Grade 2 Essentials 2017-2018

Below is a list of Common Core Essentials that will be introduced and/or concentrated on this quarter.

These Essentials will be built upon and expanded throughout the year.

Quarter 1
Math / NBT - Numbers & Operations OA - Operations & Algebraic Thinking
G - Geometry MD - Measurement & Data
2.NBT.1 / I can choose a number between 100 and 999 and use base ten blocks to show only groups of 100.
I can choose a number between 100 and 999 and use base ten blocks to show only groups of 100s and 10s.
I can choose a number between 100 and 999 and use ten blocks to show only groups of 100s, 10s, and 1s.
2.NBT.2 / I can count within a 1000s by 1s.
I can skip count by 2s, 5s, and 10s, and 100s up to 999.
I can explain the concept of counting by 2s, 5s, 10s, and 100s within 1000.
2.NBT.3 / I can read and write numbers to 1000.
2.NBT.4 / I can compare two three digit numbers.
2.OA.3 / I can use doubles to identify even numbers.
I can explain the difference between odd and even numbers.
ELA / RL – Reading Literature RI – Reading Informational Text RF – Reading Foundational Skills
W - Writing SL – Speaking & Listening L - Language
2.RF.3 / I can read one syllable words with long vowels.
I can read one syllable words with short vowels.
I can recognize spelling/sounds of vowel teams.
I can sound out two syllable words with long vowels.
I can sound out words with common prefixes.
I can sound out words with common suffixes.
I can identify words that don’t always sound the way that they are spelled.
I can recognize and read words that don’t follow spelling rules.
2.RF.4 / I can decide the purpose for reading a text.
I can understand what I am reading.
I can read aloud correctly.
I can read aloud smoothly.
I can read aloud with feeling.
I can correct my reading when it doesn’t make sense.
2.RL.1 / I can answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions from the text
I can ask who, what, when, where, why, and how questions from the text.
2.RI.1 / I can use clues from the text to answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions from the text.
I can use clues from the text to ask who, what, when, where, why, and how questions from the text.
2.RL.2 / I can retell a variety of stories from diverse cultures.
I can identify the main idea of the selection.
2.RL.3 / I can tell who the characters are in a story.
I can describe how a character responds to an event in a story.
2.RL.5 / I can describe the beginning and the end of a story
2.RL.6 / I can understand characters point of view
2.RL.7 / I can use information from pictures, print, or digital text to show understanding of the characters.
I can use information from pictures, print, or digital text to show an understanding of setting
I can use information from pictures, print, or digital text to show an understanding of the plot.
2.W.3 / I can use graphic organizers to plan a story.
I can write a story with a beginning, middle, and ending.
2.W.5 / I can correct and make changes to my writing with the help of others.
2.W.6 / I can use digital tools, (Powerpoint, Word, Publisher, Smartboard, websites, etc) to create a writing product by myself or in a group.
2.SL.1 / I can participate in grade level discussions in small or large groups.
I can be respectful of others during discussions.
I can add to the conversation by commenting on the topic.
I can ask questions to further my understanding in my own words.
2.SL.3 / I can listen carefully to a speaker and ask/answer questions to deepen understanding.
2.L.1 / I can give examples of collective nouns.
I can use irregular plural nouns.
I can identify reflexive pronouns.
I can name/use past tense verbs that don’t end in –ed.
I can use adjectives to describe nouns.
I can use adverbs to describe verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.
I can determine when to use adjective/adverb.
2.L.2 / I can capitalize holidays, product names and geographic names.
I can use commas in greetings and closings of letters.
I can use an apostrophe to make contractions.
I can use an apostrophe to make a word possessive.
I can use spelling patterns to write new words.
I can use a dictionary to check/correct the spelling of a word.
Quarter 2
Math / NBT - Numbers & Operations OA - Operations & Algebraic Thinking
G - Geometry MD - Measurement & Data
2.OA.2 / I can start at any single digit and count on to find a sum.
I can find a sum by making a ten and breaking apart numbers.
I can understand the relationship between addition and subtraction.
I can use mental strategies to add and subtract.
2.NBT.5 / I can add numbers within 100 based on place value and other addition strategies.
I can subtract numbers within 100 based on place value and other subtraction strategies.
2.OA.1 / I can identify the problem types to solve word problems.
I can use addition to join two amounts
I can solve addition problems when there is an unknown change
I can solve addition problems when there is an unknown amount at the beginning
I can use subtraction to find how many are left
I can use subtraction to solve problems where the start is unknown
I can use subtraction to find a missing amount
I can solve two-step problems with addition and subtraction.
