in case of additional requires;
6.2. to pay Author’s fee (in accordance with the Price list of the Publisher) if the Article has been ordered by the Publisher (Editorial Board), except for fulfilling job responsibilities;
6.3. to provide mass media with the preliminary and (or) promotional information about upcoming publication and ready Magazines.
7. This agreement comes into effect after the Editorial Board of the Magazine agrees to submit the Article for publication. If the Article is not submitted, then this Agreement does not come into effect, and the Author must be informed by the Publisher about this within 25 days.
8. Parties signatures Publisher:
Author: LLC “Remedium Privolzhje”
______Zaporozhskaya L.I.
Acceptance certificate of articles for the Agreement № ______
N.Novgorod ______2012
(full name)
hereafter referred to as “Author”, and LLC “Remedium Privolzhje” referred to as “Publisher”, represented by the Director Zaporozhskaya Larisa Ivanovna, acting on the basis of AGREEMENT № 07-И “About informational cooperation” and the Articles of association of scientific electronic magazine “MediAl” (founder of the magazine is “Nizhny Novgorod scientific-research institute of traumatology and orthopedics”) have made this Acceptance certificate as follows: the Author has provided and the Publisher has submitted the MATERIALS for the publication of scientific article in ______form in one copy for the execution of the work according to the Agreement. The publisher confirms that the quality of MATERIALS meets the terms of the Agreement.
Author: Publisher:
______LLC “Remedium Privolzhje”
______Zaporozhskaya L.I.