Council Meeting – September 4, 2014
Mayor Thomas L. Hardesty called the regular meeting to orderwith the following council members present:Bobby Andriot, Mike Zoeller, Donna Eaton,Shane Suttor, Jon Swindler, and Frank Page.
City Employees Present: Tom Doyle, Kevin Baker, Barry Edington, Eric Bottom, Brian Raisor, Jeff Elam, Tory Harris, Josh Tucker, Quentin Raisor, Jennifer Herrell, Inez Harris, and Thomas Brummer.
City Attorney: Steven Gregory
George Robinson, Assoc. Minister of Greater Tabernacle gave the invocation.
All present pledged allegiance to the flag.
Minutes/August 21, 2014
Councilmember Pagemoved to approve the minutes of the August21, 2014 meetingas read by council members prior to the meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Zoeller.
All voted “aye” and motion carried.
Presentation – Life Safety Achievement Award
Fire Chief Kevin Baker informed council the Shelbyville Fire Department was awarded a Life Safety Achievement Award by the National Association of State Fire Marshals/Grinnell Insurance. This award was one of 142 given nationwide and one of two in Kentucky. Over 30,125 fire departments competed nationwide.
Ordinance 2014-09-04 - Annexing Property owned by Rut ’N Strut Distillery, LLCinto the City of Shelbyville – 2nd Reading – Steven Gregory
Steven Gregory, City Attorney, read the summary of an ordinance annexing 50 acres at the end of Gordon Lane owned by Rut ’N Strut Distillery, LLC. This property is contiguous with the City of Shelbyville. This property is suitable for development for urban purposes without unreasonable delay. The owners of the property requested to be annexed into the city.
It was introduced for second reading by Councilmember Swindler. Seconded by Councilmember Page.
Upon roll call, the following council members voted “aye”: Page, Swindler, Suttor, Eaton, Zoeller, and Andriot.
Resolution – Facilities Plan Amendment
Tom Doyle, Manager Water and Sewer Plant, presented a resolution for a Facilities Plan Amendment to expand the planning area and expand the centralize wastewater collection and treatment systems for industrial, commercial, and residential customers in the City of Shelbyville.
Councilmember Page moved to approve the resolution. Seconded by Councilmember Swindler.
All voted “aye” and motion carried.
Resolution – Gordon Lane Extension
Steve Gregory, read a resolution for 425 ft. of Gordon Lane to be accepted into the City of Shelbyville street system. The lane was constricted in conjunction with Interstate 64 and does not fit into the State Highway System. This property was never deeded to the county from KYTC. Since we annexed Rut ‘N Strut, the Nethery’s will build the road.
Councilmember Swindler moved to approve the resolution. Seconded by Councilmember Page.
All voted “aye” and motion carried.
Proclamation – Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Mayor Hardesty proclaimed September 2014 as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
Discussion on Trace Lane
Jennifer Herrell, City Engineer/Public Works Superintendent, reported based on her research, Trace Lane was put in as a Planned Unit Development in 1996. It was classified as a private road. It has 25 ft. access verses 50 ft. requirements. It has sidewalks on one side of the road. In 2007, they requested to be accepted into the city street system and were denied. There are 3 options: to deny because it has 25 ft. access; accept with condition (repave the road with the residents/city paying a portion); or accept with the plat and no conditions.
My recommendation is to accept with an assessment. Mayor Hardesty suggested homeowners pay $250.00 for accepting into the city. There are 42 homes in the subdivision. Councilmember Eaton wants to take into the street system with no assessment.
After much discussion, Councilmember Eaton moved to take Trace Lane into the street system without an assessment, but the residents will pay for the cost of a survey/plat to be divided by the 42 homeowners. Seconded by Councilmember Andriot.
All voted “aye” and motion carried.
Mrs. Herrell will take care of the surveying and getting the cost to the homeowners.
Public Comments
Rev. Ronald Walker, Pastor of Shelby Congregational Church, located on Martin Luther King St. addressed council regarding a shooting in the area. He explained the people in the area feel neglected. There is drug use and people causing trouble who do not live in the area. He wants the police to be proactive in the area.
Norris Beckley, Martinsville resident, wants police to be move visible.
Department Reports
Eilene Collins, Executive Director, SDC, reported the last summer concert will be September 13th with the band Act III and a car cruise.
Jennifer Herrell, City Engineer/ Public Works Superintendent, reported the Household Hazardous Waste Event will be October 4th at Midland Blvd. from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The street paving list is out. The bids will be open on September 16th.
Mayor’s Report
Mayor Hardesty reported Taste ‘N Tunes will be on September 8th from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. at the fairgrounds. The Long Run Massacre Re-enactment is September 13th and 14th at Red Orchard Park. The Employee Banquet will be September 25th. The RFP for the garbage franchise bid notice will be published tomorrow.
Councilmember Suttor moved to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. Seconded by Councilmember Eaton.
All voted “aye” and motion carried.
MAYOR: Thomas L. Hardesty
Inez Harris, City Clerk/Treasurer