I can solve for a symbol that represents an unknown change in addition and subtraction problems.
2.MD.7 / I can tell time to the nearest 5 minutes using an analog clock.
I can tell time using am and pm.
I can read a digital clock.
I can write time to the nearest 5 minutes.
2.MD.8 / I can identify the name of each coin and its value.
I can count and compare sets of coins and write the ¢ sign correctly.
I can count whole dollar combinations.
I can make and recognize equal collections of coins and whole dollar amounts.
I can solve money word problems using money.
I can use the $ and ¢ appropriately.
ELA / RL – Reading Literature RI – Reading Informational Text RF – Reading Foundational Skills
W - Writing SL – Speaking & Listening L - Language
2.RI.3 / I can relate different historical events within a text.
I can relate scientific ideas within a text.
I can relate steps of a process within a text.
2.RI.4 / I can find meanings for 2nd grade words and phrases.
I can use context clues to determine word meaning.
2.RI.5 / I can identify a variety of text features to help me find information and key facts.
I can use various text features to find key facts or information in a text to gain meaning.
2.RI.6 / I can tell the author’s main purpose of a text.
2.RI.7 / I can explain how images (diagrams, charts, etc.) relate to the text.
2.RL.2 / I can retell a variety of stories from diverse cultures.
I can identify the main idea of the selection.
2.RL.3 / I can tell who the characters are in a story.
I can describe how a character responds to an event in a story.
2.RL.9 / I can compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story.
2.W.1 / I can write sentences to introduce an opinion product.
I can give reasons to support my opinion using linking words (eg. because and also).
I can write an ending sentence to close an opinion.
2.W.5 / I can correct and make changes to my writing with the help of others.
2.W.6 / I can use digital tools, (Powerpoint, Word, Publisher, Smartboard, websites, etc) to create a writing product by myself or in a group.
2.SL.2 / I can retell key ideas and details from what I have heard.
2.SL.4 / I can orally tell a story/experience including facts and details.
2.L.4 / I can use the sentence to determine the meaning of a word or phrase.
I can determine the meaning of a new word when a prefix is added to a known word.
I can use a known root word to understand the meaning of an unknown word with the same root.
I can use my knowledge of individual words to predict the meaning of compound words.
I can use a glossary and dictionary to determine the meaning of words and phrases.
2.L.5 / I can understand word relationships.
I can name adjectives with similar meanings.
I can name verbs with similar meanings.
Quarter 3
Math / NBT - Numbers & Operations OA - Operations & Algebraic Thinking
G - Geometry MD - Measurement & Data
2.NBT.6 / I can add up to four two digit numbers using the place value strategy.
I can add up to four two digit number using the associative property.
2.NBT.7 / I can add three digit numbers using base ten blocks or drawings.
I can subtract three digit numbers using base ten blocks or drawings.
I can add three digit numbers using different strategies.
I can subtract three digit numbers using different strategies.
2.NBT.8 / I can add in my head ten or a hundred to a given three digit number.
I can subtract in my head ten or a hundred from a three digit number.
2.NBT.9 / I can explain why addition strategies work.
I can explain why subtraction strategies work.
2.G.1 / I can identify triangles, squares, rectangles, trapezoids, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes.
I can draw triangles, squares, rectangles, trapezoids, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes that have the same attributes.
2.OA.4 / I can understand a rectangular array.
I can use an array to find a sum.
2.G.2 / I can split a rectangle into same size squares.
2.G.3 / I can divide circles and rectangles into two, three or four equal shares.
I can describe equal shares.
I can recognize that rectangles that are the same size can be divided into the same number of parts but have different shapes.
ELA / RL – Reading Literature RI – Reading Informational Text RF – Reading Foundational Skills
W - Writing SL – Speaking & Listening L - Language
2.RI.1 / I can use clues from the text to answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions from the text.
I can use clues from the text to ask who, what, when, where, why, and how questions from the text.
2.RI.4 / I can find meanings for 2nd grade words and phrases.
I can use context clues to determine word meaning.
2.RI.5 / I can identify a variety of text features to help me find information and key facts.
I can use various text features to find key facts or information in a text to gain meaning.
2.RI.7 / I can explain how images (diagrams, charts, etc.) relate to the text.
2.RL.2 / I can retell a variety of stories from diverse cultures.
I can identify the main idea of the selection.
2.RL.3 / I can tell who the characters are in a story.
I can describe how a character responds to an event in a story.
2.RL.4 / I can recognize the parts of a poem, song, or story that give rhythm and meaning.
2.RL.9 / I can compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story.
2.RL.10 / By the end of the year I can read a variety of genres/texts on or above grade level on my own.
By the end of the year I can understand a variety of genres/texts on or above my grade level on my own.
2.W.5 / I can correct and make changes to my writing with the help of others.
2.W.6 / I can use digital tools, (power point, word, publisher, smartboard, websites, etc) to create a writing product by myself or in a group.
2.W.7 / I can work together with others to research and write about a topic.
2.W.8 / I can use information to answer a question.
2.SL.3 / I can listen carefully to a speaker and ask/answer questions to deepen understanding.
2.SL.6 / I can express (verbally and written) my ideas in complete sentences.
2.L.4 / I can use the sentence to determine the meaning of a word or phrase.
I can determine the meaning of a new word when a prefix is added to a known word.
I can use a known root word to understand the meaning of an unknown word with the same root.
I can use my knowledge of individual words to predict the meaning of compound words.
I can use a glossary and dictionary to determine the meaning of words and phrases.
2.L.5 / I can understand word relationships.
I can name adjectives with similar meanings.
I can name verbs with similar meanings.
2.L.6 / Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to describe (e.g., When other kids are happy that makes me happy).
Quarter 4
Math / NBT - Numbers & Operations OA - Operations & Algebraic Thinking
G - Geometry MD - Measurement & Data
2.OA.1 / I can identify the problem types to solve word problems.
I can use addition to join two amounts
I can solve addition problems when there is an unknown change
I can solve addition problems when there is an unknown amount at the beginning
I can use subtraction to find how many are left
I can use subtraction to solve problems where the start is unknown
I can use subtraction to find a missing amount
I can solve two-step problems with addition and subtraction.
I can solve for a symbol that represents an unknown change in addition and subtraction problems.
2.NBT.5 / I can add numbers within 100 based on place value and other addition strategies.
I can subtract numbers within 100 based on place value and other subtraction strategies.
2.MD.1 / I can choose the correct tool to measure the length of objects.
I can measure the length of objects using a ruler, yardstick, meter stick, and measuring tape.
2.MD.2 / I can use two different units of length to measure the same object.
I can recognize and describe that the relationship between the size of a unit and the number of units needed will vary.
2.MD.3 / I can estimate lengths of objects using different units of measurement.
2.MD.4 / I can choose a measuring tool and measure two different objects.
I can tell the difference in length between the two objects.
2.MD.5 / I can use addition up to 100 to solve word problems involving lengths with the same unit.
I can use subtraction up to 100 to solve word problems involving lengths with the same unit.
2.MD.6 / I can add using a number line from 0 to 100.
I can subtract using a number line from 0 to 100.
2.MD.9 / I can use measurement data to create a line plot.
I can use the data in my line plot to answer questions and tell facts.
2.MD.10 / I can draw a picture graph to represent data up to four categories.
I can draw a bar graph to represent data up to four categories.
I can collect data to create a picture or bar graph.
ELA / RL – Reading Literature RI – Reading Informational Text RF – Reading Foundational Skills
W - Writing SL – Speaking & Listening L - Language
2.RI.1 / I can use clues from the text to answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions from the text.
I can use clues from the text to ask who, what, when, where, why, and how questions from the text.
2.RI.2 / I can identify the main idea of a text with several paragraphs.
2.RI.3 / I can relate different historical events within a text.
I can relate scientific ideas within a text.
I can relate steps of a process within a text.
2.RI.5 / I can identify a variety of text features to help me find information and key facts.
I can use various text features to find key facts or information in a text to gain meaning.
2.RI.6 / I can tell the author’s main purpose of a text.
2.RI.8 / I can describe the author’s reasoning by finding and supporting the details in the text.
2.RI.9 / I can find similarities and differences within two texts of the same topic.
2.RI.10 / By the end of the year I can read a variety of informational texts (history/social studies, science, and technical texts) on my own.
By the end of the year I can understand a variety of informational texts on or above my grade level on my own.
2.W.2 / I can write a sentence to introduce an informative/explanatory product.
2.W.4 / Begins in Grade 3
2.W.5 / I can correct and make changes to my writing with the help of others.
2.SL.5 / I can create an audio recording of a story or poem.
I can use visual aids to help others understand my story.
2.L.3 / I can compare writing that is formal and informal.
I can compare speaking that is formal and informal.

Document created by Iredell-Statesville Schools Curriculum and Technology Departments. These Essentials are aligned with the 2016-2017 Iredell-Statesville Schools Second Grade Curriculum Guide Unit Map. Essentials taught each quarter may vary depending on student need.